My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 607

Then, amidst the maniacal laughter, this sixth-level death-resenting ghost walked slowly towards Gao Yang step by step.

And every time you take a step, you have to laugh a few times.

The seemingly happy laughter reverberated, but it gave people an eerie feeling, which made Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu feel a little chilly in their hearts.

On the contrary, Gao Yang couldn't help frowning when he heard the burst of laughter.

After all, the laughter of this resentful ghost is really not very pleasant.

Just like the laughter coming out of the throat after being held down by someone, it sounds low but harsh.

Gao Yang, who was interrupted by the laughter, frowned slightly and snorted coldly.

Following the exit of the voice, a wave of power rushed out of Gao Yang's body.

At the same time, the Level 6 Wraith Ghost, who was more than ten meters away from Gao Yang, felt waves of pressure pressing on him from all directions when he heard this cold snort.

It was as if a ten thousand catty boulder was carried on its body, causing the body of this sixth-level wraith ghost to stand still in place, and the floor tiles under his feet were all broken.

At this moment, it was as if the throat of this sixth-level death-resenting ghost was really held down, and the continuous laughter stopped abruptly.


In an instant, this idea also flooded the mind of this sixth-level death-resenting ghost.

Immediately afterwards, Gao Yang said slowly: "Come on, show me another smile."

Looking at Gao Yang in front of him, the sixth-level death-grudge who knew he kicked the iron board couldn't laugh at all.

Putting away the fierceness on his face just now, the sixth-level death-resenting ghost said in a gentle and sincere tone: "Brother, I was wrong."

Hearing this, Gao Yang snorted coldly, and then asked a few words.

Soon, Gao Yang discovered from the mouth of this sixth-level death-suffering ghost that there was actually a yin token in his body.

This point is the same as the few ghosts that Gao Yang met before were corrupted by corpse blood.

"Could it be that these corpse blood spirits are carried by these yin tokens?"

After muttering in his heart, Gao Yang took out a ghost bag instead.

After catching a fourth-level ghost and controlling it, Gao Yang walked up to the sixth-level ghost and said, "Come, touch him!"

"Touch, touch him?"

Hearing Gao Yang's words, the death-resenting ghost glanced at the fourth-level ghost that was carried by Gao Yang, which looked scarred and scarier.

After a pause for a few seconds, the sixth-level death-resenting ghost said with a bitter face: "Brother, I'm not this kind of person, I don't have such a habit!"

Seeing this, Gao Yang didn't bother to talk nonsense, and with a light lift of his right hand, a thunderous force emanated from Gao Yang's hand, and then passed in front of this sixth-level death-resenting ghost.

But even if it wasn't concentrated, the place on the shoulder that was rubbed by the force of thunder still made the painful body of the sixth-level ghost tremble.

Then seeing the power of thunder in Gao Yang's hands, this sixth-level resentful ghost was so frightened that he hurriedly said: "Brother, if you have something to say, let me touch it, can't I touch it?"

As he said that, looking at the male ghost who was controlled by Gao Yang and couldn't move at the moment, after taking a deep breath, the sixth-level ghost took a painful step forward, and passed the male ghost in front of him with both hands. After hugging him into his arms by his waist, he touched the ghost's ass...?..

Seeing this scene, Gao Yang couldn't understand that this Level 6 Death Wraith ghost obviously misunderstood what he said.

But when the words came to his lips, Gao Yang still didn't correct him, but started to observe.

A few seconds later, after looking at the fourth-level male ghost who hadn't changed at all, Gao Yang said again: "Touch him with your Yin energy."

In the case where people are swordsmen and I are fish and meat, this level 6 ghost can only mobilize the yin energy in his body to cover his hands as Gao Yang said, and continue to touch this level 4 ghost

Soon, under Gao Yang's observation, he found that just after the yin energy of the sixth-level ghost touched the fourth-level ghost, a faint blood light rushed into the fourth-level ghost. In the body of the ghost.

Afterwards, Gao Yang felt the evil aura of corpse blood that began to appear on this fourth-level ghost.

"It really is the influence of Yin Qi."

After confirming this point, Gao Yang thought for a while, and the power of thunder directly killed the two ghosts.

After the power of thunder melted the two ghosts, the blood-red Yin Commander in the body of this sixth-level wraith trembled and wanted to fly away.

But before the blood-red Yin Commander could make a move, a surge of true energy rushed out of Gao Yang's body and imprisoned the 4.1 Yin Commander.

Immediately afterwards, Gao Yang grabbed a level five ghost from the ghost bag again and put it on the ground.

After this fifth-level ghost appeared, Gao Yang pointed to Yin Commander, who was imprisoned in the air by himself, and said: "Go, take that thing in your hand."

Hearing what Gao Yang said, this fifth-level ghost looked at the blood-red Yin Commander in the sky, and felt the unsettling fluctuations from above, this fifth-level ghost turned around again. He looked over at Gao Yang.

A few seconds later, a sound of Shandong scallions smelled.

"Brother, I'm afraid!"

Hearing this, Gao Yang smiled gently, then slowly raised the gun in his hand to point at this level five ghost and asked, "Come on, tell me, are you afraid of it or me?"

Level 5 ghost: "..."_

Chapter 451 You are too happy

Facing Gao Yang who was staring at his head with a gun at the moment, he looked at the bloody and dark commander's card that obviously gave people a feeling of uneasiness.

This level five ghost obviously felt that he should be more afraid of Gao Yang.

Afterwards, under the threat of Gao Yang's gun, this fifth-level ghost could only move two steps hesitantly, then raised his hand and stretched out his hand towards the bloody Yin Commander in midair.

But when the hand of this fifth-level ghost was still in the air, it suddenly stopped.

A face that should have been terrifying was completely disturbed at the moment.

"Brother, can you tell me what will happen after I hold this thing?"

Gao Yang has never lacked patience, and it is the same at this moment.

After all, Gao Yang deserves some patience for what this ghost will experience next.

Therefore, Gao Yang said gently: "It's okay, after you hold this thing, maybe your strength and level will increase rapidly."

"Really 15? Is there such a good thing? You didn't lie to me?"

Facing what Gao Yang said, the ghost asked three times, and the words "You're afraid you're lying to the ghost" were almost engraved on its face.

Gao Yang said lightly: "Do you think it is necessary for me to lie to you?"

Seeing this, the fifth-level ghost opened its mouth and was about to continue to say something.

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