My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 603

At this moment, Qin Yaqin suddenly realized.

I didn't hate men before.

But hate those ordinary men.

Like Gao Yang, who is handsome, strong, and has a bit of domineering air, no woman can resist.

Especially when I think of the special envoy feeling that I have never felt before being held in my arms.

Then combined with the previous description of the life-and-death friendship between Little Lolita and Mao Erniang and Gao Yang, Qin Yaqin couldn't help but look forward to it.

On the sofa, Zhao Wan'er's gaze has been on Qin Yaqin since Qin Yaqin returned home.

At this moment, looking at the smiling Qin Yaqin who was thinking of something, Zhao Wan'er clearly saw a value of "60% straightening progress" on Qin Yaqin's head.

Thinking about some things she felt outside before, Zhao Wan'er couldn't help shaking her head.

After glancing at the location of the bedroom upstairs, Zhao Wan'er sighed softly, muttered "enemy" in her heart, and then withdrew her gaze from observing Qin Yaqin.

Ps: In the sixth update, there is another chapter. I think it will be more interesting if Lily girl is straightened a little bit! Otherwise, it would be boring to come to one and quickly fall in love with the protagonist! Continue to type! Ask for monthly tickets and subscription support! _

Chapter 447: Hurt God, Hurt the Body, Hurt the Kidney (Seventh)

The next day, after walking out of the room, Gao Yang couldn't help sighing.

There is no harm without comparison.

After this period of time, Gao Yang found that he was the most relaxed when he was with Zhao Waner and Chu Qianyi.

Chu Qianyi is obedient, Gao Yang will do whatever Gao Yang says.

And Zhao Wan'er is relatively strong, so Gao Yang doesn't need to expend much physical strength, at most he can control the power of thunder, and other Zhao Wan'er can solve it by himself.

On the contrary, it is more tiring when you are with other women.

Especially the little loli, who is always tossing and tossing non-stop, which hurts Gao Yang's mind, body and kidneys.

Gao Yang felt that after Little Lolita and Mao Erniang both reached the ninth Shura level, he needed to take a leave of absence for a few days!

After all, the friendship between life and death is most felt when things come to fruition.

It's like this every night, and the mood is much less.

Although the attractiveness of these women is very high, Gao Yang feels that the kidney is his own, so he should treat it better.

You can't do anything wrong just because you are young.

Thinking about it this way, it was the new Qin Yaqin who made Gao Yang worry the most.

After all, there is a problem with orientation, Gao Yang definitely doesn't need to worry about it in a short time.

However, Gao Yang didn't know.

Thanks to the efforts of Gao Yang and the other women yesterday, a Lily Control has begun to have a clear tendency to straighten.

In the near future, she will join Gao Yang's duty list and become a new daughter-in-law waiting to be fed.

After eating breakfast, Gao Yang took out his mobile phone and looked at the chat group habitually.

What surprised Gao Yang was that he had just wiped out the Maoshan faction the night before yesterday, and today there were already discussions about the Maoshan faction in the group.

And in the news inside, it was revealed that the catastrophe of the Maoshan faction was not because of evil cultivators, but because of offending a strong man in Jinhua City.

It was also when Gao Yang was watching these messages that a private chat was sent.

But it came from the group leader "Honest and reliable young gentleman" in the group.

"Boss, are you there?"

Looking at this message, Gao Yang replied, "Yes, what's the matter?"

The message had just been replied, and within a few seconds, Gao Yang was shocked to find out that the honest and reliable young man was calling from Chen Qi.

After answering the call, before Gao Yang could speak, Chen Qi's voice rang through the phone receiver in a hurry, "Boss, there is news that you killed the Maoshan faction, is it true¨¨?"

Gao Yang raised his eyebrows and said, "Where did you get this news?"

Chen Qi responded: "I learned from some special advisers of the Secret Service, and I received news that it is said that forces such as Longhushan and Tianshifu pay special attention to this matter.

It was even reported that forces like Longhushan and Tianshifu were preparing to issue an invitation letter to invite people from the practice world to gather to discuss the Maoshan faction this time.

If the matter of the Maoshan faction is really related to you, boss, you'd better think of a way, otherwise, I'm afraid there will be some troubles. "

Although Gao Yang went directly to the Maoshan faction the night before yesterday and wiped out all the people in the Maoshan faction.

However, as one of the three major forces in the practice world, the Maoshan Sect also has a small number of disciples who are still outside and have not returned.

When these Maoshan sect disciples returned, they found an empty sect.

Afterwards, the matter broke out under the tossing of these Maoshan sect disciples.

These disciples of the Maoshan faction were divided into two groups, and they went to Longhu Mountain and Tianshi Mansion respectively to let the two forces uphold justice for the Maoshan faction.

Under the tossing and tossing of these Maoshan sect disciples, this is what happened now.

"The Secret Service really hit the spot!" Gao Yang murmured softly in his heart.

However, now that everyone else is looking to make trouble for him, Chen Qi still dares to take the initiative to inform him.

This fact made Gao Yang's perception of Chen Qi much better.

Then he said in an easy-going tone: "I know the matter, and I will find a way to solve it here."

Hearing what Gao Yang said, Chen Qi didn't continue to say more.

Immediately afterwards, after a few brief chats, Gao Yang hung up the phone.

However, Chen Qi's phone call was like a signal.

In the following time, Gao Yang received calls from Yan Rou, Fang Tiancheng, Xu Zhengyang and others.

After putting down the phone, he glanced at the messages sent by the group members in the group.

Gao Yang tilted his head, sneered, then put the phone on the table and ignored it.

Gao Yang doesn't like to force others to stand out for no reason.

Naturally, I don't like some people to take control of me.

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