My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 959 Fourth master’s enthusiasm factor is too strong [57]

However, Lin Qian Yi already had a certain amount of resistance, so she was not seduced by fourth master's voice.

However, although Lin Qian Yi's face was not red, it still looked unnatural.

"It's broad daylight now, you talk nonsense, just watch quietly."

Lin Qian Yi had no expression on her face, she pushed his handsome face away with her small hands, and said solemnly.

Di Yanmo took the opportunity to grab her little hand, put it to his lips and kissed it, the corner of his mouth curled up, his handsome face was full of evil charm.

"What does the little wife mean, you can talk nonsense at night? Even... can you talk nonsense?"

As Di Yanmo spoke, he approached his little wife.

Don't take that dangerous aura too seriously.

Lin Qian Yi immediately withdrew her hand and once again blocked Fourth Master's approaching face, she couldn't laugh or cry.

She was obviously watching the funny interaction between the two opposites, so why did she turn into a fireball?

Lin Qian Yi was very puzzled, and finally concluded that fourth master's enthusiasm factor was too strong, so it would explode anytime, anywhere.

Get used to it, get used to it.

Lin Qian Yi comforted herself so bitterly.

"Want to sleep in the study tonight?"

Lin Qian Yi held back her embarrassment, and glanced over with a domineering look, Chi Guoguo's threat was real or not.

"In no mood."

Di Yanmo answered almost reflexively.

There is no way, the little wife has asked this question countless times, so he is already reflexive.

"Then be good to me, otherwise, I will divorce you and let you sleep in the study from now on."

Lin Qian Yi snorted and threatened.

Sure enough, when it came to sleeping in the study, Di Yanmo immediately became honest.

However, the big hands that hugged the little wife hugged her even tighter, as if they were afraid that the person in their arms would run away.

Lin Qian Yi didn't care either, as long as Si Ye didn't see her in the daytime, and she would be enthusiastic and passionate in front of others.

Otherwise, she would really dig a hole.

On the opposite side of Su Xiaoqing, when Di Yanfeng heard kneeling on the keyboard, Di Yanfeng immediately couldn't be more honest.

Thus, an interaction full of comedy came to an end.

"Yiyi, you just came back from City B?"

After tidying up her husband, Su Xiaoqing excitedly asked Lin Qian Yi.

Su Xiaoqing knew about her best friend and was very interested.

I just can't wait, I want to see those people in despair.

Lin Qian Yi smiled brightly, and told the story of the Lin family's villa, especially the matter of directly cheating Yue Kelin into moving the villa.

Just don't be too cool.

"Hahaha, Yiyi, you are simply too talented, well done, those scumbags, you should kill them."

After listening to Lin Qian Yi's narration, Su Xiaoqing couldn't help laughing, her eyes were full of gloating.

She could completely imagine what kind of bitter expression Yue Kelin had when he was cheated.

It was simply too exasperating.

And Di Yanfeng also looked at his sister-in-law with admiration, but just went to City B, and got his hands on a villa worth tens of millions.

Niu, it's so awesome.

For his own sister-in-law, Di Yanfeng admired her so much!

"Sister-in-law, Yue Kelin must have held that banquet for more than simply introducing you. He must have other purposes, so be careful."

Although Di Yanfeng is sometimes stupid, his real ability to handle affairs and brains are still very good.

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