My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 634

It's just that the purple tribulation thunder just touched Gao Yang, and was directly absorbed by Gao Yang.

And the more lightning strikes, the happier Gao Yang smiled.

Almost two minutes later, Gao Yang absorbed the Jieyun that stretched nearly 300 meters in the sky.

The extremely thin Jieyun in the sky once again condensed a strand of hair-thin purple Jielei and struck Gao Yang's body.

Under this purple tribulation thunder, the purple lines on the center of Gao Yang's eyebrows became brighter.

Even the lines between the eyebrows have changed, turning into a cloud-like rune.

Regarding Jieyun's last bit of stubbornness, Gao Yang didn't take it to heart at all.

Regardless of your dissatisfaction, anyway, this time I was overwhelmed, and I will talk about the future.

Then, seeing that he gained another five million experience points, Gao Yang slowly fell from the sky with a smile on his face, and then quietly guarded a few women to prevent another bloody corpse from rushing out.

ps: There are a lot of things these days! The author tries to adjust it as much as possible and add more! I hope everyone can understand in special times! And demand monthly pass and subscription support! _

Chapter 474 Daughter-in-law, this is not good!

After waiting for about ten minutes, the yin tokens on the heads of the other women were retracted into their respective bodies, and Liu Zhaoyun, Xiao Luoli and other women opened their eyes.

Although he didn't speak, Gao Yang could clearly feel the smiles on the faces of the girls.

Apparently, after the yin tokens in the bodies of the women absorbed the light, the women gained more or less benefits.

However, when Gao Yang's attention was on Zhao Wan'er, Gao Yang's gaze paused slightly.

In the line of sight, Zhao Wan'er's eyes are still closed at this moment.

It's just that in the perception of Gao Yang and the other women, the surrounding Yin Qi began to be swept away by Zhao Wan'er in large quantities.

Amid Gao Yang's doubts, Liu Zhaoyun acted as the narrator and explained: "I think she also obtained a lot of energy just now, and now she wants to use this opportunity to break through."

Hearing this, Gao Yang's eyes lit up.

Now Liu Zhaoyun at home has reached the ninth level~the Nether level after that.

If Zhao Wan'er broke through to Nether level again, among other things, Gao Yang would ask who would dare to mess with two Nether level ghosts at home?

Therefore, Gao Yang and the other girls also stood aside and waited quietly.

However, almost twenty minutes later, as a large amount of yin energy was continuously gathered and charged into Zhao Wan'er's body, Zhao Wan'er still showed no signs of advancing.

At this time, Gao Yang couldn't help but asked Liu Zhaoyun beside him.

"Does it take so much energy to advance from the ninth-level Ghost King level to the Nether level?"

During this period of time, facing Zhao Wan'er, Gao Yang continued to work hard.

But Zhao Wan'er still got a lot of energy waves from the Yin Commander before.

So Gao Yang reckoned that Zhao Wan'er would be promoted soon.

But now, after absorbing a large amount of Yin Qi, Zhao Wan'er didn't even have a splash in her body.

The Yin Qi kept rushing into Zhao Wan'er's body, just like a mud cow entering the sea, making no sound at all.

Hearing what Gao Yang said, Liu Zhaoyun said in a bad mood: "Otherwise, what do you think? If you want to calculate, the level of Yin Qi alone is ten times different between the Youming level and the ninth level Ghost King level.

Otherwise, why do you think I made a bold bet with Zhao Wan'er in the first place? "

"Chicken thief!"

Hearing this, Gao Yang couldn't help but cast a glance at Liu Zhaoyun.

Liu Zhaoyun smiled and said as a matter of course: "I don't think carefully, how can I sit firmly in the position of your empress?"

Faced with Liu Zhaoyun's self-promotion, Gao Yang curled his lips.

At the end, after a pause, Liu Zhaoyun continued: "Besides, although the yin qi in the world has increased now, even if the yin qi has increased tenfold, it would be better to have a life-and-death friendship with you after working hard for a month.

After all, not to mention that your Yang Qi is more effective for us ghosts than Yin Qi.

Even the energy that flows into our body every time we finish things is definitely not comparable to that of Yin Qi. "

While speaking, Liu Zhaoyun still glanced at Gao Yang, as if interested.

Although he knew that Liu Zhaoyun was expounding the facts at this time, Gao Yang felt a little sad for some inexplicable reason.

In order to feed each of my daughters-in-law, how many children and grandchildren did I lose every day?

Just thinking about it makes Gao Yang feel sad.

At the same time, Zhao Wan'er on one side was constantly absorbing Yin Qi, and she frowned as if she felt something.

A few seconds later, when Zhao Wan'er opened her eyes, she turned her head and looked at Gao Yang with some thoughts in her eyes.

Sensing Zhao Wan'er's gaze, Gao Yang inexplicably had a bad feeling.

Immediately afterwards, as Zhao Wan'er's figure flickered and appeared in front of Gao Yang across a distance of several meters, Zhao Wan'er already pulled Gao Yang up with one hand and sucked the carpet on the ground into her hand with the other, then walked straight to the side .

"What are you doing?"

Pulled by Zhao Wan'er, she walked towards Gao Yang and asked.

As for Gao Yang, Zhao Wan'er didn't hide anything and said truthfully, "I've reached a bottleneck, but I still need your help."

Faced with what Zhao Wan'er said, Gao Yang was at a loss.

"My help? What help?"

But when Gao Yang noticed the carpet that Zhao Wan'er was holding injured, Gao Yang faintly understood something.

Obviously, the current Zhao Wan'er wants to have a life-and-death friendship with herself to break through.

There are also several other women who also understand Zhao Wan'er's purpose at this moment.

··· ···Ask for flowers······

Especially Liu Zhaoyun, who was taken aback for a moment and then muttered: "I can still think of this method!"

While muttering, Qin Yaqin, who was among the girls, couldn't help being surprised when she saw Zhao Waner and Gao Yang's actions and conversation at this moment.

"I can play!"

Immediately, Qin Yaqin's eyes were burning, and her heart was filled with the idea of ​​peeking or observing.

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