My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 867 Possessing the same blood jade, are they siblings?

Lin Qian Yi's eyes were on Yao Wenxi, so when something slipped from his neck, she saw it.

However, when she saw clearly what Yao Wenxi was carrying, her eyes suddenly widened.

Both the expression and the eyes are full of shock and disbelief.

Staring at the extremely familiar piece of blood jade, Lin Qian Yi's body began to tremble slightly.

After a long time, his eyes moved away from the blood jade, and looked at Yao Wenxi's handsome and gentle face.

His eyes didn't blink for a moment, as if he was afraid that if he blinked, the person would disappear.

Di Yanmo was the first to notice something was wrong with Lin Qian Yi.

Di Yanmo was puzzled at first, and then felt his little wife's body tremble slightly, and he couldn't help becoming nervous.

"What's wrong?"

Di Yanmo held her shoulders with both hands, turned her around, and looked at her worriedly.

However, Lin Qian Yi did not answer.

However, his head still turned to Yao Wenxi, and his eyes were firmly locked on Yao Wenxi.

Di Yanmo frowned slightly, followed the eyes of his little wife, and looked at Yao Wenxi.

In just an instant, Di Yanmo caught the blood jade that Yao Wenxi carried around his neck.

Di Yanmo recognized that piece of blood jade.

Because, he had seen his little wife, and carefully put a piece of blood jade in the safe.

Said that it was back then, when Xia Yuwei picked up his little wife, the blood jade was hung around her neck.

However, Lin Qian Yi was very active by nature, and she even learned kendo and taekwondo since she was a child.

In order not to break or lose the blood jade, Xia Yuwei asked Lin Qian Yi to put it away.

And that blood jade was exactly the same as the blood jade that Yao Wenxi was carrying at this time!

Di Yanmo frowned, and his deep eyes flickered for a while, making it impossible to see through his thoughts.

"Calm down first, now is not the right time, wait until the birthday party is over, and then talk, okay?"

Sensing that his little wife was getting more and more agitated, Di Yanmo quickly hugged her into his arms and stroked her back.

Trying to calm her down.

Xu Shi Di Yanmo's words had the effect of comforting, Lin Qian Yi finally looked away from Yao Wenxi.

Lin Qian Yi raised her head and looked at her fourth master, with complicated emotions in her eyes.

Some are excited, some are flustered, and some are at a loss.

Di Yanmo smiled softly, gently stroked her small face with his big hand, and kissed her brow with his thin lips.

"Hey, with me here, he can't escape."

Di Yanmo rubbed his little wife's head and coaxed softly.

Hearing this, Lin Qian Yi was both funny and speechless.

What does it mean that with him around, Yao Wenxi can't escape?

How should I say it, she seems to want to catch Yao Wenxi and let him do something to him later?

However, after her fourth master made such a guarantee, Lin Qian Yi's agitated mood just now gradually calmed down.

However, her heart was still churning with monstrous waves.

Is it a coincidence that Yao Wenxi has the same blood jade as her? Or is there really a connection between the two?

Lin Qian Yi couldn't wait to know, but she also knew that now was not the time.

Moreover, she doesn't know how to speak now.

More importantly, did she really fail to figure out what was the connection between her and Yao Wenxi?

Suppose he and Yao Wenxi are siblings, but Yao Wenxuan is Yao Wenxi's sister? !

Therefore, this assumption does not hold at all.

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