Seeing this, the original expectation in the waiter's eyes disappeared in an instant, and his brows were slightly frowned.

However, he was still spotted by the precocious Di Moshen Da Baozi.

"Kid, I'm not a bad person. I work here, so don't be afraid."

The waiter still had a friendly smile, and said softly to Di Mo.

It's as harmless as a confidant big sister.

However, Di Mo's deep eyes looked at the waiter with more vigilance.

Seeing Di Moshen's cool face, watching her vigilantly without speaking, the waiter smiled helplessly.

Pick up another glass of juice on the tray and put it in front of Di Moshen, "Try the juice here too, it's much better than the outside."

The waiter coaxed with a smile.

Di Moxin looked at his brother, still covering his mouth, and nodded to his brother, as if agreeing with the waiter's words.

"Need not."

However, Di Moshen threw out two words coolly, and then let his sister continue to eat cakes.

And he himself, just like his father, glanced at the waiter lightly, then ignored her and continued to eat the small cake.

The waiter's pupils shrank, and there seemed to be a flash of shock in his eyes.

She never knew that a three-year-old child would have such terrifying eyes.

It's like a little evil god, which makes people fearful.

The waiter hurriedly lowered his head, his eyes flickered, and he raised his head again after a while, and said with a soft smile:

"I've put the juice here. Just drink it. My sister still has work, so I'll leave first."

After speaking, the waiter took the tray and left.

After seeing the waiter walk away, Di Moxin's little bun carefully put down his little hand covering his little mouth.

"elder brother?"

Di Mo hearted the little bun, tugged on his brother's clothes, his big eyes were full of doubts.

"She's weird."

Di Mo stared deeply at the leaving waiter, squinted slightly and replied.

At this moment, Di Mo Shen's big steamed stuffed bun looked like a miniature version of Fourth Master.

Di Moxin's little bun blinked his eyes, although he didn't understand, but he was the smartest to flatter his brother, and his words were all right.

Di Moxin nodded obediently, "Oh."

Immediately, he continued to eat the small cake happily.

As for the waiter, he turned a corner, disappeared behind Di Moshen's gaze, and quickly walked towards a box.

"How about it?"

As soon as the waiter entered the door, the people waiting in the room couldn't wait to ask.

"Miss Yao."

The waiter walked over quickly and said quickly, "I almost asked, but the older boy is very vigilant and guarded against me."

After finishing speaking, the waiter carefully raised his head, looked at the beautiful woman in front of him, and continued:

"However, when I asked if anyone was missing or separated, the little girl thought about it for a while, and it seems that there should be."

The waiter spoke out the guesses in his heart one by one.

As for the Miss Yao she was talking about, after hearing her words, her expression became very complicated.

After a while, he took out a small stack of money from his bag, put it on the table, looked at the waiter sternly, and warned:

"You should know what to say and what not to say."

The waiter smiled and nodded repeatedly, "Don't worry, Ms. Yao, I know what to do."

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