My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 629

However, Li Jie belongs to the kind of free and easy personality that can be used as a quilt when the sky falls.

So Li Jie's expression is rarely seen by Gao Yang or Zhou Qi.

Confused in his heart, Gao Yang couldn't help touching Li Jie and asked, "What's wrong? Does your wife dislike your time issue?"


Hearing what Gao Yang said, Zhou Qi beside him couldn't hold back his laughter.

Facing Gao Yang's words and Zhou Qi's laughter next to him, Li Jie said angrily, "I've said it all, it's the first time, what's the matter now? Now every time I take more than fifteen minutes, okay!"

Gao Yang suppressed the smile in his heart and asked, "Then why are you doing this expression when you're fine?"

Looking at Gao Yang, and then at Zhou Qi, Li Jie sighed and said, "You guys won't understand the sadness and pain in my heart."

··· ···Ask for flowers········

Gao Yang spread his hands and said, "How can we understand if you don't tell me?"

Maybe it's because the sadness in my heart is too sad to express it, and I feel uncomfortable.

So facing Gao Yang and Zhou Qi, Li Jie slowly said: "Your third son, you are not ordinary, naturally you also know that the female ghost is icy and cold!"

Although he didn't know what Li Jie wanted to express, Gao Yang still nodded and said: "Yes, ghosts are born with yin, unless they reach an extremely high level, their body temperature is much colder than normal people."

Li Jie snorted softly and said, "It's not only much colder, it's as good as ice cubes!"

As he said that, Li Jie said with a bitter face: "You also know that when a girl is happy to enter a girl's body, it seems to be surrounded by warmth.

.. ... 0

But with my mouth now, it's like putting my brother in the freezer.

Of course, it was okay when the weather was hotter before, but the problem is now almost approaching January.

Can you imagine how it feels like falling into an ice cellar every night? After each time, I have to coax it with a hair dryer for a while. "

Hearing Li Jie's description, Zhou Qi couldn't help imagining the scene by substituting himself in for a while.

After looking down, Zhou Qi shuddered fiercely, his face changed, and he couldn't help but swear.

"I Cao"

And Gao Yang thought that Li Jie was struggling with something.

Co-authoring turned out to be such a thing.

Immediately, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

But let alone, Li Jie's description just now is really apt enough.

Looking at Li Jie's reaction at this moment, and thinking about himself, Gao Yang couldn't help but feel rejoiced.

Well, now that I am stronger, I have completely reached the level of invulnerability to cold and heat.

So for the situation of the girls, Gao Yang can handle it completely.

But in the face of such a problem, how can Gao Yang comfort him?

I could only pat Li Jie on the shoulder, and after a while, squeezed out a sentence, "Just get used to it!" to try to comfort Li Jie's injured heart.

After all, not every man can be like himself, put in the ice cellar every day without changing his face, and even enjoy it.

ps: Because I re-wrote it again, this chapter is updated a little later. Chapter 5, ask for subscription and monthly ticket support, Chuan! _

Chapter 470: Definitely Three Days and Three Nights

If he wants to wear the crown, he must bear the burden. Since Li Jie accidentally fell in love with that female ghost, he must bear this pain.

Just like Gao Yang, although all the daughter-in-laws in the family are stunning in the world.

But they are greedy for their bodies all day long, and they look like they are waiting for food every day, Gao Yang still bears it silently.

Men, sometimes have to bear some responsibilities and obligations.

Put your daughter-in-law on your shoulders, and "have fun" as hard as possible.

On this point, Gao Yang felt that he already had a lot of experience.

Thinking about it, Gao Yang's thinking gradually became crooked.

Even the idea of ​​going home at night to catch some good education came to my mind.

The moment this thought appeared, Gao Yang immediately came to his senses and quickly suppressed the immature thought in his mind.

It is now January.

After another week of waiting for the various "297" subject exams, the school will be on holiday.

No one wants to take an extra course next semester than others.

So in order not to fail the exam, even Li Jie and Zhou Qi, the two guys who usually play hard, have started to chew on books these days.

On the contrary, Gao Yang is not worried at all.

With Gao Yang's current mental strength, those books can basically be memorized after reading them once.

It's more than enough to meet the exam.

After leaving school, Gao Yang went to buy the sunscreen he found last time.

After all, there are more daughters-in-law in the family now.

In order to avoid running out, Gao Yang directly bought ten bottles.

It gets dark earlier in winter.

So after making some calculations, Gao Yang directly strengthened three bottles, and strengthened these three bottles to the fifth level at once.

After spending thousands of system points, Gao Yang's heart is calm at this moment without even the slightest fluctuation.

If it was a few months ago, this kind of consumption would definitely make Gao Yang feel so distressed that it would be difficult to breathe.

If it was just the enhancement of Gao Yang's strength, and the overall level of those ghosts hadn't been raised, Gao Yang might still be planning carefully now.

When Gao Yang returned to the house, the girls gathered in the living room quickly turned their heads to look at Gao Yang.

Noticing the joy in the eyes of the girls, Gao Yang smiled lightly and asked directly: "How is it? Have you decided where to go this afternoon?"

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