My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 608

But when a real yuan bullet flew past with a "swish", the fifth-level ghost instantly shut its mouth.

Then he turned his head slowly, and after taking a deep breath, stretched out his trembling and trembling hand.

It was also when the fifth-level ghost's hand was about to touch his own true essence in the air, Gao Yang's mind moved, and the true essence automatically spread and opened a hole for the ghost's hand to penetrate in.

In the next moment, in the eyes of Gao Yang, Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu, the blood-red Yin Commander rushed into the body of this fifth-level ghost as quickly as a predator who had discovered its prey.

Seeing this bloody Yin Commander rushing into his body, this fifth-level ghost obviously panicked.

He quickly turned his head and looked at Gao Yang with horror and panic.

But before he could open his mouth, the yin energy all over his body was already surging crazily.

At the same time, this fifth-level ghost also howled in a low voice.

Seeing this scene, both Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu stepped back cautiously.

After all, they are not as bold as Gao Yangyi.

It was the first time for the two of them to see this bloody Yin Commander, and it gave off a strange feeling no matter how they looked at it.

Soon, while the ghost was constantly howling in pain, in Gao Yang's perception and sight, the yin energy on the ghost was quickly transformed into corpse blood evil.

However, in just two or three seconds, more than half of it was completely transformed.

At the same time, when the yin energy on this ghost and the evil blood of the corpse continued to intersect, there was also a strong evil energy permeating the air.

Under this wave of evil spirit, the surrounding plants withered quickly.

Especially the trees that were closer to this fifth-level ghost turned into blood red.

"Kill, kill, kill..."

During the process, as the Yin Qi in the body was continuously transformed, this fifth-level ghost was already holding its head and murmuring continuously.

The face and eyes are full of violence and madness.

Soon, after about two minutes, as the whole body of this fifth-level ghost had turned blood-red, a wave of fluctuation also spread out from the body of this ghost.

But the level has been promoted from the original level five to the current level six.

It was also the moment when the level of this ghost was promoted, this level 6 ghost suddenly raised its head, its cold and gloomy eyes fixed on Gao Yang, its face was a bit more ferocious than before.

After a low growl, this level 6 ghost raised its hand and rushed towards Gao Yang.


However, just as the ghost had just stepped forward with one foot, a thick thunderbolt rushed out of Gao Yang's body and bombarded beside the ghost.

Listening to the sound next to it, this level six ghost subconsciously turned its head.

When he looked at the half-meter-deep and one-meter-diameter crater next to him, and there was a "sizzling" sound of purple thunder power inside, the violence and coldness in the eyes of this sixth-level ghost were quickly dissipated.

The whole person also instantly regained the cuteness just now.

A dry smile squeezed out of that flushed face: "Brother!"

Facts have proved that this ghost is full of a strong desire to survive.

After watching the sixth-level ghost regain its integrity, Gao Yang asked, "Tell me about your feeling just now."

Hearing this, this sixth-level ghost honestly explained the feeling of being transformed before.

In general, during the entire transformation process, he could clearly feel a feeling of being cut by a knife all over his body.

Moreover, waves of strong killing intent kept coming from his whole body, drowning his whole body.

It was as if the violence and negative emotions in his original body were instantly magnified dozens of times.

Hearing what this level 6 ghost said, Gao Yang's mind turned rapidly.

If it is just based on what this level 6 ghost said, it is obvious that this blood corpse has little influence on ghosts.

But for some reason, Gao Yang always felt that there was something wrong with this blood corpse.

After all, something like this that can instantly increase the strength and level of ghosts is a bit too contrary to common sense.

Then, after thinking for a while, Gao Yang withdrew his attention, looking at the sixth-level ghost curiously looking at his body with a smile on his face, Gao Yang didn't know what he thought of, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Noticing the smile on the corner of Gao Yang's mouth, Taoist Yuxu and Fang Tiancheng looked at each other, then turned their heads to look at the sixth-level ghost with some pity.

At the same time, Gao Yang smiled and said, "How about it, I didn't lie to you, did I! Is the level raised?"

Hearing this, the sixth-level ghost nodded and said: "Brother, what you said is indeed true, and I can feel that after that thing entered my body, the yin energy in my body was actually increasing. "

Seeing this, Gao Yang continued to ask: "Then are you happy now?"

The sixth-level ghost nodded affirmatively and said, "Of course I'm happy."

Hearing this, the smile on Gao Yang's face suddenly stopped and said: "Then you were too happy too early."

After finishing speaking, Gao Yang raised the gun in his hand and directly pulled the trigger to smash the head of the sixth-level ghost in front of him. _

Chapter 452 Still smells like a boss, still so skinny (fifth change)

Seeing this sixth-level ghost being killed, Fang Tiancheng and Daoist Yuxu beside him sighed secretly. Sure enough, it still tasted like a big boss, still so skinny.

And after this level 6 ghost was killed by Gao Yang, Gao Yang made a few more ghosts to continue experimenting.

Afterwards, after going through some ghost tests several times, Gao Yang understood the basic situation.

In general, Gao Yang can be sure that the Yin Commander in front of him, which is infested with corpse blood, will directly select ghosts and invade them directly.

And once it is invaded, as the Yin Qi in the ghost's body is quickly transformed into corpse blood, the energy in the ghost's body will also increase rapidly.

As long as it is a ghost below the sixth level, after the Yin Commander infested with corpse blood penetrates into the body, it will be upgraded to the sixth level in just a few minutes.

But as the strength increases, the character of these ghosts will also be affected.

One of the most obvious is that these ghosts will become more bloodthirsty.

Afterwards, after looking at the Yin Commanding Card in front of him that was infested with corpse blood, Gao Yang flipped his right hand, and a black Yin Commanding Card appeared in his hand.

"Boss, isn't this what you killed in the body of that fifth-level ghost?" Fang Tiancheng who was next to him asked while looking at the Yin Commander in Gao Yang's hand.

Gao Yang nodded and said, "That's right, remember what I told you? After the fourth blood moon, some ghosts also got Yin Commander cards similar to our Yang Commander cards."

"Is this the one in your hand?" Taoist Yuxu asked, looking at the thing in Gao Yang's hand.

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