My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 627

Gao Yang reckoned that even if he was a cultivator at the ninth-level Yang God Realm or a ghost at the ninth-level Shura level, once he touched the black thunder power stored in his furnace, he would be seriously injured even if he did not die.

As if he also sensed something was wrong, the spell rune turned into balls of flames after shaking, and then hung beside the phantom of the furnace statue.

At the same time, a new spell rune appeared on the other side of the cauldron.

It made the furnace in Gao Yang's body seem to be burning.

Slowly opening his eyes, Gao Yang raised his mouth lightly as he felt the magic runes branded inside the cauldron.

ps: Changing the chapter of being locked in a small black room hurts my head! Toss for hours! Ask for a monthly pass and subscription for comfort! _

Chapter 468: The Role of the Moonlight Ghost

In the evening, after eating, Gao Yang glanced at Qin Yaqin who entered the kitchen with Chu Qianyi, and Gao Yang asked doubtfully, "Although I know that Yaqin's rank is low, there's no need to fill up the duty list so full, right? "

In the new duty schedule recently drawn up yesterday, Qin Yaqin's side actually lined up for three nights a week.

What surprised Gao Yang was that none of the girls, including Little Lolita, had the slightest opinion.

Hearing this, Liu Zhaoyun shrugged and said, "Don't you feel any difference in the Yin Qi in our villa recently?"

Hearing what Liu Zhaoyun said, Gao Yang felt it carefully.

After a while, Gao Yang shook his head with a grimace.

Snake spirit disease, Gao Yang is not a ghost, what special feeling can he have for Yin Qi?

Seeing this, Liu Zhaoyun rolled her eyes at Gao Yang and said, "Purity, haven't you noticed that the yin energy reverberating in the villa has become more pure in the past few days?"

As soon as these words came out, Gao Yang raised his eyebrows and circulated his true energy.

After absorbing part of the Yin Qi, Gao Yang's expression changed slightly


Previously, every time Gao Yang practiced, he relied on the added pills, and he didn't pay attention to them at all.

So now it feels wrong.

Immediately after glancing at the location of the kitchen, Gao Yang asked, "Is this all because of Yaqin?"

Liu Zhaoyun nodded and said: "The youngest is Yuehua ghost, Yuehua ghost 037 is a special kind among ghosts, it must have the body of nine yin and the body of a virgin to become a moonlight ghost after death .”

Hearing this, Gao Yang interrupted Liu Zhaoyun and asked, "What is the Nine Yin Body?"

Hearing this, Liu Zhaoyun said slowly: "The so-called body of nine yin refers to the horoscope of yin, the sex of yin, the orientation of yin before life, the four points of the year, month, day and hour of death, and the place of death. And the places where they are buried are all Yin.

Especially these nine points, the spirit body will be transformed into the body of the nine yin after death, and all of them are indispensable. "

"I'm going, the conditions are so harsh?"

This time, Gao Yang was really shocked.

As far as the requirements of the Nine Yin Body are concerned, the difficulty of getting them together is not much less than that of buying a lottery ticket.

Liu Zhaoyun nodded and said: "That's right, so as far as I know, the Nine Yin Body can be described as a once-in-a-million-year encounter, which is too rare.

Not to mention that you were still a virgin before you died, I have to say that your luck is indeed very good. "

"Ability? What is Yuehua Ghost's ability?" Gao Yang asked.

Since the conditions for transforming into a Yuehua ghost are so harsh, Gao Yang is also very curious about what is the ability of being a Yuehua ghost?

Once she becomes a Yuehua ghost, not only can she control the power of Yuehua for her own use, but if she is of the same level, even Zhao Waner and I are no match for her.

In addition, due to the influence of the power of Yuehua, Yuehua Ghost can continuously and passively refine and purify the surrounding spiritual power or Yin Qi.

In the Yin Qi, there will still be a lot of mottled energy. Even after our ghosts absorb it, we need to temper it after a period of time to expel these mottled energies from the spirit body so as to keep the spirit body pure.

But because of the existence of the youngest, it can help us refine the surrounding Yin Qi first, so that after we absorb it, we will be able to directly integrate into our own spirit body.

And the stronger the level, the stronger the effect.

So you didn't even look at the little girl and didn't object at all? "

"I'm going, isn't this a humanoid filter?"

Hearing Gao Yang's description, Liu Zhaoyun said frivolously, "It's not wrong for you to describe it like this!"

Then, after changing her posture and leaning against Gao Yang, Liu Zhaoyun continued: "Now the world is constantly changing, and Yin Qi is also increasing with the appearance of the blood moon. If the youngest's level can be raised earlier.

Both for you and for us are of great benefit. "

Gao Yang didn't expect Qin Yaqin's effect to be so strong.

As Liu Zhaoyun said.

If Qin Yaqin has such an effect, then once her strength increases, it will be of great benefit to Gao Yang or the girls.

Speaking of this, Liu Zhaoyun paused for a moment, then put her arms around Gao Yang's neck and said: "So, (bfdi) even if I want you to accompany me every day, for everyone's sake, I can only reluctantly part with you and let the youngest occupy you temporarily.

Don't you think, you should find time to work overtime later to make up for me as a princess in the palace? "

Gao Yang's face turned black and he said: "I actually think I can buy you some interesting things to play with yourself!"

Liu Zhaoyun snorted softly and exhaled like blue, "That thing is so interesting to be with you!"

While speaking, Liu Zhaoyun blew into Gao Yang's ear.


Faced with Liu Zhaoyun's teasing, even though Gao Yang hesitated in his heart, his body was very honest.

Noticing Gao Yang's changes, Liu Zhaoyun's eyes showed a tricky smile.


Gao Yang felt that he had returned to his bedroom, and the door was tightly closed.

The kind where the deposit is not allowed.

Three hours later, Gao Yang served another cup of wolfberry tea with a sad expression on his face.

Fortunately, after being able to strengthen it twice now, the tone that was about to be eliminated by Gao Yang now has the effect of a 500-year-old elixir after the second strengthening.

After drinking it, feeling the warmth reverberating from the abdomen and the whole body, Gao Yang could obviously feel that his energy had recovered a bit.

But even so, Gao Yang let out a soft sigh in his heart when he glanced at Liu Zhaoyun who was smiling.

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