Since they are not siblings, what is the connection between the two?

Or is there someone else in the world who happens to have the same blood jade?

Various conjectures kept flashing through Lin Qian Yi's mind.

"This painting? Is this the painting of 'Ai Mo'?!"

When Yao Wenxi unpacked the picture frame and stared at himself in the picture, he was immediately stunned.

After a while, Yao Wenxi squatted down to look at the painting in front of him, his slender and fair fingers lightly slid across the glass.

"It's really a painting of 'Ai Mo'!"

After careful study, Yao Wenxi said firmly, his handsome face was full of excitement.

Seeing her younger brother so happy, Yao Wenxuan also laughed.

"How is it? Surprised? Do you like it?"

Yao Wenxuan looked at her younger brother and asked with a smile.

As long as it makes her brother happy, she can do anything.

All along, this younger brother has been with her. Without him, she would never be able to persist.

Yao Wenxi couldn't let go of the painting, and he held the frame carefully with both hands, lest one accidentally break it.

"Well, I like it very much, thank you sister."

The excitement on Yao Wenxi's face did not weaken at all. At this moment, all he could see was the painting in front of him.

The self in the painting is wearing a white suit, holding a small cake in his hand, with a soft smile on his face, and his eyes are clear and free of impurities.

This image of Yao Wenxi is obviously the same as when she attended Jia Huijing's wedding before.

Yao Wenxi in the painting is like a greedy innocent angel who steals small cakes.

With just one glance, one can feel that he is so pure that one cannot bear to be profane.

Suddenly, Yao Wenxi's eyes widened, filled with disbelief.

Yao Wenxi stood up instantly and looked at Lin Qian Yi.

"Yiyi, you, you are 'Ai Mo'?"

Yao Wenxi stared wide-eyed and covered herself up. Looking at Lin Qian Yi, she even breathed carefully, lest she heard it wrong.

Yao Wenxi's question made Lin Qian Yi, who was caught in her own thoughts, quickly come back to her senses.

Perhaps because of the piece of blood jade that Yao Wenxi was carrying, Lin Qian Yi's affection for Yao Wenxi instantly increased a bit.

Seeing Yao Wenxi's stunned expression, Lin Qian Yi suppressed the dreadful waves in her heart, and nodded under Yao Wenxi's shocked gaze.

"Well, I'm 'Ai Mo', why? Surprised?"

Lin Qian Yi said with a smile.

There was a hint of teasing in her tone, as if the distance between her and Yao Wenxi had shortened a bit.

Di Yanmo was naturally aware of this, but he didn't say anything.

Not even a trace of displeasure or jealousy.

Because, he already had a definite guess about the relationship between his little wife and Yao Wenxi.

Hearing Lin Qian Yi's affirmative answer, Yao Wenxi was stunned again in an instant, her mouth almost became O-shaped.

Seeing Yao Wenxi's reaction, Lin Qian Yi and Yao Wenxuan looked at each other and smiled even brighter.

"Okay, stop staring at Qian Yi, or Mr. Di will be jealous."

Yao Wenxuan has been in the entertainment industry for many years, so she is naturally very good at observing people's expressions.

When she saw a trace of displeasure flashing in Di Yanmo's eyes, Yao Wenxuan immediately stepped forward and patted her younger brother on the shoulder, reminding her half-jokingly.

When Yao Wenxi came back to his senses, a blush suddenly appeared on his face.

"That... Brother Mo, please don't get me wrong, I have nothing to do with Yiyi, I was just too shocked, that's why I..."

Yao Wenxi blushed and explained in embarrassment.

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