My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 628

One must know that the daughters-in-law in Gao Yang's family are all decided stunners.

Even the little Lolita and the cat-eared girl are proper cute pets.

But the other Gao Yang felt that he could still bear it, and his firm heart would not be out of balance.

Only when facing Liu Zhaoyun, Gao Yang has no confidence at all.

This woman is like a roundworm growing in her stomach, she clearly knows what movements or expressions Gao Yang can't resist.

Under this kind of stimulation, every time it was Liu Zhaoyun's turn to be on duty, it was completely worth dealing with the other girls for two nights.

This point has not changed even now.

It is said that after a long time between husband and wife, it is easy to get bored.

But this doesn't apply to Liu Zhaoyun at all.

This hemiao is definitely the reincarnation of the Nine-Tailed Fox.

When driving and teasing, even an old driver like Gao Yang is completely helpless.

At this moment, Gao Yang really wanted to go online to ask for help, what should I do if my daughter-in-law is too attractive to handle the swelling?

But after thinking about it, Gao Yang thinks it's better to forget it.

After all, my daughter-in-law and my situation are too special.

Everything can only be explored slowly by oneself.

Therefore, this sadness can only be borne by myself alone.


Chapter 469: Every Night Is Like an Ice Cell

In the morning of the next day, Qin Yaqin arrived in the kitchen early.

At night, you can have a life-and-death relationship with Gao Yang, and when you wake up in the morning, the first thing you see when you open your eyes is the rotten Gao Yang who is 360 degrees handsome and has no dead ends.

When it's over, they can prepare breakfast for Gao Yang in the kitchen with the effervescent Chu Qianyi and Wei Qingyu.

This made Qin Yaqin, who is a face control party, feel as if she is in heaven.

On days like this, no matter how long it took, Qin Yaqin would never feel bored.

On the other hand, Gao Yang came out of the room after a while.

After washing up, Gao Yang couldn't help sighing softly when he glanced at Qin Yaqin who was looking at him full of love.

Sure enough, there is a saying that is true.

When facing a woman, there is a channel.

As long as you can pass quickly, you can quickly conquer women.

Now it seems that this sentence is obviously useful to female ghosts like Qin Yaqin.

After all, at the beginning, Gao Yang felt that when Qin Yaqin looked at him, his eyes were more bewitched.

The eyes are completely different from the gentleness now.

At first, she thought that Qin Yaqin was a lily lover, but she became so straightforward in just a few days.

Although there is nothing wrong with that.

But Gao Yang's previous idea of ​​wanting Qin Yaqin to share his pressure was directly in vain.

This can't help but make Gao Yang a little disappointed.

To be honest, as a man, there are a few people who have never thought about playing with their own women.

That picture is definitely exciting even thinking about it.

But with this idea, Gao Yang has been holding back.

The reason is that once he asks Qin Yaqin like this, if the other women find this kind of play interesting, Gao Yang will be tired in the future.

Therefore, Gao Yang still thinks it is good to deal with one at a time like now.

At least I feel that I can handle it with ease, and I can carry it!

"By the way, I only have class in the morning today. It's been a while since we went out during the day last time. Let's go for an outing this afternoon!"


Hearing what Gao Yang said, Qin Yaqin and Wei Qingyu turned their heads and glanced outside the window.

Noticing the bright sunshine, Qin Yaqin wondered, "But it's still daytime!"

Before Gao Yang could speak, Chu Qianyi explained gently: "Gao Yang has a special ointment, as long as we apply it, we can move around in the sun for a short period of time without being affected."

"Is there such a good thing?"

This time, Qin Yaqin's eyes lit up.

Although Qin Yaqin's appearance seems to belong to the style of a secretary, her personality is as active and active as a little loli.

Being able to travel during the day should not be too tempting for Qin Yaqin.

Seeing that Chu Qianyi had spoken for himself, Gao Yang did not explain any further but said, "After you wake up Zhaoyun and Wan'er, you guys can discuss where we are going to play in the afternoon.

If you are free, Qianyi, you and Qingyu can prepare some ingredients here, and we will still have a barbecue in the evening. "


Facing what Gao Yang said, Chu Qianyi responded sweetly.

After arriving at the school, he entered the classroom, looked at Li Jie who was looking serious at the moment, Gao Yang turned his head to Zhou Qi who was next to him and asked, "Boss, what's wrong?"

Zhou Qi shrugged and said, "I don't know, anyway, it was like this when the boss came back this morning."

After all, Li Jie is now considered a married man.

And because the daughter-in-law is also a kid, she also rented a house outside the school.

Usually, I should play, but I won't go back to the dormitory at night.

Therefore, Zhou Qi really didn't know about Li Jie's situation.

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