My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 621

On one side, looking at Gao Yang who didn't agree with each other and killed directly, Fang Tiancheng next to him took a breath and said humanely to Yuxu next to him.

Hearing this, Taoist Yuxu shook his head while looking at the blood spreading on the ground while nodding.

Is it not good to live?

"This is troublesome!"

On the other hand, looking at the situation in this scene, Jiang Yongning's heart can be said to be extremely solemn.

Jiang Yongning knew that Gao Yang was tough.

But I didn't expect Gao Yang to be so stubborn.

It was just a sentence, but Gao Yang didn't even say anything, just killed the killer without showing any mercy.

Then when he looked up slightly, Jiang Yongning had already noticed that when the people of other cultivation forces in the room looked at Gao Yang, their eyes had changed slightly. _

Chapter 463 Men, sometimes they just have to be tough

Seeing this scene, Jiang Yongning couldn't help but wryly smiled, and quickly thought about the solution to the situation in front of him.

Otherwise, let alone Lu Lihuo, the monks from Longhushan and Tianshifu who came to negotiate today might all have to die here.

Slowly put down the hand holding the gun, glanced at Lu Lihuo's corpse in front of him, Gao Yang raised a cold arc at the corner of his mouth.

Gao Yang is not a soft persimmon that anyone can pinch casually.

Moreover, Gao Yang's advantage is that he is stingy, and his disadvantage is that he is even more stingy.

It's the first time to be a human being, so why should I spoil you.

Am I familiar with you?

Do you really think your father wants to spoil you in the whole world? I am not.

When Gao Yang fired, he didn't block the sound of the gun at all.

So when the gunshots rang out, the secret service personnel outside also heard the movement.

Immediately, the door of the private room was broken open, and a group of Secret Service personnel rushed in.

"Everyone get out!"

It's just that Jiang Yongning let out a low shout when the people from the secret service just came in.

After all the people from the secret service department had retreated and closed the door of the private room, Gao Yang looked up slightly, feeling the slight changes in the eyes of the monks in the room, Gao Yang smiled lightly.

Sitting on the stool next to him, he lit a cigarette unhurriedly and exhaled a puff of smoke, then looked at these monks casually while fiddling with the gun in his hand.

007 Looking at Gao Yang's slack posture, no one in the room dared to move.

If Gao Yang's strength and level were only level eight.

Perhaps at this moment these monks have already started together.

But the question is, is Gao Yang's level eight?

Obviously not.

Just a moment ago, when Gao Yang rushed in front of Lu Lihuo, following Gao Yang's movements, everyone felt the energy fluctuations coming from Gao Yang's body.

Definitely not an eighth-level Shen Yun realm.

It's a monk at the ninth level of the Yang God Realm.

With such strength, even if all of them do it, it is estimated that the group will be wiped out in the end.

It was also because of this that even though Gao Yang's posture at the moment showed a bit of arrogance and aloofness, they did not dare to act rashly at all.

After more than ten seconds, Gao Yang opened his mouth lightly.

"I think you may have misunderstood a question.

I can easily destroy the Maoshan faction, and naturally I can easily destroy the mountain gate where you are. "

Hearing this sentence, the people in Longhushan and Tianshi Mansion in the room all looked condensed.

This (bfaf) is naturally clear to those present.

If this were not the case, Tianshifu and Longhushan would not immediately call other forces in the practice world after the first consultation.

The reason is because of fear of Gao Yang.

Especially Longhu Mountain and Tianshi Mansion.

After learning about the Maoshan faction, they immediately sent someone to the Maoshan faction to check.

To put it bluntly, the aftermath of the battle in the entire Maoshan faction is very small.

What does this mean?

Facing a strong enemy, the Maoshan faction basically had no ability to resist and was wiped out.

Maoshan faction is now one of the three major cultivation forces.

Even Longhushan and Tianshifu are confident that they can also destroy the Maoshan faction.

But it is absolutely impossible to do it as simple as Gao Yang.

Otherwise, with the character of a monk, where would it be necessary to unite with other people in such a big way?

Afterwards, amidst the solemnity of the monks at Longhu Mountain and Tianshi Mansion, Gao Yang continued: "I don't like to cause trouble, but I'm not afraid of trouble. If you are honest, we can save the river water from the well water.

If you insist on thinking that I will tolerate you like this guy just now, I'm sorry, my patience is limited, and I can't tolerate people with bad relationships jumping around in front of me.

If it really makes me unhappy. "

Having said this, Gao Yang's words suddenly stopped.

Immediately afterwards, in the solemnity of the crowd, Gao Yang's face also subsided, and he said with a cold expression: "I don't mind letting your practice world have a big reshuffle! If you don't believe it, you can just try it try."

Working hard every day to make my daughter-in-law constantly improve, what is the purpose of Gao Yang?

In addition to promoting the relationship between husband and wife, it is also to be able to live a more free and easy life.

To put it bluntly, even if it's just Gao Yang's current family situation, it's easy to push all the forces in the practice world.

With such strength, why does Gao Yang get used to people in the cultivation world?

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