My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 894 The biological mother is called Lin Siwan

Di Yan smiled mockingly, as if Yue Kelin was a clown in front of her.


Yue Kelin's face was livid, he never expected that Di Yanwei would be so disrespectful to him.

As a secretary, he usually goes on TV a lot, and the woman in front of him doesn't even know him!

At this moment, Yue Kelin felt that his majesty had been challenged.

"What about you, you are a person who has half a foot in the coffin, and even came out to bluff and deceive. The one who deceived was my emperor's family. You are looking for death!"

Before Yue Kelin could speak, Di Yanwei said a lot again, almost fainting Yue Kelin.

"I'm really the secretary of country A. I'm Yiyi's biological father. Back then..."

Yue Kelin was so angry that he held his heart, and growled with difficulty, as if he would faint from anger at any time.

However, he still didn't finish speaking.

Di Yanwei waved his hand and shouted, "Throw this old bastard out for Miss Ben, there are so many people who want to be my sister-in-law's father, they come here every day, they are crazy about money!"

As soon as Di Yanwei's voice fell, a tall man in black appeared out of nowhere.

Without saying a word, the man in black grabbed Yue Kelin by the back collar and dragged him outside.

After Yue Kelin was dragged a few steps, he suddenly realized and struggled violently.

However, his struggle was completely useless to the man in black, and he was still dragged away effortlessly by the man in black.

Helpless, Yue Kelin could only shout at Lin Qian Yi:

"Yiyi, I'm really your biological father. I didn't lie to you. I named your name together with your mother. You have to believe me."

However, Lin Qian Yi was indifferent, and just watched him being dragged away indifferently.

Seeing that Lin Qian Yi didn't respond, Yue Kelin thought she didn't believe her, so he continued to shout, "Your biological mother is Lin Siwan, the eldest lady of the Lin family in City B, and she passed away not long after you were born.

And you disappeared suddenly, I couldn't find you no matter how I looked, and I didn't find out about you until recently.

So I hurried over from City B to take you home, Yiyi, you have to trust me, I am your biological father..."

Yue Kelin's voice gradually faded away, but Lin Qian Yi still didn't respond at all, but her eyes became colder and colder.

Yue Kelin still has the face to mention her mother, isn't he afraid that her mother will come back from hell and seek his life? !

Lin Qian Yi narrowed her eyes slightly, and looked at Yue Kelin who had disappeared from sight, with a sneer on the corner of her mouth.

This is just the beginning. In the future, it will not only be a setback in self-esteem, it will be as simple as being thrown out.

I hope they can hold on and not be killed so soon.

"If you are unhappy, just deal with it directly."

Di Yanmo squeezed his little wife's little hand, looked at her and said seriously.

Facing Fourth Master's gaze, Lin Qian Yi smiled relievedly, but still shook her head, "No, it's more fun to play slowly, isn't it?"

As she spoke, a dangerous smile appeared on Lin Qian Yi's face, like a little fox in control of the overall situation.

What Lin Qian Yi didn't say was that if Yue Kelin was dealt with directly, it would bring unnecessary trouble to fourth master.

After all, Yue Kelin is a secretary, and his position is not low, although it is only piled up with money.

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