My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 889 Yue Kelin and his stepmother Zhu Lihua came to the door?

"Uh, why do you..."

Lin Qian Yi blushed slightly, a little embarrassed to ask.

If she asked why she didn't exercise anymore, she believed that she would never be able to get out of bed tomorrow!

Therefore, let my fourth master understand what he hadn't finished speaking.

In the darkness, Di Yanmo opened his eyes, and there was a strong burning light in them, which made people feel full of danger.

"Little wife wants to continue?"

Di Yanmo's voice was full of hoarseness and temptation. His big hands began to move on his little wife.


Lin Qian Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly reacted, hugged him tightly, and buried her head in Fourth Master's arms.

"I don't want to, let's go to sleep, I'm so sleepy."

Lin Qian Yi spoke quickly in a muffled voice, and as soon as she finished speaking, she remained motionless.

It was as if he was really asleep.

Di Yanmo was hugged tightly, unable to move.

Hearing what the little wife said, he chuckled lightly, lowered his head and kissed the top of her hair, and gently stroked her back with his big hand.

"Sleep, the person you are waiting for will come tomorrow."

Di Yanmo's voice was still hoarse, but it carried an incomparably reassuring appeal.

Lin Qian Yi, who was pretending to be sleeping, gradually fell asleep under the comfort of Fourth Master.


Sure enough, Lin Qian Yi's family of four had just finished lunch when someone came to visit.

Outside the gate of Azure Bieyuan.

Yue Kelin, who was sitting in the car, looked at the infinitely luxurious villa area in front of him, with incomparable greed shining in his eyes.

Fortunately, fortunately, he made a mistake, otherwise, something bad would happen.

The big Buddha living here is the real rich man, and there is no way to compare with that old man.

His daughter should have such abilities.

At this time, Yue Kelin was completely convinced that Lin Qian Yi would recognize him as if he would.

It never occurred to him that some things had long been out of his control, and, on the contrary, they were controlled by others.

Compared to Yue Kelin's agitation and greed, Zhu Lihua who was sitting next to him had ferocious eyes full of crazy jealousy.

Why! Why is that bitch better than her in everything!

Her family background is better than hers, her appearance is more beautiful than hers, and now even that evil bastard has to compare with her daughter!

Unwilling, unwilling, at this moment, apart from unwillingness, Zhu Lihua is full of hatred.

No! She will definitely not let that bastard's bastard have a good time, she can kill that bastard, and she can also kill that bastard!

No, not only did she want that scoundrel to die, she also wanted that scoundrel to be ruined and die of humiliation.

Only in this way can the hatred in her heart be relieved!

Just when the two people in the car were thinking about each other, the huge iron door was slowly opened.

The car entered the huge garden, looking at the exquisite luxury outside, the greed in Yue Kelin's eyes became more and more intense.

Even though he already owned the Lin Group, he had never seen such a luxurious place with his own eyes, let alone enjoyed it.

At this time, Yue Kelin's greed made him completely lose his judgment, and now he has become even more arrogant.

He imagined that when he lived here, those people would look at him with envy and admiration.

The desire in Yue Kelin's heart continued to expand.

Seeing Yue Kelin's reaction, Zhu Lihua clenched her hands tightly, and her sharp nails sank into her palms.

After following Yue Kelin for so many years, Zhu Lihua naturally knew what he was thinking.

However, she will never let him succeed!

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