My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 888 The exercise is too strong, it is really not good

However, being very busy, she never missed the birthday and graduation ceremony of her brother Yao Wenxi.

Moreover, during the Chinese New Year, he would turn off all work, just to spend the New Year with his brother.

Looking at the photo of Yao Wenxi and Yao Wenxuan smiling brightly, Lin Qian Yi didn't feel extreme or unhappy at all.

Instead, I feel very happy, and at the same time, I am very grateful to Yao Wenxuan.

I am grateful to Yao Wenxuan for taking such good care of Yao Wenxi.

Lin Qian Yi never thought of snatching Yao Wenxi away from Yao Wenxuan.

She just wanted to recognize Yao Wenxi, so that she would have one more family member.

Moreover, she can also protect her relatives in an open and aboveboard manner.

"How? Are you still sad?"

Di Yanmo came behind his little wife, stretched out his strong arms, picked her up, and then sat on the chair by himself.

Sitting on her fourth master's lap, Lin Qian Yi didn't struggle, but found a comfortable place to nestle up.

"Not sad."

Lin Qian Yi raised her head and looked at her fourth master with a smile. There was a bewitching light in her bright eyes.

At least, to Di Yanmo, Lin Qian Yi was too attractive to her at this time.

To be more precise, in Di Yanmo's view, his little wife attracts him all the time.

He couldn't help it, and ate it again.

If it was changed before, Di Yanmo would never believe that anyone could influence him.

However, Zhi has changed since he met his little wife, everything about him has changed, just because of the appearance of his little wife.

The little wife often said that he was a rascal, but in fact, he was just imitating her.

It should be said that she was like the girl from fifteen years ago, the villain who played rogue in front of him all day long.

Whenever he thinks of his little wife who was a rascal at that time, the corners of Di Yanmo's mouth can't help but twitch slightly.

There was a touch of pampering and warmth in the temperatureless eyes.

"Then...have you thought of how to repay me?"

Di Yanmo buried his handsome face between her neck and sprayed all his hot breath on her neck.

Lin Qian Yi's body froze immediately, and she didn't dare to move, for fear that if she moved, the 'movement' factor in Si Ye's body would explode instantly.

"Shall I cook dumplings for you tomorrow?"

Lin Qian Yi looked at him and said uncertainly.

Di Yanmo didn't speak, but looked at her with incomparably hot eyes with deep eyes.

Like a wild beast that is about to swallow her in its belly.

Lin Qian Yi's inner villain wants to cry but has no tears. Why does her family's fourth master think about'sports' all the time.

In fact, too much 'exercise' is not good. If you exercise too much, you will be injured and swollen? !

Just as Lin Qian Yi was thinking about how to escape, she was suddenly picked up, and then, a shadow instantly enveloped her.

Looking at the dangerous fourth master in front of her, Lin Qian Yi secretly thought, should she resist her fourth master a little?

Too much exercise is really not good.

However, Lin Qian Yi refused to admit it. It was because the fourth master was too strong, which made her feel so sad.

However, the next moment, the lights in the room went out, and the huge room was instantly pitch black.

"Flame ink?"

Looking up at Fourth Master who was sleeping peacefully with her arms around her, Lin Qian Yi expressed a little bewildered.

She could clearly feel the enthusiasm of fourth master, why didn't she move?

Lin Qian Yi thought suspiciously.


Di Yanmo responded in a low voice.

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