Looking at the delicious fish in the big brother's hand, Di Mo smacked his mouth and nodded, "I think."

Hearing Di Moxin's answer, the smile on Kang Zixuan's face became brighter, and he stretched out his hand to rub the little bun's head.

"Sister Mo Xin will wait for my brother for a while, and my brother will go get the tools."

After finishing speaking, Kang Zixuan kept his hands on the fish, and ran into the villa to find the tool in his mouth.

Seeing Kang Zixuan running away, Di Mo pursed his lips deeply, and looked at his sister seriously.

"Sister, I'm your elder brother, you have to obediently obey what your elder brother says."

Looking at the serious brother, Di Moxin's little bun blinked, and nodded seriously, "Okay, little bun listens to brother."

"When that idiot gives you fish, you can say you are full, you know?"

Di Moshen asked his sister to tell his big bun.

Di Moxin's little bun looked at the shiitake mushrooms in her hand, she had only eaten one shiitake mushroom, she wasn't full yet.

However, seeing his brother's serious appearance, Di Moxin nodded obediently, "Understood, brother."

It's right to listen to my brother, and follow my brother to have meat to eat.

This is what Di Moxin's little bun has always believed in.

Hearing the conversation between the two buns, Lin Qian Yi and the others burst out laughing.

At this time, Lin Qian Yi had already been overwhelmed by her two buns, they were too cute, they were so cute, why not!

However, Kang Zixuan, who hadn't seen him for more than three years, was just too cute, of course, in a silly and cute way.

While eating the food delivered by fourth master, Lin Qian Yi admired the cute interaction between her two buns.

As for Di Yanwei, it was already predictable, waiting for his son's bitter little expression.

Thinking of his son's bitter expression, Di Yanwei, as a biological mother, smiled unkindly.

Seeing his wife laughing and eating, Kang Junyan frowned and said, "Don't laugh, be careful of choking."

As soon as Kang Junyan finished speaking, Di Yanwei choked.

"Cough cough cough—"

Di Yanwei coughed dryly and slapped his chest fiercely, trying to get the food stuck in his throat out.

Kang Junyan's expression froze, and he asked Di Yanwei to lie on his legs, and made a quick movement with his hands.

The food stuck in Di Yanwei's throat was immediately spit out.

"Why do you think like a child, even choking on food."

Kang Junyan handed the water to Di Yanwei's mouth, although his expression was still cold, but there was a hint of pampering helplessness in his tone.

Di Yan took his hand slightly and drank a few sips of water.

After feeling better, Di Yanwei immediately retorted:

"It's not all about you. If you suddenly say something that chokes, it's you who made me choke, okay. The villain should sue first."

Diyan puffed his face slightly, and said humbly, Chi Guoguo's cheating, is there any? !

Seeing that Di Yanwei was fine, the others felt relieved.

After hearing Di Yanwei's words, Lin Qian Yi and the others silently gave her thirty-two likes in their hearts.

There is no one who can act shamelessly in public like this without blushing and heartbeating.

Kang Junyan seemed to be accustomed to his wife's cheating, he patted her mind lightly with his big hand, and a hint of pampering flashed in his cold eyes.

"If you choke again, I will punish you when you get home."

Kang Junyan approached her ear and whispered.

Regarding Kang Junyan's domineering threat, Di Yanwei snorted in dissatisfaction, but when he ate again, he became more careful.

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