"Well, let's go out." Miss Yao nodded in satisfaction.


The waiter responded, then quickly picked up the money on the table, and left the private room.

"Ling Yang, what do you think?"

After the waiter left, Miss Yao, no, it should be Yao Wenxuan who looked at Wen Lingyang and asked.

From the first meeting with Lin Qian Yi, Yao Wenxuan already felt that Lin Qian Yi's eyes resembled her brother's.

Especially when I laugh, I think even more.

This point can be drawn from her observation just now.

At first, she was still a little uncertain, but after the observation just now, she already had some doubts.

Wen Lingyang, who was being questioned, put down the champagne in his hand, got up and walked to Yao Wenxuan to sit down.

"Very similar."

Wen Lingyang only said two words, but it was enough to show that he also thought there was something hidden in it.

"No, Wenxi was brought up by me alone, I can't give Wenxi back to her, even if she is Wenxi's biological sister."

A very excited emotion appeared on Yao Wenxuan's face, and she clenched her hands tightly.

There is a seventeen-year difference between Yao Wenxuan and Yao Wenxi.

To the outside world, she has always claimed that Yao Wenxi is her younger brother, but it is not.

Yao Wenxi was picked up by Yao Wenxuan's parents when they came back from the city.

At that time, Yao Wenxi was just a baby, just a few days old.

Yao Wenxuan's parents are both rural and simple, and since there is no boy in their family, Yao Wenxi was left behind and raised as a son.

Even Yao Wenxi didn't know that he was actually picked up for adoption.

Yao Wenxuan's parents both suddenly fell ill and died when Yao Wenxi was one year old.

Only Yao Wenxuan and Yao Wenxi were left behind.

In order to support Yao Wenxi, Yao Wenxuan was willing to do any job. It was not until she was picked up by a talent scout that her life became easier.

Therefore, Yao Wenxi was not his biological identity, and only Yao Wenxuan and Wen Lingyang knew about it.

"Well, don't worry, as long as you don't want to, I won't let anyone take Wenxi away."

Wen Lingyang hugged Yao Wenxuan into his arms, and patted her on the back to comfort her.

"Well, thank you Ling Yang, you have really done a lot for me these years, and I don't even know how to repay you."

With red eyes, Yao Wenxuan hugged Wen Lingyang tightly, and said gratefully.

A smile appeared on Wen Lingyang's cold face.

"Haven't you already paid me back? My wife."

Wen Lingyang smiled.

Hearing this, Yao Wenxuan laughed lightly, and the worries just now disappeared in an instant.

However, her eyes were full of determination.

Yao Wenxi and Yao Wenxuan have lived together for more than 20 years. Naturally, it is impossible for Yao Wenxuan to give back the younger brother who was raised by herself to others.

Even though Lin Qian Yi was Yao Wenxi's biological sister.

People's hearts are long, so Yao Wenxuan could only say sorry to Lin Qian Yi in her heart.

But Lin Qian Yi didn't notice everything that happened quietly here.

Just as Lin Qian Yi and her fourth master were showing affection and waiting for the birthday party to end, Wen Lingyang had already started to move.

The birthday party has just begun, and there is still a long way to go before it ends.

After Yao Wenxi put the painting away, he came back immediately.

After chatting with Lin Qian Yi again for a while, Yao Wenxuan dragged her to cut the cake.

After cutting the cake, Yao Wenxi was immediately surrounded by many people, and the scene was very lively.

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