Is he so disgusting? He is clearly in the wind, handsome, suave, and handsome!

Such an outstanding and handsome him, was actually rejected by his brother? ! !

Di Yanfeng instantly felt that there was no love in this world.

So, Di Yanfeng dragged his half-dead body like a ghost and floated back home, looking for his wife to comfort him.


On this day, after Lin Qian Yi sent the two buns to the kindergarten, she and Di Yanwei went to the jewelry store to pick up the ring.

Earlier, Lin Qian Yi sent the ring she designed to a jewelry store for the master to help make.

The person from the jewelry store called yesterday, and the ring has been made and can be picked up in the past.

It just so happened that Lin Qian Yi and Di Yanwei had an appointment to go shopping, so they went to pick up the ring together.

After picking up the ring, the two went to a shopping mall and went shopping like crazy.

In fact, most of the things the two bought were not their own, but for their husbands and Baozi.

As for Lin Qian Yi, she has an extra mother, as well as the Jiang family's father and son.

Mom and Uncle Jiang are getting closer. As a daughter, she should express her feelings no matter what.

The two kept shopping until after two o'clock in the afternoon, and then they found a restaurant nearby for dinner.

And their trophies were sent home by the driver first.

In the restaurant, Lin Qian Yi and Di Yanwei sat opposite each other.

"Yiyi, hasn't Xiaomo seen the ring you designed?"

Di Yanwei finally asked, the doubt that had been pent up in his heart for a long time.

"No, I want to give him a surprise after the ring is finished."

Lin Qian Yi said with a smile.

After being with fourth master for so long, fourth master has always given her surprises, and now it's finally her time to surprise fourth master.

Only now did Lin Qian Yi realize that it turned out that surprising people was something that made her so happy.

Maybe it's because that person is the one I love in my heart.

"Tsk tsk, Xiao Mo is so happy."

With a smirk, Di Yan teased Lin Qian Yi.

"Brother-in-law is also very happy if he is different. With someone who cares about him and cares about him like you, brother-in-law will wake up laughing even if he is dreaming."

Lin Qian Yi was not willing to admit defeat and flirted back.

"That is, he was able to abduct me, which is his blessing for eight hundred lifetimes."

Di Yan smiled brightly and said arrogantly.

Di Yanwei's honesty made the smile on Lin Qian Yi's face even stronger.

Every time she gets along with Di Yanwei, Lin Qian Yi feels very comfortable and relaxed.

It was as if Di Yanwei was really her sister.

While Lin Qian Yi and Lin Qian Yi were chatting happily, a man about twenty-seven years old with a golden hair with blinding eyes came over.


As soon as the man walked to Lin Qian Yi's table, he gave a very impolite hello.

The man's face was a little red, obviously drunk.

Both Lin Qian Yi and Di Yanwei frowned, and looked up at the person who came.

"You are Lin Qian Yi, right?"

Seeing Lin Qian Yi looking up, the man showed disdain and said in a very harsh tone.

"Is there something wrong?"

Lin Qian Yi raised her eyebrows slightly, and asked indifferently with a cold face.

"My name is Yue Zhifeng, you should know who I am?"

The man said arrogantly.

Although he said interrogative sentences, his tone was very firm.

As if the whole world should know who he was.

"are you crazy?"

Yue Zhifeng's arrogant attitude caused Di Yan to erupt slightly.

"Who do you think you are? The Ultraman who saved the world? Or the non-human who saved the universe and the galaxy?"

Di Yanwei spoke domineeringly, leaving the arrogant Yue Zhifeng speechless.

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