My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 920 The world's most heart-warming steamed stuffed bun [18]

At this moment, Lin Qian Yi simply loved her two buns!

Lin Qian Yi shouted proudly in her heart:

Aww! ! Whose steamed stuffed bun is the warmest? Does that need to be said? Cliff is the world's most heart-warming two buns from her family!

There are already a lot of things on the coffee table in the living room, all of which are Lin Qian Yi's spoils today.

Lin Qian Yi put all the things in her hands on the coffee table, sat down on the sofa, and breathed out comfortably.

"Mommy, little bun give Mommy a beat."

Seeing that Mummy was tired, Di Moxin's little bun immediately walked over and beat Mummy's thigh with two small hands.

"I'll squeeze Mommy too."

Di Moshen's big bun also squatted down, pinching Mommy's legs with his two little hands.

Looking at the two cute buns, Lin Qian Yi's heart was in a mess.

"Baha, Baha."

Lin Qian Yi was very happy, and left a big bang on the faces of the two buns.

"The buns are so good, Mommy loves you to death!"

With that said, Lin Qian Yi hugged the two buns in her arms, rubbing them.

"Hee hee, hee hee~"

The two buns laughed out loud after being rubbed by Mommy, and they also followed Mommy's example, rubbing and rubbing.

Seeing that even the cool big bun was smiling, Lin Qian Yi was even happier.

After smacking the faces of the two buns again, Lin Qian Yi pointed to the various bags on the coffee table.

"Mommy bought gifts for the buns today, let's see if I like them."

"Oye, Mommy is so nice."

The two buns smacked on Mummy's face together, and then rushed to the coffee table excitedly, looking for his present.

In fact, the two buns had already secretly seen the previous gift, so now they are mainly looking at the gift that Mommy just brought back.

Seeing the two buns happily looking for presents, Lin Qian Yi had a loving smile on her face, and her eyes gleamed with happiness.

Lin Qian Yi got up, walked over and rubbed the heads of the two buns, "You guys unwrap the presents here, I'll go to the kitchen."


The two buns nodded obediently, and quickly unwrapped the gift with their two little hands.

It is said that unwrapping presents is what children like most, and it turns out to be true.

After Lin Qian Yi came out of the kitchen, she had a sinister smile on her face.

Immediately, he went to the living room and whispered something mysteriously to the two little buns.

The night is gradually falling, today's moon is extraordinarily bright, and there are many stars around it, surrounded by a unique brightness.

When Di Yanmo came back, it was already seven o'clock in the evening.

Originally, he could have come back a long time ago, but when he got off work, that bastard Di Yanfeng suddenly came.

Moreover, it is still deliberately delaying time.

Di Yanmo naturally noticed it, but he didn't point it out. For the first time, he patiently cooperated with Di Yanfeng, a bastard brother.

Although, in the process of cooperating, he had the urge to shoot his own brother to death.

As soon as Di Yanmo got out of the car, he saw two buns wearing a small dress and a white princess dress.

"Daddy, Daddy, you're back!"

Di Moxin's little bun said excitedly.


Di Moshen still had a cool face as always, but there was a different kind of light shining in his deep eyes.

"Hey, where's your mommy?"

Di Yanmo walked over, reached out and rubbed the little heads of the two buns, and asked softly.

"Dad squat down first."

The two buns didn't answer, but asked Di Yanmo to squat down instead.

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