My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 961 It's Lin Qian Yi's turn to be jealous 【59】

At the birthday party in the evening, Lin Qian Yi didn't bring two buns. After all, the two buns had to go to kindergarten tomorrow.

Lin Qian Yi and Di Yanmo got into the car with gifts and drove to the six-star hotel where Che Yifei held her birthday party.

After arriving at the hotel, Lin Qian Yi unexpectedly leaned against a person she knew.

The reason why I say people I know, not people I know well, is because she knows the other party, but the other party doesn't know her.

However, the other party may also know her, but what is certain is that the two met for the first time.

Watching the other party walk into the hotel with a man hugging him intimately, and the man's hands are still wandering around the other party's body from time to time.

The other party, on the other hand, did not stop the man's movements, but smiled even more happily.

"Let's go."

Seeing his little wife staring ahead and not moving, Di Yanmo put his arms around her waist and walked gracefully into the hotel.

At the same time, he was holding a gift in his hand.

The two people in front walked very slowly.

Therefore, Lin Qian Yi and the two quickly walked behind them, and saw more clearly the man's presumptuous actions towards the woman.

Looking at the scene in front of her, a sneer flashed in Lin Qian Yi's eyes.

Does this count as venting her mother's anger? After all, her mother could be regarded as being adopted at first.

Now that it's changed, the daughter has taken care of the man, so, is this revenge in disguise?

That's right, the woman Lin Qian Yi knew was Yue Zhiying, the daughter of Yue Kelin and Zhu Lihua.

As for the man holding Yue Zhiying's arms, one could tell at a glance that he was being kept, because the man's actions towards Yue Zhiying were presumptuous.

However, there was a faint flattery on his face.

If it was an ordinary boyfriend and girlfriend, why would they have obvious intentions of flattering and flattering all the way?

The only explanation was that the man was taken care of by Yue Zhiying, or was in a one-night relationship.

All four of them walked to the elevator door and waited for the elevator.

And the man who was already presumptuous became even more presumptuous.

And Yue Zhiying's face was full of enjoyment, obviously very satisfied with the man's actions.

Seeing the two of them acting more and more presumptuously in public, Lin Qian Yi looked the same, but there was sarcasm in her eyes.

The two embraced together, and the man buried himself in Yue Zhiying's chest, moving constantly.

Suddenly, Yue Zhiying turned her head and saw Lin Qian Yi and Di Yanmo behind her.

Immediately, Yue Zhiying's eyes froze, she was unwilling to leave for a long time, and then a look of ecstasy appeared on her face.

At this time, Yue Zhiying stared at Di Yanmo firmly. She had never seen such a handsome and powerful man.

The invisibly emanating charm is simply a super strong male hormone, and it is simply crazy attractive to women.

At this moment, Yue Zhiying was completely attracted by the hormones emitted by Di Yanmo.

As for the man in her arms, she had already ignored him.

Seeing her fourth master being stared at by Yue Zhiying, Lin Qian Yi stood in front of him, although she couldn't block his face.

But at least her sovereignty was declared.

Now, Lin Qian Yi finally knew that it was a sour feeling that fourth master was jealous of her.

It turns out that it is really easy to be jealous.

Because, it is because I love each other too much, is there any!

At the same time, Lin Qian Yi also discovered that not only the fourth master had a super possessive desire for her, but she also had a super possessive desire for the fourth master.

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