My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 866 Fourth master declares sovereignty like a child

Yao Wenxi's birthday party was held in a six-star hotel.

When Lin Qian Yi and others arrived, many people had already arrived, and most of those people were unknown to Lin Qian Yi.

As soon as Lin Qianyi and the others came in, Yao Wenxi saw them.

"Yiyi, you're finally here, I was afraid you wouldn't come."

Yao Wenxi talked to the person who was chatting, and then impatiently walked towards Lin Qian Yi.

Seeing the gentle and innocent smile on Yao Wenxi's face, Lin Qian Yi smiled unconsciously.

"How come, I said I will come, then I will definitely come."

Lin Qian Yi said with a smile.

Immediately, he took the painting from his fourth master and handed it to Yao Wenxi.

"This is a birthday present for you, happy birthday, I hope you like it."

Hearing this, Yao Wenxi's face was filled with joy, as if he was very excited, he quickly took it.

"As long as it is a gift from Yiyi, no matter what it is, I will like it."

Yao Wenxi didn't know why, he always felt that Lin Qian Yi was a very important person to him.

However, exactly why he felt this way, he really didn't know why.

However, he knew that his feeling for Lin Qian Yi was not the love between lovers.

However, Yao Wenxi's sincere words made Di Yanmo's face darken instantly, and his deep eyes contained even more coldness.

Sensing the change in her fourth master, Lin Qian Yi quickly took his arm to prevent him from erupting.

At the same time, the other hand was placed on fourth master's generous back, gently smoothing his hair.

Di Yanmo was very satisfied with his little wife's actions, and narrowed his eyes slightly, enjoying his little wife's smooth hair.

The big hand, even more invisible, hugged his little wife's waist, as if declaring sovereignty.

At the same time, like a child, he glanced at Yao Wenxi proudly, as if to show off.

But Yao Wenxi was a little confused, not understanding why Di Yanmo was suddenly full of hostility towards him.

At this moment, a slightly complaining voice came.

"Wenxi, you are biased. You didn't say that when my sister gave you a gift."

Yao Wenxuan's voice came from the right.

Beside her was a man in his forties. The man was tall, with a cold face and a scar on the left side of his face.

As soon as he looked at it, he knew he was not someone to be trifled with.

Seeing Yao Wenxuan, Yao Wenxi scratched his head and seemed a little embarrassed.

"No, my sister is my dearest person. Every time my sister gives me a gift, I like it very much."

Seeing her younger brother's slightly embarrassed expression, Yao Wenxuan chuckled lightly, and stopped teasing her innocent younger brother.


Yao Wenxuan looked at Lin Qian Yi and the others, and greeted them with a smile.

Lin Qian Yi also smiled and nodded in response.

"This is my husband, Wen Lingyang."

Yao Wenxuan looked at the man following her, and introduced Lin Qian Yi and the others.

After Yao Wenxuan's introduction, Wen Lingyang nodded politely to Lin Qian Yi and the others, but his face was still cold and rigid.

At the same time, when Wen Lingyang looked at Di Yanmo, there was a trace of strangeness.

And Di Yanmo just glanced at Wen Lingyang lightly, and didn't say anything.

Facing God Yan Mo's gaze, Wen Lingyang's eyes were fixed, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

Lin Qian Yi also nodded politely to Wen Lingyang, "Hello, this is my husband, Di Yanmo, and our two babies."

With that said, Lin Qian Yi rubbed the little heads of the two buns.

The two buns raised their heads very cleverly, and shouted to Yao Wenxuan, "Hello, Uncle and Auntie~"

"Okay~ so cute."

Seeing the two cute buns, Yao Wenxuan couldn't help softening her face.

Seeing that the two men were the ones who didn't like to talk, Yao Wenxuan couldn't help but look at the things her younger brother was holding in his hand.

Yao Wenxuan smiled gratefully at Lin Qian Yi, and then said mysteriously to her younger brother:

"Do you know what you are holding in your hand?"

A look of confusion flashed across Yao Wenxi's eyes, but he still replied, "This is a gift from Yiyi."

The smile on Yao Wenxuan's face deepened, "Don't you see what it is?"

"Uh, I..."

Yao Wenxi looked at Lin Qian Yi questioningly, as if asking if he could open the gift.

"It's okay, just take it apart and have a look."

Lin Qian Yi knew that Yao Wenxuan was planning to see what kind of expression Yao Wenxi would have when he saw the painting.

Hearing this, Yao Wenxi smiled brightly, then carefully put the things on the ground, bent down and tried to tear open the package from below.

However, the moment he bent down, the thing on his neck slipped out of his collar and was exposed to everyone's sight.

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