My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 620

"The one who spoke just now was Lu Lihuo, the head teacher of Yuhuomen, an eighth-level monk in the Divine Charm realm. In addition, I am neutral in Tianjimen, so I can't express it directly, so I can only type it to the boss."

Looking at this text message, Gao Yang typed and asked, "Have you never heard of it before?"

Taoist Yuxu: "Many sects have declined due to the exhaustion of spiritual energy before, but after the recovery of ghost energy this time, many forces have skyrocketed.

This Yuhuomen is one of them. Lu Lihuo, the head teacher of this Yuhuomen, and that one are monks who have been promoted to the eighth level of the Shen Yun realm not long ago, and they are quite prestigious in the practice circle recently. "

Taking this news into his eyes, Gao Yang continued to type and asked, "But does this guy not know about my situation? How arrogant?"

From Gao Yang's point of view, since he was able to sit here, he presumably had a little understanding of the situation on his side.

If you want to say that the cultivator of the ninth-level Yang God Realm is a bit arrogant, Gao Yang can fully understand.

But you are an eighth-level Shen Yun realm.

Where does the courage come from to rely on the old and pretend to be old in front of me?

Taoist Yuxu: "Precautionary, Director Jiang felt that there was no need to tell all about your situation, boss, so he just mentioned the grades of the three sisters-in-law, level nine and level eight, while the boss still thought you were only eighth." class.

And boss, you also know that there are many people in the cultivation world who hate ghosts. This Yuhuomen was nearly destroyed two months ago because of revenge by a ghost king-level ghost.

Therefore, Yuhuomen's attitude towards ghosts is extremely bad, and they only have such a big opinion on you after knowing the situation of the sisters-in-law.

According to my seniors who participated in the Longhushan and Tianshifu organization meeting before Tianjimen, this Lu Lihuo has always opposed the peace after he learned about the situation on your side〃. "

"No wonder!"

Seeing Taoist Yuxu's reply message, Gao Yang muttered in his heart.

the other side.

Seeing that Gao Yang took out his mobile phone after he spoke, and ignored him completely, Lu Lihuo's brows and eyes were already somewhat cold.

After taking a light breath, Lu Lihuo slammed the table with a cold snort.

However, before Lu Lihuo could open his mouth, Lu Lihuo had already seen a pistol with a white body and fluorescent lights in it.

The energy fluctuations from above showed that this pistol was a magic weapon of the ninth rank.

As this gun appeared in Gao Yang's hand, when the muzzle turned, a bullet rushed out of the gun with the sound of the gun.

Although most of the monks present are at level seven or higher.

But the power of the Ninth Grade Magic Treasure is by no means beyond what ordinary people can imagine.

Even they could only see an inaudible flash of light disappearing in the air, and after blasting the table out of a big hole, it rushed towards Lu Lihuo on the opposite side unabated.

After all, he is a monk of the eighth-level Shen Yun realm.

The moment Lu Lihuo realized something was wrong, he quickly mobilized his aura to spread around him to form a strong body-protecting qi.

However, as the bullet pierced through the air and rushed in front of Lu Lihuo, under the reddish energy, the protective energy around Lu Lihuo was directly torn to shreds like a thin layer of paper.

Then, at this moment, the bullet of true essence had already passed through Lu Lihuo's shoulder.

A blood hole the size of a walnut was exposed on its shoulder.

In an instant, blood gushed out from the wound and soaked the clothes around Lu Lihuo's shoulders.


During the pain, Lu Lihuo was already crying out in pain.

Seeing the injured Lu Lihuo, the expressions of the other monks in the room changed.

Jiang Yongning and Yan Rou both cursed secretly in their hearts.

They also know more about Gao Yang's temperament.

He will not talk about face like other people in the practice world.

As long as you dare to provoke Gao Yang, you will dare to kill him.

So before Gao Yang arrived, Jiang Yongning and Yan Rou specially reminded Lu Lihuo to keep his temper down.

But who would have thought that Lu Lihuo would completely ignore their kind reminders.

Gao Yang didn't hold back his provocation just after he came.

The success of this standard is more than failure!

"Bastard, I'll kill you."

While roaring, Lu Lihuo's gaze was already full of anger when he looked at Gao Yang, and the spiritual power in his body began to gather rapidly.

"don't want"

Seeing that Lu Lihuo still wanted to make trouble, Jiang Yongning couldn't help but speak up.

But when he was talking, Jiang Yongning didn't look at Lu Lihuo, but at Gao Yang.

It's just that when Jiang Yongning's gaze turned to Gao Yang, he found that Gao Yang who was originally on the seat had disappeared.

At the same time, Lu Lihuo's spiritual fluctuations and roars suddenly fell silent.

As if thinking of something, Jiang Yongning quickly turned his head to look in the direction where Lu Lihuo was.


As his eyes moved to Lu Lihuo's side, what he could see was that Lu Lihuo's head was already being pointed at by a white long spear.

Gao Yang stood beside Lu Lihuo, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this scene, Longhushan, Tianshifu and other monks in the room all changed their expressions and stood up abruptly.

And Jiang Yongning's heart burst out even more.

With a sudden change of mind, Jiang Yongning opened his mouth just to speak.


However, before the first word from Jiang Yongning's throat came out, a loud gunshot echoed throughout the room and was clearly heard by everyone.

Then, in everyone's sight, Lu Lihuo's head was blown away by Gao Yang's shot like a burst watermelon.

(Li, Hao Zhao) The headless corpse fell limply on the ground, and the blood quickly spread from the wound.

"Hiss! The big boss is the big boss, so lucky!"

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