Seeing the interaction between Kang Junyan and the others, the others looked at each other and smiled, and they all saw the sinister smile in each other's eyes.

Ten minutes later, Kang Zixuan's big bun, who ran into the villa to find tools, finally came out with a small plate in his hand.

Kang Zixuan moved his calves and ran over with a smile all over his face.

"Sister Mo Xin, I'm picky about the fish, you can eat it, it's delicious."

As if presenting a treasure, Kang Zixuan put the plate in front of Di Moxin's little bun, and handed over a fork thoughtfully.

Di Moxin didn't take it immediately, but looked at the fish that had jumped out of the bone on the plate.

He looked at his brother again, then raised his head to look at Kang Zixuan, "Brother Zixuan, the little bun is full."

"I am full?"

Kang Zixuan asked in astonishment, and then looked at Di Moxin's belly, his little face wrinkled.

That appearance seemed to say: Sister Mo Xin has such a small belly.

After hearing his sister's answer, Di Moshen was very satisfied, and rubbed his sister's little head as if rewarding her.

However, in the next second, everyone in the audience became a little stunned.

It's just because, after Di Moxin's little bun said that she was full, he took the fork and happily ate the fish.

That little appearance who eats with gusto is simply too happy!

"Pfft ha ha ha——Little Baozi, you are amazing, absolutely."

Di Yanfeng was the first to burst out laughing uncontrollably, and at the same time gave Xiao Baozi a thumbs up.

And the others also laughed.

It's not too weird to say that you are full, but you continue to eat.

Most importantly, they finally saw that Di Moshen's big bun with a cool little face finally turned red for the first time.

That expression shouldn't be too vivid, at least, it's much more vivid than the cool little face.

Di Moxin's little bun was unexpected, and both big buns were stunned.

After Kang Zixuan came to his senses, he immediately gave Di Mo a smug smile, with his small appearance, he really didn't deserve a beating.

"Hmph, little sister Mo Xin ate my fish, did you see that?"

Kang Zixuan said triumphantly.

Di Mo pursed his lips deeply, cast a cool glance at Kang Zixuan with his deep eyes, and then looked down at his sister.

"Sister, brother wants to eat fish."

Di Moshen spoke directly.

He was eating the little buns with great relish, when he heard what his brother said, he immediately shared his delicious food with his brother.

"There are still little buns here, brother eats."

Di Mo hearted the little bun, picked up a small piece of fish, and handed it to his brother's mouth, his face full of joy.

There is no meaning of reluctance.

For Di Moxin's little bun, her brother's is hers, and hers is his brother's, so it is right to share food with him.

Also, what my brother said was right.

The above is the result of Di Moshen fooling his own sister for so many years.

Regarding his sister's sharing without hesitation, the corner of Di Moshen's mouth curled up, and he glanced at Kang Zixuan triumphantly.

Immediately, he opened his mouth and ate the fish that his sister handed to his mouth.

Seeing that his brother had eaten, Di Moxin's little bun immediately forked another small piece of fish and handed it to his mouth.

"My sister is good, my brother won't eat, you can eat."

Di Moshen raised his little hand, like a little adult, touched his sister's little head and said softly.

After listening to his brother's words, Di Moxin began to eat the little buns by himself again.

Seeing that Di Moshen ate the fish he picked, Kang Zixuan immediately became upset, so he imitated the example and coaxed Di Moxin:

"Sister Mo Xin, brother Zixuan also wants to eat fish."

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