My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 919 The dog bites the dog bone, a wonderful scene [17]

Moreover, Yue Zhifeng dared to say that!

Undoubtedly sending the Yue family to hell!

Seeing Yue Kelin who was angry, the servants and housekeepers around him hid far away, lest they accidentally catch fire.

At this moment, Zhu Lihua, who still had gauze on her nose, hurried into the living room.

"Colin, I..."

Zhu Lihua looked flustered and said to Yue Kelin out of breath.

However, before she finished speaking, Yue Kelin grabbed the teacup on the coffee table and threw it at Zhu Lihua mercilessly.


The hot tea in the teacup splashed Zhu Lihua all over, and the broken ceramic teacup even scratched her calf.

"I, Zhu Lihua, tell you that this incident was caused by that scoundrel. If I don't settle it for me, I will kill you first and let you be buried with me!"

Before Zhu Lihua could speak again, Yue Kelin let out harsh words.

"Get out of here now! Before the matter is settled, don't let me step into the house.

Don't appear in front of Lao Tzu, waste, waste, all waste, Lao Tzu raised you all for nothing! "

Yue Kelin blushed with anger, and his words became more and more ugly.

Zhu Lihua's face was pale, her body trembled with anger, her eyes were full of hatred.

However, Zhu Lihua left Yue's house in embarrassment, because she knew that the current her could not defeat the devil Yue Kelin at all!

However, one day, she will definitely make Yue Kelin kneel down and confess her mistakes to her!


Lin Qian Yi didn't know what happened to Yue's family, and even if she knew, she wouldn't have the slightest reaction.

Because, that's what she wants, isn't it?

Let Yue Kelin and his wife bite the dog's bones, and both sides will suffer. Isn't that a wonderful scene?

Azure Villa.

It was almost six o'clock in the afternoon when Lin Qian Yi came back from shopping with Di Yanwei.

Uncle Chen had already picked up the two buns.

"Mommy, Mommy, you're back, Little Baozi misses Mommy so much."

Seeing his mommy coming back, Di Moxin's little bun immediately dropped the toy in his hand.

Swinging her short legs, she ran towards Mommy and hugged Mommy's leg.

Just like a cute koala.


Di Moshen made a big bun and walked up to Mommy.

Lin Qian Yi was holding the spoils of the afternoon with both hands. She wanted to rub the heads of the two buns, but she didn't have time to do so.

"Good boy, Mommy misses you very much too. Did you listen to the teacher today? Did you eat well?"

Lin Qian Yi asked with a smile.

"Yes, we are very good, and the teacher rewarded us with two candies."

The two buns nodded in unison, looking at their mommy with sparkling eyes, as if waiting for a reward from mommy.

"Well, very good, my buns are good."

Lin Qian Yi nodded very satisfied, "Come on, buns, let's sit on the sofa. Mommy is a little tired after shopping all day."

Hearing this, Di Moxin's little bun immediately let go of Mommy's legs, ran back to the sofa and sat obediently by himself.

As for Di Moshen's big bun, he silently stretched out his two little hands to hold the bag under the bag that Mommy was carrying.

This saves weight.

Seeing Big Baozi's heart-warming actions, the smile on Lin Qian Yi's face became even brighter.

As for the little bun, after seeing his brother's actions, he also rushed back, stretched out his little hand, and imitated his brother, holding the bottom of the bag.

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