My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 604

If it is true, those people in the practice world dare to make trouble for themselves.

Gao Yang's attitude is still the same as before.

If you dare to come, I will bury you!

Anyway, the land is vast and abundant, and there is always a place for the dead bodies of these dead people.

If it really doesn't work, the big deal is that the ashes will be melted into the world, which can be regarded as environmentally friendly.

the other side

Inside the Secret Service office, the entire office was filled with smoke.

Looking at the hung up phone, Yan Rou looked at Jiang Yongning and Zhou Haisheng on the side.

After Jiang Yongning put out the cigarette in his hand, Yan Rou broke the silence first and asked, "What do you think about this matter?"

Hearing this, Jiang Yongning glanced at Zhou Haisheng and sighed, "What else can I do? What do you think will happen if Longhushan and Tianshifu unite with other forces to find Mr. Gao?"

Yan Rou said without hesitation: "In the first case, those cultivation forces will be completely wiped out. In the second case, Mr. Gao will be eliminated by Longhushan and Tianshi Mansion, but the cultivation world will also be greatly injured."

In the end, Yan Rou continued: "I personally prefer the first one."

Jiang Yongning pondered for a while and then said: "If this situation happened before the earth's ghost energy revived, no matter what kind of situation it is, it is not a bad thing for our officials and the Secret Service, but it is not right now. "

The existence of monks has caused many troubles in this world.

Even before the ghost energy revived, it was the same.

For this reason, even the official side has to make some concessions in many cases.

Not to mention that now that the ghost energy has recovered, the world has changed drastically.

Therefore, the existence of monks definitely has a great impact on the official control.

But it's different now.

With the great changes in the world now, whether it is the official or ordinary people, many places need to rely on (Wang Qianzhao) monks.

A Maoshan faction is destroyed, and it can still accept intestines.

If there are problems with Longhushan, Tianshifu and even more strengths, the impact will definitely be significant.

In any case, such a situation cannot arise.

Otherwise, without the help of these cultivating forces, it would be doubly difficult to stabilize the current situation only by relying on the Secret Service and the official.

Therefore, after a pause, Jiang Yongning just said: "Try to find a way to contact Tianshifu and Longhushan! If it doesn't work, tell them the situation on Mr. Gao's side and the previous Maoshan faction. "

"What if they don't give up?" Yan Rou asked after thinking about it.

Hearing this, Jiang Yongning snorted coldly: "Unless the current rulers of Longhu Mountain and Tianshi Mansion are as confused as the Maoshan faction, otherwise, they would not dare to use their entire sect for a Maoshan faction that has nothing to do with it." adventurous."

ps: The seventh update, the author does what he says! Ask for monthly tickets and subscription support! _

Chapter 448 It’s not always a bad thing to plan for a rainy day

The phone calls in the morning seemed to have no effect on Gao Yang, so he did what he had to do.

Strong strength, fierce wife and children, just being so self-willed, the fact that Taishan collapsed before him without changing his expression is Gao Yang's mentality now.

It's just that after school in the afternoon, Gao Yang didn't go back home directly, but went outside to meet Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu.

After sitting down, Gao Yang asked: "How about the things I entrusted you with?"

Hearing this, Fang Tiancheng took out a backpack from the side and said, "I only got one type of elixir, and the other types will take a few days. There are several elixir that need to be transported from other places."

Gao Yang conveniently put the backpack into the storage artifact and asked, "I don't need to worry about the other elixir these few days. What about the ghost bag I asked you to help make last night?"

Fang Tiancheng took out two palm-sized bags full of runes.

It was not the first time that Gao Yang had seen this bag, it was just a few months ago that Gao Yang asked Fang Tiancheng to help him make some ghosts for experiments and fashion ghosts to get a special bag.

"How many levels can it accommodate to get ghosts?"

Looking at the two pouches in his hand, Gao Yang asked casually.

Fang Tiancheng said: "It's hard to say, after all, this ghost bag can only be regarded as a low-level magic weapon of the third rank. If it is not sealed, even a fourth-level ghost may be able to destroy this ghost bag and rush out.

If the seal is good, even a seventh-level ghost king can last for a few days. "

After finishing speaking, Fang Tiancheng asked curiously: "Boss, why do you want this thing all of a sudden?"

Regarding this, Gao Yang did not hide anything, and directly told the two of the problems he encountered during this period of time.

Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu were shocked when they heard that the Yin Commanding Card eroded by Corpse Blood Fiend could make some low-level ghosts become seventh-level or even eighth-level ghost kings in a very short period of time.

Even his expression couldn't help becoming serious.

The world has changed drastically, and every time the blood moon appears, although the strength and level of the ghosts are rapidly improved.

But monks also have many advantages.

Just like Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu, they both went from level four to level six in just one or two months.

But if according to what Gao Yang said, the ghost's strength can be improved like a rocket in such a short period of time, the potential threat it brings will be great.

"So, boss, do you want to study that blood corpse?" Fang Tiancheng asked.

Gao Yang nodded and said: "That's right, after all, this thing is a bit weird, if you don't study it clearly, it always feels unreliable."

Gao Yang had asked before going out today, Qin Yaqin was wrapped with a Yin Commander inside her body.

It's just that unlike Liu Zhaoyun and the girls, Qin Yaqin's Yin Commander's level is the same as Wei Qingyu's "King" level.

The daughters-in-law and daughters-in-law in the family all have yin cards, what if one day they are affected by the corpse blood evil?

Being prepared for a rainy day is never a bad thing.

After learning of Gao Yang's purpose, Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu were obviously also interested.

Anyway, with Gao Yang around, the two of them don't have to worry about their own safety at all.

The two were willing to help him, Gao Yang naturally would not refuse.

So after the sky darkened, the three of them who had eaten quickly moved around the city.

Therefore, after spending half an hour without finding the target, Gao Yang just stopped.

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