My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 911 I am your husband, and you are my wife [9]

"Don't worry, he can't escape, you can take revenge any way you want, even if you play to death, it doesn't matter, everything is up to me."

Di Yanmo comforted him softly.

Di Yanmo's words sounded calm, but Di Yanfeng knew that his brother was serious.

Since the appearance of sister-in-law, brother has only lived for sister-in-law.

Sister-in-law is undoubtedly equal to brother's nilin, equal to brother's lifeblood.

Therefore, if sister-in-law has something to do, and his brother said that he would destroy the whole world, he would absolutely believe it.

Because, Di Yanmo has such ability!

As long as Di Yanmo thinks, this whole world can be his.

Di Yanfeng never doubted these things.


Lin Qian Yi tried her best to suppress the overwhelming resentment in her heart, looked at Di Yanfeng, and waited for what he had not finished speaking.

"At that time, there was a personal witness, which proved that Yue Kelin was not in the Lin family's villa when Mr. Lin had a heart attack, but was in a park, because he was not far from Yue Kelin at that time."

Di Yanfeng continued, "However, one month after the incident, the witness disappeared without a trace."

Lin Qian Yi frowned, "The witness escaped?"

"No, the man passed away. He was discovered a few months later and died in his own home."

Di Yanfeng shook his head and said.


Lin Qian Yi was even more puzzled. Since she was dead, why could she still find out?

After all, her grandfather died a year earlier than her biological mother.

Her mother's death cannot be found out, so shouldn't her grandfather's death also be found out?

Besides, the witness is dead, isn't it?

"Based on Yue Kelin's cautious temperament, the witnesses he seeks should be the kind of gangsters, and he has no father or mother."

Lin Qian Yi's mind was running fast, and she analyzed, "Because, it's not that troublesome to solve it that way."

Di Yanfeng nodded, and looked at his sister-in-law appreciatively.

"That's right. At that time, Yue Kelin chose him because the identity card met the conditions you mentioned."

Speaking of this, Di Yanfeng had a sneer on his face.

"Unfortunately, Yue Kelin is too arrogant, and he must have been too eager, so he didn't check the background of that witness.

The witness had a wife, but she lived in the country, and the witness rarely went back, so those who knew the witness thought he was alone. "

Hearing this, Lin Qian Yi's eyes lit up, "So, you found out about Yue Kelin's killing of my grandfather through the witness's wife?"

"The same can be said."

Di Yanfeng didn't deny it, "However, it was my brother who asked me to check every person related to Yue Kelin back then, so I was able to find that witness.

That witness didn't know Yue Kelin well, and it was the first time they met, so this was very beneficial to Yue Kelin.

After all, it is impossible for a person who just met for the first time to lie to the police and make a false statement for a stranger. "

Hearing what Di Yanfeng said, Lin Qian Yi looked up at her fourth master, with gratitude in her bright eyes.

"I am your husband and you are my wife."

So don't be thankful to me, just love me and trust me.

Di Yanmo lowered his head, and kissed her affectionately on the brow as if solemnly accepting her.

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