Fourth Master's words, as well as the warmth between his eyebrows, made Lin Qian Yi's negative emotions fade away, leaving only a sense of happiness.

Every time, when she has something to do or is unhappy, her fourth master will always show up and feel it the first time.

To be loved by such a person, her life is really so complete that it makes people envious and jealous.

Until now, Lin Qian Yi felt unreal.

Because, in her previous opinion, such happiness really only existed in fairy tales.

I never thought that one day I would become the fairy tale princess I envied when I was a child.

"No, you are my prince, and I am your princess."

Lin Qian Yi smiled brightly, and kissed him affectionately between his brows.

The corner of Di Yanmo's mouth curled up, and the deep eyes gradually became hot, as if he would swallow the person in his arms into his belly at any time, and merge with him.

Seeing that the two of them were about to wipe their guns off, Di Yanfeng hurriedly coughed a few times loudly, "cough cough cough, sister-in-law, I haven't finished yet."

Although Di Yanfeng had the appearance of seeing no evil, his gaze sneaked past him.

Obviously, he really wanted to witness what the thousand-year-old brother Ice Cube would look like after being transformed into a wolf.

"Uh, um, you go on, you go on."

Being reminded by Di Yanfeng, Lin Qian Yi felt a little embarrassed.

God, she actually showed her affection for her fourth master Chi Guoguo in front of her uncle, and she almost...

Thinking of what happened next after Fourth Master looked at her with fiery eyes, Lin Qian Yi's face turned even redder.

Being interrupted suddenly, Di Yanmo's murderous eyes instantly shot at Di Yanfeng.

Di Yanfeng shrunk his neck, looking very innocent.

"The witness was obtained by Yue Kelin through a man named 'Barehead', in order to increase the credibility of the witness's testimony.

As for the witness, he didn't know at first that Yue Kelin was his real boss. However, he was afraid that he would be silenced if he found out later, so he returned to his hometown and let his wife and children flee the country. "

Di Yanfeng faced his brother's murderous gaze, and continued to speak quickly, "However, the witness left a talisman for his wife."

"What amulet?" Lin Qian Yi asked.

"It should be a recording."

Di Yanfeng replied.

"What about the 'bald man'?"

"I went abroad less than a month after the incident happened, and died abroad. I was hit by a car."

Hearing this, Lin Qian Yi nodded, and without Di Yanfeng continuing, Lin Qian Yi also knew that the 'bald guy' was dealt with by Yue Kelin.

"Now, there is only one line left to check, and that is the witness's wife. Since it is a talisman, I believe it will be well preserved."

Di Yanfeng said, "And we found out that the witness' wife will return to China next month."

"stay close."

Di Yanmo suddenly said.

"Don't worry, brother, don't you worry about my work?"

Di Yanfeng said proudly.

"You are dismissed."

After finishing the business, Di Yanmo mercilessly chased him away.

As soon as the words fell, Di Yanmo went upstairs with his little wife in his arms.

Looking at his brother's ruthless back, Di Yanfeng felt abandoned by the whole world, extremely miserable.

For Maoyan, because Maoyan's brother always dislikes him every time he runs out of him?

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