My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 602

After transforming the energy of this eighth-level female ghost and absorbing the energy from the "Yang Commander" in the body after devouring the bloody corpse, Gao Yang looked at Qin Yaqin who was still clinging to him at this moment.

Looking at Qin Yaqin who was tightly leaning against his arms at this moment, Gao Yang muttered in his heart, feeling a little weird

From Qin Yaqin looking at him with indifference before, Gao Yang felt that Qin Yaqin should not be particularly in contact with him.

Gao Yang reckoned that it should be the same as what was said on the Internet, the general lily lovers don't like men.

So Gao Yang was a little surprised that now that everything was settled, Qin Yaqin was still leaning on her body.

But what happened just now, Gao Yang also thought that Qin Yaqin was frightened, so he didn't think much about it.

Immediately, he said gently, "Okay, it has been resolved."


What responded to Gao Yang was a whisper like a mosquito.

After poking his head, Gao Yang asked: "What happened to that female ghost just now?"

Hearing this, Qin Yaqin explained it quickly.

But two months ago, Qin Yaqin rescued the female ghost from the hands of some monks, but the difference was that the female ghost at that time was only a third-level 15 ghost.

Then, seeing that the female ghost was looking good, Qin Yaqin also took care of the female ghost for half a month, and left after the female ghost became a fourth-level ghost.

But who would have imagined that, because of this short experience, this female ghost actually fell in love with Qin Yaqin.

But Qin Yaqin, as a lily lover, has always been staring at the kind of people who are over-the-top.

As for that female ghost, although she looked good, she looked a lot worse from Qin Yaqin's point of view.

So I didn't agree and left angrily.

But just yesterday, this female ghost also found Qin Yaqin through some means, and then made a request to be with Qin Yaqin forever.

Sensing that the female ghost's spirit and state were a bit wrong, Qin Yaqin didn't agree and ran away directly.

And tonight, this female ghost came to her door again.

After listening to what Qin Yaqin said, Gao Yang raised his eyebrows and said, "So you didn't come last night because of this female ghost's entanglement?"

Qin Yaqin nodded her head.

At this point, Gao Yang understood why Qin Yaqin didn't come to the door immediately last night.

Then, after thinking for a while, Gao Yang said: "You said that the female ghost was only level four more than two months ago? It has reached the eighth level now in more than two months?"

Speaking of this, Qin Yaqin's expression became slightly solemn, and at the same time she said with doubts on her face: "Yes, I am also surprised at this point, she was only level four two months ago, but now she has reached level eight.

This progress is too abnormal! "

Gao Yang fell silent slightly.

Compared to Qin Yaqin, Gao Yang was able to guess why the female ghost could quickly enter the eighth level.

If the guess is correct, it is very likely that it is also because of the Yin Commanding Card that has been corroded by the corpse blood.

It's like Zhou Jia who turned into a female ghost from the Secret Service before.

Because the yin token that had been eroded by the corpse blood became a ghost of the seventh-level ghost king in a very short period of time.

Thinking of this, Gao Yang couldn't help but wonder once again, "What is that corpse blood? Once it corrodes the Yin Commander card, it can make the ghost bring such a great improvement?"

Several women in the family have such things as Yin Ling cards.

However, the improvement of the strength of several women is still limited.

The growth itself still depends on Gao Yang's hard work.

"It seems that we need to find time to study this thing as soon as possible!"

Before that, Gao Yang wanted to find some time to study this blood corpse.

It's just that there was a delay in the matter of the Maoshan faction in the middle, which caused Gao Yang to postpone the matter.

But now, after discovering the influence of this blood corpse, Gao Yang became more and more curious about this kind of thing.


However, just as Gao Yang was thinking, a murmuring voice suddenly appeared in Gao Yang's arms.

Hearing the sound, Gao Yang subconsciously lowered his head to look at Qin Yaqin who made the sound.

Sensing Gao Yang's gaze, Qin Yaqin lowered her head slightly and said, "That's a little uncomfortable!"

Hearing this, Gao Yang was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head to look at the bathrobe under him, Gao Yang reacted and helped Qin Yaqin.

Being supported by Gao Yang, she escaped from Gao Yang's embrace.

Inexplicably, Qin Yaqin still felt a little reluctant.

After coughing lightly, Gao Yang said, "You just came out in a hurry, you understand!"

But while talking, I don't know if it is my own illusion.

Gao Yang actually felt a shyness from Qin Yaqin's body.

It's not at all like the indifference to Gao Yang before.

Gao Yang couldn't help but buckle his head, wondering whether the girls had brainwashed Qin Yaqin after he and Liu Zhaoyun went upstairs.

Otherwise, why does it feel so different before and after?

After Gao Yang, who was a little embarrassed, gestured to Qin Yaqin, the two turned around and walked into the house.

When they entered the house, the women in the living room turned their heads to look at the two of them.

Looking at the girls, Gao Yang asked, "You didn't know how to help just now?"

Zhao Wan'er shrugged her shoulders and said, "Just when I realized that I was about to do something, I found out that you were leaving."

The implication is that it's just a level eight ghost, since Gao Yang has made a move, he naturally doesn't need them.

Seeing this, Gao Yang curled his lips, and then turned back upstairs with a flickering figure.

Seeing Gao Yang leave, Qin Yaqin's eyes flickered.

Even after sitting down, what Qin Yaqin imagined in her mind was a series of pictures after being hugged by Gao Yang outside.

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