After the man in black threw the person out, he disappeared instantly.

Looking at the closed big iron gate, Yue Kelin's eyes were full of anger, as if he wished he could set the place on fire.

However, he could only think about it in his heart.

Not to mention that he has an official position, even if he was really burned, he would not survive today.

After all, Di Yanmo's incomparable wealth is not just talk.

"Hmph! Sooner or later, I will tear this place down!"

Yue Kelin supported his waist, stood up slowly, and said with a gloomy face.


After walking a few steps, Yue Kelin suddenly twisted his waist and dared not move.

After relieving the pain, Yue Kelin realized that his driver was missing.

Yue Kelin cursed, took out his mobile phone from his pocket with difficulty, and called the driver.

After severely scolding the driver, Lao Wang, he asked the driver to pick him up.

The sun was still very strong at this time, and the place where Yue Kelin was standing was not shaded at all.

Just like this, standing under the sun with strange movements, sweat gradually emerged from his forehead.

The guards in the Weilan Bieyuan saw Yue Kelin's behavior through surveillance, and directly cursed at him.

As for Yue Kelin, who was scolded for being an asshole, he could only think about what to do next while he was still unable to move.

"No, we must find a way, otherwise, such a big piece of fat will slip away."

Yue Kelin calmed down, his eyes flickered, and it was obvious at a glance that he must be thinking of some kind of conspiracy.

Thinking of Lin Qian Yi's reaction just now, Yue Kelin instantly believed that Lin Qian Yi did not believe that he was her biological father.

Moreover, Di Yanwei's words also let Yue Kelin know that he must not be the only one who came to recognize Lin Qian Yi.

Then he must be regarded as a liar like those people.

In the end, Yue Kelin found a way to get along, which was to disclose his relationship with Lin Qian Yi.

As long as he made it public in front of everyone, he would not believe it, and Lin Qian Yi would not believe him.

Once it's made public, even if Lin Qian Yi doesn't want to recognize him, she can't do it.

Otherwise, Lin Qian Yi would be said to be rich and not recognize her father.

No matter what Yue Kelin thought, he felt that he would be the one who would benefit in the end.

An hour later, the driver Lao Wang finally drove the car back.

Yue Kelin, who was exposed to the sun for an hour, didn't even have the energy to scold the driver.

After getting in the car, he passed out directly.

Yue Kelin is the secretary of a country, and he can be considered a celebrity, so when he entered the hospital, a large number of reporters would naturally report on him.

The arrival of those reporters just happened to meet Yue Kelin's wishes.

After Yue Kelin woke up, he let the reporter who had been waiting outside the ward come in.

"Secretary Yue, may I ask why you suddenly fainted and entered the hospital? Is it heat stroke? Or is there something else hidden?"

"Yes, yes, has Secretary Yue made any big moves recently?"

"Secretary Yue, I heard that you ran for the presidential election. Did you faint and enter the hospital because you felt depressed?"

As soon as the reporters came in, they couldn't wait to ask a lot of questions.

At the same time, the photographers also snapped photos of Yue Kelin who was sitting on the hospital bed with a slightly pale face.

In the past, Yue Kelin would never let these reporters take pictures of his bad side.

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