But it's different now, he wants to use the reporters here to achieve his goals, so this time he gave the reporters enough face.

"Everyone be quiet first, Secretary Yue will answer you one by one, but you have to come one by one."

A woman with a charming appearance and a hot body stood beside the hospital bed, with a formulaic smile, and said to those reporters.

And this woman, these reporters all know, she is Yue Kelin's secretary - Yu Tian.

After hearing Yu Tian's words, the reporters really quieted down, but the flashing lights continued to flash.

Seeing that the reporter was quiet, Yue Kelin gave Yu Tian an appreciative glance.

Immediately afterwards, Yue Kelin put on Dao An's rash mask and greeted everyone politely.

"I know what everyone wants to ask."

Yue Kelin said seriously.

"However, I can only tell you that the reason why I fell down and entered the hospital was not because of business, let alone because of running for president."

Hearing what Yue Kelin said, those reporters' eyes lit up immediately, and they looked at Yue Kelin even more excitedly.

For journalists like them, gossip is often the most attractive.

"Isn't it because of business? Is it because of personal affairs?"

"Secretary Yue, you are the secretary of a country, so how could a small personal matter bother you?"

"That's right, unless it's a family matter, could it be that Secretary Yue has a relationship problem with your wife?"

Those reporters looked like gossip, and kept guessing.

Yue Kelin hurriedly waved his hand and denied, "How is it possible, my wife and I have always had a very good relationship."

Seeing Yue Kelin's denial, those gossip reporters became even more interested, as if they wanted to find information about Yue Kelin no matter what.

"Then Secretary Yue, what exactly is it that made you, a secretary of a country, faint and enter the hospital so badly?"

"That's right, Secretary Yue, just speak up and see if we can help you. You are the secretary of a country, and you have to deal with a lot of things every day. You can't faint because of some trivial things."

One of the reporters seemed to be very concerned.

However, Yue Kelin has been in the officialdom for so many years, so how could he not be able to tell that the reporter was taking the opportunity to trick him.

However, the current Yue Kelin doesn't mind, because this is what he wants.

Faced with the constant questioning from the crowd, Yue Kelin finally sighed with a sad expression on his face.

"Well, it's really nothing. Everyone knows that my current wife is my second wife."

Yue Kelin spoke slowly.

Seeing that Yue Kelin was willing to speak, the reporters immediately became quiet and listened attentively to what he said.

"My first wife died shortly after giving birth, when my wife gave birth to a daughter."

Speaking of this, Yue Kelin's face was full of sadness, and he played the man who lost his beloved wife and daughter to the fullest.

"We all know this, so what did it have to do with your fainting now when you said it?"

"Secretary Yue, I heard that your daughter disappeared suddenly, and her life and death have never been known."

Yue Kelin nodded, "Yes, no matter how hard I searched, I couldn't get my daughter back. I'm really sorry for my wife, I'm sorry for her.

So, now that I have finally found my daughter, I will never give up on recognizing her. I want to make up for her, and I want to fulfill my responsibility as a father. "

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