My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 895 What? Yiyi, you want to meet that old immortal? !

However, Yue Kelin still has the title of secretary.

Therefore, if you want to have no troubles, and you can completely control the enemy, you have to play slowly.

Step by step, destroy all the enemy's reliance, all the things they care about, little by little.

Only in that way can the enemy no longer have the desire to resist. At that time, it will be much easier to know what from the enemy.

"Yiyi is right, to give that kind of person a good time is simply to feel sorry for those who have been harmed by them."

Di Yanwei agreed with Lin Qian Yi's words very much.

In her opinion, the best of the Yue family, it is simply not enough to die a hundred times!

Not only did Yue Kelin have a pile of criminal evidence, but even relatives related to the Yue family had committed countless crimes, large and small.

The existence of these pests in society is simply a scourge!

So, they just do justice for the sky, teach those people a lesson, and then kick those people into prison and enjoy the rest of their lives.


Lin Qian Yi smiled and nodded.

Lin Qian Yi liked Di Yanwei, who had always been forthright, but they both had similar personalities.

However, Di Yanwei's violence value is a bit higher.

"The next step is for Yue Kelin to prove his identity. He will come again when the time comes. What is Yiyi going to do?"

Di Yanwei looked at Lin Qian Yi excitedly, with a look of shaking.

Obviously, she also wanted to get involved.

"Of course we recognize each other."

Lin Qian Yi answered naturally.

"What? Yiyi, you want to meet that old immortal?!"

Di Yanwei's eyes widened in disbelief, a little suspicious, did she get too excited and misheard?

"That's right, otherwise, how can the next game continue?"

Lin Qian Yi nodded and said relaxedly.

"Game? What game?"

Di Yan scratched his hair slightly, a little confused, turned his head to look at his husband next to him, looking at him as if asking for help.

Facing his wife's eyes asking for help, Kang Junyan flashed a smile in his eyes, and patted her on the head with his big hand.

"Stop taking pictures, I was pretty smart at first, but being photographed by you all the time makes me stupid."

Di Yan slightly lowered the big hand on his head, complaining.

Di Yanwei was Chi Guoguo's, and he pushed his stupidity onto Kang Junyan.

I have to say that Kang Junyan is really hard.

However, Kang Junyan is also enjoying it.

"You are stupid."

Kang Junyan broke free from her hand and patted her on the head gently again.

Di Yanwei pulled his big hand down again, and warned, "Don't shoot again, if you shoot me again, I will turn against you!"

Di Yanwei glared at him pretending to be fierce.

However, what she didn't know was that in Kang Junyan's eyes, the way she stared angrily had no deterrent effect at all.

On the contrary, I think it is very cute.

However, Kang Junyan still obediently did not shoot again.

"Yue Kelin's current wife is the junior mistress, and she has tried every means to set up her sister-in-law's biological mother. She can't tolerate the big ones, and naturally she can't tolerate the young ones either."

Kang Junyan patiently explained to his wife that there was no trace of impatience on his cold handsome face.

"so what?"

Di Yan frowned slightly, but asked again in a daze.


Kang Junyan pinched her nose, with a hint of pampering in his tone.

"Yue Kelin wants to use his sister-in-law, so he will follow her, so Zhu Lihua will feel threatened.

In addition, she can't tolerate her sister-in-law, so she will definitely try her best to get her away, or break the father-daughter relationship with her sister-in-law. "

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