My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 887 Yao Wenxuan's background experience

After speaking, Kang Zixuan looked expectantly at Di Moxin's little bun.

However, Di Moxin's little bun directly stretched out his little hand.

"There are still a lot in the dish, but Brother Zixuan, be careful, Xiaoyuyu has a lot of thorns, and it will hurt very much if you get thorns."

Di Moxin pointed to the big plate with grilled fish and said, at the same time, he did not forget to remind Kang Zixuan.

Hearing Di Moxin's words, Kang Zixuan's heart broke instantly.

However, he still stubbornly raised his smiling face and replied, just because Di Moxin's little bun was looking at him eagerly.

Seeing Kang Zixuan who was about to cry but not laughing, the adults present laughed even more happily.

Are these two big buns competing for the favor of the little bun?

As for the two big buns, they completely ignored the adults' laughter and stared at each other.

Staring and staring, staring for a long time, almost did not become cross-eyed.


After a few people finished eating and went back to their homes, it was almost ten o'clock.

As soon as Lin Qian Yi came out of the bathroom, she saw her fourth master had just closed the door, and he was holding a file bag in his hand.

When Lin Qian Yi saw the file bag, she knew what it was.

Sure enough, Di Yanmo's words verified Lin Qian Yi's guess.

"Here is Yao Wenxuan's information, take a look, I'm going to take a bath."

Di Yanmo handed the file bag to his little wife, and after kissing her on the brow, he went to the bathroom with his pajamas.

Lin Qian Yi took the file bag, sat on the chair of the dressing table, and opened the file bag.

Soon, Lin Qian Yi read all the materials.

Sure enough, Yao Wenxi and Yao Wenxuan are not siblings.

Yao Wenxi was picked up by Yao Wenxuan's parents when she was just born.

However, Yao Wenxuan's parents both died of illness soon after.

In order to support her younger brother, Yao Wenxi, Yao Wenxuan dropped out of school and came to the city to work.

At the beginning, Yao Wenxuan even passed out because of too many jobs at once.

At the most difficult time for her, she was discovered by a scout.

The entertainment circle is very complicated. It is almost impossible for people without any background to enter the entertainment circle and want to climb up.

However, it happened that Yao Wenxuan did it, and she did it very well, relying on her own strength, step by step towards the position of today's international actress.

However, only Yao Wenxuan knew about the hardships and sufferings involved.

The reason Lin Qian Yi admired Yao Wenxuan was not only her superb acting skills, but also her hard work step by step.

It is really not easy to protect yourself in the complex circle of the entertainment industry.

Yao Wenxuan only became famous when she was thirty-three years old.

However, she has always been very low-key, and there are very few scandals. The only scandal is that she has a big brother behind her.

And Lin Qian Yi knew that the so-called big brother in society was the husband Wen Lingyang introduced by Yao Wenxuan.

Wen Lingyang knew at a glance that he was not a simple person, and he just happened to correspond with the rumored social elder brother.

Looking at the graduation photos in her hand, Lin Qian Yi showed a sincere smile on her face.

I have to say that Yao Wenxuan is really a good sister, no matter what she does, it is for Yao Wenxi's good.

She has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, but no one knows that she has a younger brother, which shows how cautious she is in protecting Yao Wenxi.

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