My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 633

It can be said that the thunder tribulation should start in the next second.

However, as Gao Yang was still nearly 200 meters away from the robbery thunder above his head, in Gao Yang's perception at this moment, with the end of the birth of the robbery cloud above, the power contained in it had already reached its peak when.

In Gao Yang's perception, the condensed robbery cloud above his head actually began to disperse.

That's right, it just fell apart.

The kind that waved his sleeves without taking away a cloud at all.

Seeing that the robbery cloud disperses directly, the energy condensed in the air also disperses in all directions.

This time Gao Yang was stunned 143 times.

"Where's Lei? Did you just disperse like this without leaving a single one behind?"

He rushed up excitedly, but the robbery ended before it even started.

It has to be said that Gao Yang was a little dazed by the tribulation thunder.

But seeing that Jieyun was gone, what else could Gao Yang do? While cursing, they also slowly fell from the air.

However, when Gao Yang just fell from the sky and looked a little depressed, a wave of fluctuation came from one side again.

Sensing the movement, Gao Yang raised his head quickly.

But once again, the sky was filled with robbery clouds.

Glancing at the movement above his head, Gao Yang stared!

"Paralysis, what about playing? Can this tribulation thunder be disconnected?"

For a moment, Gao Yang didn't know what mood and words to use to describe his feeling at the moment.

It's really a long time to see you.

I've seen a lot of game disconnections, but I didn't expect to encounter Jielei's disconnection today.

Still, it's better to be connected than disconnected all the time.

Therefore, watching the robbery thunder condensed again in the air, Gao Yang leaped into the air and charged towards the robbery again.


three seconds later

(b faj) Looking at the Jieyun dissipating again in the sky, Gao Yang's face turned dark.

Rao Gao Yang felt that he could bear it very well, so he couldn't help but blurt out "MLGB" at this moment.

"What about playing? You start to appear when I get away from you, and run away when I get closer to you. Are you so smart?"

But depression is depression, Gao Yang also faintly felt that something was wrong at this moment.

Confused, Gao Yang fell from the sky to the ground again.

A few seconds later, looking at the Jieyun condensed again in the sky, Gao Yang understood.

I now understand what that purple line on my forehead is.

He is the only one who co-authored this thing, a black Peugeot.

Once he got close, Jieyun would immediately dissipate after he noticed it.

Play a game and get blocked when you are having fun.

I wanted to be struck by lightning, but now I am also blocked.

Why don't I just go whoring for nothing first, so I don't give face?

Gao Yang, who understood everything, was so angry at the moment!

Thunderstorm! Anyway, if you detect the target, you can chop it.

At worst, you can strengthen your power to express your dissatisfaction.

But if you just flip the table and stop playing, this is a bit too much!

However, just as Gao Yang was depressed at the moment, another wave of fluctuation emerged.

But this time it didn't come from heaven.

It came from Gao Yang's side.

Aware of this wave of fluctuations, Gao Yang quickly turned his head to look, only to find that this wave of fluctuations came from Mao Er Niang.

Feeling the yin energy surging from the cat's ear girl and gathering around her.

Obviously, under the influence of this blood moon and the current Yin Commander, the cat-ear girl will also be promoted.

It was also in the midst of the continuous fluctuation of Yin Qi on Mao Erniang's body, the speed of the cloud of calamity in the sky was gathering even faster!

Almost all the surrounding Yin Qi was swept into this calamity cloud at this moment.

Obviously, in the face of the upgrade of Qin Yaqin and Maoerniang, the power of the sky robbery has also increased.

Seeing this scene, Gao Yang pondered for a while, but chose to try again.

Same as before.

During Gao Yang's observation, as he was still within 300 meters of the robbery cloud in the sky, the purple lines between his brows lit up again.

But this time, it may be because there is an extra cat-eared ghost below who should be robbed by thunder.

This time, Jieyun in the sky seemed a little hesitant.

It was this hesitation that gave Gao Yang a chance.

But when Gao Yang was still 100 meters away from the robbery cloud, Gao Yang clearly felt that the robbery cloud in the sky began to disperse.

However, at the moment when he felt that the robbery cloud was escaping, Gao Yang opened up his speed without saying a word, and rushed directly into the robbery cloud at a speed that was almost twice as fast as before.

Almost at the moment of rushing into Jieyun, Gao Yang's true energy rushed out of his body quickly, and then pulled the energy from the surrounding Jieyun into his body one by one.

That way, it's like a person who has been hungry for a few days sees nothing, that's called a wolf.

Facing Gao Yang, who was so popular and ugly, Jieyun quit.

Seeing Gao Yang frantically plundering the energy in his body, the Jieyun gathered purple Jielei and slashed towards Gao Yang.

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