My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 960 The naughty little wife, he also likes it very much [58]

As soon as he heard about the banquet held by Yue Kelin, he immediately knew that something was wrong.

"That's right, Yiyi, especially that old hag, that old hag can be known as the Poison Queen at a glance.

So be more careful, it is possible to get caught accidentally. "

Su Xiaoqing also put away her smiling face and said worriedly.

Lin Qian Yi smiled warmly, stretched out her hand to hook Fourth Master's neck, and patted Fourth Master's head.

"Don't worry, in front of the absolute powerhouse, all the conspiracies and tricks are just decorations."

Lin Qian Yi said with a smile.

What Lin Qian Yi said seemed to be a joke, but it was also true.

Money and power are the most useful things in this modern society. They can turn right people into wrong.

It can also make people who are wrong become innocent.

It just depends on how big the money and power are.

Hearing this, Su Xiaoqing and Di Yanfeng seemed to be taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized that they both gave Lin Qian Yi the thumbs up.

"Sister-in-law, in your last life, you were definitely a little fox."

Di Yanfeng expressed admiration on his face.

Lin Qian Yi patted the fourth master beside her, and said with a smile, "The little fox and the old fox are a perfect match."

Regarding what the little wife said, Di Yanmo nodded in agreement.

Regarding Lin Qian Yi's answer, Di Yanfeng and Su Xiaoqing both gave her a thumbs up.

Suddenly, Di Yanfeng remembered the tablet computer in his hand.

Di Yanfeng rolled his eyes and said with a smirk, "Sister-in-law, do you want to make the banquet more exciting?"

The corner of Lin Qian Yi's mouth curled up, her eyes sparkled brightly, "Of course I want to."

"What fun did you come up with?"

Su Xiaoqing also looked at her husband curiously.

Di Yanfeng smiled without saying a word, just picked up the tablet and let them see the pictures on the tablet clearly.

After seeing the picture, several people instantly understood, and they all showed treacherous smiles.

Looking at the smirking little wife, Di Yanmo felt that his little wife seemed to have turned bad.

However, he also likes his naughty little wife.

In the evening, Di Yanfeng and Su Xiaoqing returned to their home after eating.

Back in the room, when Lin Qian Yi was thrown down by her fourth master, Che Yifei called her.

She was invited to a birthday party tomorrow night.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Qian Yi shook her head helplessly. On the phone, Che Yifei spoke to her cautiously.

I'm afraid she is still concerned about what happened when she went to her birthday party three years ago.

Di Yanmo, who threw his little wife down, didn't rush to start after seeing his little wife hang up the phone.

Instead, he stared straight at her, with a hint of expectation in his deep eyes.

Seeing fourth master's eyes, Lin Qian Yi felt familiar instantly, and remembered it in just two seconds.

Lin Qian Yi looked at him amusedly, held his handsome face in both hands, swayed it left and right, and said with a smile, "Mr. Di Yanmo, I'm going to attend Yi Fei's birthday party tomorrow night, would you like to come with me?" ?”

"My little wife needs me, of course."

Di Yanmo nodded without hesitation.

His deep eyes shone with a hotter light, as if he was about to swallow the person in his arms in the next moment.

For the fourth master who was being obedient again, Lin Qian Yi directly pinched his handsome face as punishment.

But Di Yanmo let his little wife move, and after the little wife finished pinching, he could start.

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