Di Yanmo didn't speak, but just cast him a faint glance.

Lin Qian Yi knew her fourth master's cold temper, so she smiled at Yao Wenxi and said, "It's okay, Sister Wenxuan was just joking with you."

"That's right, why are you still so innocent, one day my sister won't be by your side, and you won't even know if you've been cheated."

Yao Wenxuan continued what Lin Qian Yi said.

At the same time, he reached out and poked Yao Wenxi's mind, but his tone was full of love for Yao Wenxi's younger brother.

Yao Wenxi smiled warmly, "That's because you are my sister, that's why I believe it. Naturally, I don't easily believe what other people say, and I remember my sister's teachings.

Besides, you are my elder sister and my only family member. Of course we will always be together. "

Yao Wenxi said sincerely.

Even if you can't live together and see each other every day, you can visit often.

After hearing Yao Wenxi's words, Yao Wenxuan felt very sweet in her heart, although she had to suffer a lot to bring up her younger brother.

However, in Yao Wenxuan's heart, her younger brother will always be her dearest person, more than her life.

"Okay, okay, now you are getting better at making your sister happy."

Yao Wenxuan rubbed her brother's head and said happily.

Yao Wenxi still had a gentle smile on his face, he didn't mind at all, Yao Wenxuan messed up his hairstyle.

Looking at the interaction between the two siblings in front of her, a look of complexity flashed in Lin Qian Yi's eyes.

However, it quickly recovered.

"Then I'll go and put the painting away first?"

Yao Wenxi smiled happily, looked at Yao Wenxuan and Lin Qian Yi, as if they were asking questions.

"Go, go, I know your baby has painted."

Yao Wenxuan waved her hand, and said jokingly first.

After getting permission, Yao Wenxi moved the painting carefully and prepared to find a place to put it away.

"Na Yiyi, you guys play around by yourself first, and I have prepared a lot of strawberry-flavored cakes today."

Before leaving, Yao Wenxi still said thoughtfully.

Looking at Yao Wenxi who was walking cautiously, Lin Qian Yi's face was full of smiles, and there was unconsciously a hint of love in her bright eyes.

"Oye Oye, Mommy, Mommy, shall we go eat cake? I want the biggest one."

Hearing that there was cake to eat, Di Moxin's little bun immediately jumped up with joy, and wanted to run while dragging his mommy.

However, Lin Qian Yi stopped her.

"The snacks here are all good, you can try them."

Before Lin Qian Yi could speak, Yao Wenxuan, the host, spoke firstly.

"Well, okay, sister Wenxuan, go entertain other guests, we can do whatever we want."

Lin Qian Yi also said politely.

There were at least 40 or 50 people who came to Yao Wenxi's birthday today, and it was impossible to greet only his family.

So, Lin Qian Yi naturally knew what to say.

Sure enough, Yao Wenxuan answered, "Well, if you need anything, just call the waiter here."

Lin Qian Yi nodded in response.

After Yao Wenxuan turned and left, Lin Qian Yi kept staring at Wen Lingyang's tall back.

Suddenly, a strong chest blocked her sight.

Lin Qian Yi subconsciously looked up, and what she saw was her fourth master's handsome face full of accusations.

"Uh, what's the matter?"

Lin Qian Yi blinked and asked innocently.

Seeing his innocent little wife, Di Yanmo felt extremely aggrieved in his heart, almost without internal injuries.

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