My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 649

But after a long time, you need to take a breather.

There is a saying that is good, when you are unhappy and make others unhappy, then only half of your own unhappiness will be left, and you will be much more comfortable.

Although Gao Yang is not unhappy, he still needs to release the pressure.

Therefore, nowadays, recruiting ghosts to play is not only Gao Yang's demand for system points.

Another part also comes from spiritual needs.

So, now that there are so many ghosts and evil spirits in this kindergarten, Gao Yang's interest became even more intense.

It was also after Gao Yang secretly recorded the places where those ghosts gathered, and under the leadership of the female teacher beside him, Gao Yang had already arrived in a classroom.

After Gao Yang entered the room, the female teacher asked, "Having said so much, is Mr. satisfied with our Fulin Kindergarten?" "

Gao Yang smiled and said, "Not bad."

After saying this, the female teacher next to her suddenly closed the classroom door.

Then, after throwing the textbook in her hand to the side, the female teacher untied her hair, walked a few steps closer to Gao Yang, and raised her finger to lightly touch Gao Yang's chest.

Moving her fingers slowly, the female teacher said frivolously: "Actually, we generally have some special treats for parents who are willing to entrust their children to our school!"

While speaking, the female teacher raised her glasses-wearing face slightly.

What looked like a cute face at this moment turned out to be charming.

Facing what the female teacher said, Gao Yang seemed to be very interested and asked: "Oh? What special treat?"

The female teacher heard the words: "As long as you are willing to let your child go to our school, I am yours tonight, and you can do anything to me first!"

Gao Yang asked with a smile: "Did you sacrifice so much for this one?"

The female teacher chuckled and said, "Of course I don't want to be an ordinary person, but you are so handsome, of course you can get special treatment. Besides, I practice yoga every day."

Saying that, the female teacher still gave Gao Yang a look that you understand.

"Practice yoga! Then your body must be very soft." Gao Yang echoed.

"You'll know if you try it yourself?" The female teacher responded and put her hands on the zipper of her sportswear.

Seeing this action, the smile on Gao Yang's face became even more intense.

"If that's the case, then I won't be polite!"

After the voice fell, Gao Yang raised his hand slowly.

Noticing Gao Yang's raised hand, the smile on the female teacher's face became even more charming.

However, in the expectant line of sight of the female teacher, as the muscles of Gao Yang's arm suddenly tightened, the hand that was raised slowly also accelerated suddenly at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, amidst the astonishment of the female teacher, Gao Yang slapped the female teacher fiercely on the face.

Under the powerful force, the female teacher flew into the air after screaming and hit the classroom wall on one side.

Feeling the feeling coming from under this slap, Gao Yang let out a ".〃嗯" in his heart.

Not to mention, as expected of a girl who does yoga, she feels different when hitting her.

Under this kind of feeling, Gao Yang's figure appeared in front of the female teacher in a flash.

At this moment, after being slapped firmly by Gao Yang, the yin energy on the female teacher's body receded, revealing her originally ferocious face.

A face that was not bad ( Zhao Hao ) was obviously eaten by something.

Seeing Gao Yang appear, this eighth-level female ghost let out a low growl, and the yin energy and the blood-colored evil energy on her body kept surging.

It's just that when Gao Yang clenched his fists tightly and then hammered down hard, these yin and blood-colored evil qi all scattered away as if he had encountered something extremely terrifying.

Let Gao Yang's fist come into close contact with this female ghost.

Even if such a soft girl doesn't punch a few times, Gao Yang feels that he has lost a lot.

All of a sudden, in this classroom, screams and wailing sounds kept ringing out.

After the purple light suddenly lit up in the classroom and went dark for a moment, the whole classroom also returned to calm.

Seeing the female ghost killed by him, Gao Yang sighed softly in his heart.

It's a pity that the eighth-level ghosts are still not enough to toss. _

Chapter four hundred and eighty eighth chest broken boulder

After dealing with this eighth-level ghost, Gao Yang, who had finished stepping on the spot, no longer had the idea of ​​continuing to toss around slowly.

After a crazy idea was born in Gao Yang's mind, a smirk appeared on Gao Yang's face.

Immediately afterwards, during the pinching of the formula, a series of true essence talismans had already condensed out of Gao Yang's body.

After dozens of talismans twirled and finally condensed into a colorful talisman, they followed Gao Yang's hand and pressed it.

After this talisman melted into the ground, the energy diffusion room had already protected the entire classroom.

With Gao Yang's current level and talisman attainments.

Under this carefully condensed talisman, even an ordinary nine-level Asura-level ghost would definitely not be able to break through overnight.

After ensuring that no ghosts would disturb and affect him through the talisman, Gao Yang sat directly on the podium.

The mind quickly sank into the Yang Commander of the body.

After the attention had sunk into the Yang Commanding Card, under the diffusion of Gao Yang's consciousness, a large amount of Yin Qi fluctuations had already entered Gao Yang's mind.

Unlike in the past when he used the dream-making function of the Yang Commander card, Gao Yang only pulled in one or two targets each time.

This time, Gao Yang did not refuse any yin energy fluctuations he felt in his consciousness, and pulled them all into the dream space.

At the same time, in the teaching building 763 opposite the classroom where Gao Yang was, a child who looked like four or five years old was staring at the classroom where Gao Yang was.

The originally cute face looked strange because of a pair of blood red eyes.

If Gao Yang was here, he would definitely be able to detect the fluctuation of Yin Qi in this child Dao at the first time.

It was clearly the same as the previous female teacher, a corpse boy who belonged to the eighth-level ghost king.

However, at this moment, a strong drowsiness suddenly came over.

Under this wave of drowsiness, the blood-red eyes of this corpse boy, which were originally full of violence and sternness, became a little more hazy, and its small head drooped slightly, and then fell to the side.

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