My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 865 The little wife is his, how can he draw another man?

"Yes, master."

Chen Bo respectfully replied.

And quickly stepped forward, and took away the fried egg villain that was made after his young master smashed eggs all over the floor.

However, Lin Qian Yi was still laughing constantly, as if she couldn't laugh enough.

In the end, Di Yanmo couldn't bear it anymore, he accurately grabbed his little wife's lips, and bit her lightly as if punishing her.

Lin Qian Yi was taken aback for a moment, then laughed again.

Di Yanmo had no choice but to cover his little wife's lips again to prevent her from laughing.

If he continued to laugh, even if his egg wasn't broken, it would be broken by his little wife.

After the eggs shattered all over the floor this time, Di Yanmo decided that he would never use eggs to coax his little wife again!


Soon, a week passed.

It was also Yao Wenxi's birthday.

A few days ago, Yao Wenxi had specially called Lin Qian Yi to invite her to his birthday party.

Naturally, Lin Qian Yi agreed without saying a word, which made Di Yanmo, who was sitting next to her, jealous again for a while.

"Okay, let's go and go to brother Wenxi's birthday party."

Seeing that the two buns and fourth master were ready, Lin Qian Yi immediately stood up from the sofa and said.

Immediately, he went to get the packaged painting that was almost one meter high and put aside.

However, Di Yanmo picked it up first, but there was an obvious 'I'm upset' expression on Jun's face.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing that her fourth master looked like a wronged child, Lin Qian Yi couldn't help asking amusedly.

Di Yanmo didn't speak, but just looked at her.

Lin Qian Yi shook her head amusedly, stretched out her hand to pat his head, and coaxed, "Okay, okay, don't be angry, I'll always draw you from now on, okay?"

Didn't she just draw a portrait of Yao Wenxi and give it to Yao Wenxi as a gift?

However, when my fourth master saw it, he immediately became upset.

Although the fourth master didn't say anything, she knew that her fourth master was jealous again.

"You haven't even painted me."

Di Yanmo seemed to complain.

The little wife is his, how can he draw other men? !

Di Yanmo was upset, but he would never take anger at his young wife, he would only take anger at Yao Wenxi, the most capable culprit.

Lin Qian Yi was wronged immediately, "Yes, didn't you come back from the charity auction? It's still hanging in the study."

Lin Qian Yi looked at her fourth master strangely. Could it be that the fourth master had Alzheimer's in advance?

Forget it so soon? And, you can still see it every day.

Although, what she drew was fourth master's back.

But that's also fourth master.

However, Fourth Master became even more resentful, as if Lin Qian Yi had done something outrageous.

Lin Qian Yi surrendered in a moment, "Okay, okay, I will definitely draw you from now on, and I won't draw anyone, okay?"

Lin Qian Yi coaxed, and then gave her fourth master a big comfort.

The fourth master, who knew that he would accept as soon as he saw it, was naturally satisfied.

At the same time, he quickly grabbed the little wife's head, deepening the meme that was automatically delivered.

Seeing that Mommy and Dad showed affection again, the two buns silently looked away, pretending they couldn't see anything.

Di Yanmo, as a father, was very satisfied with the eye-catching appearance of the two buns.


Thinking of that Yao Wenxi, Di Yanmo narrowed his deep eyes slightly, and a hint of danger quickly flashed in his eyes.

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