My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 650

And in this sleep, part of the yin and evil energy began to emerge from the chest, throat, and hands of the corpse boy.

On the other side, as more than ten minutes passed, Gao Yang who was in the classroom wrinkled slightly, and then slowly opened his eyes.


At the same time, in a classroom in the teaching building opposite Gao Yang, the corpse boy who was pulled into the dream space by Gao Yang before suddenly screamed and sat up.

A pair of blood-red eyes were full of fear and horror.

After sitting up, looking at the dim surroundings, the corpse boy quickly touched himself.

After finding that there was nothing wrong, the corpse boy heaved a long sigh of relief.

Just now, this eighth-level ghost king-level corpse boy actually dreamed that he had become an ordinary person and was attending classes in school.

In the dream, he was playing games with a group of children under the command of the kindergarten teacher.

If you win, the teacher will reward you with a lollipop.

And if you lose, you will be punished.

Of course, if this is the case, that's all.

But the key is that the punishment for losing is that he is crushed with a boulder in the chest, stabbed with a silver spear in the throat, and put his bare hands into the frying pan.

Snake spirit disease!

Who the hell is this kind of punishment for failing to play games in a kindergarten?

Thinking of the feeling of the stone slabs being pressed against him in the dream before, and then a sledgehammer smashed down brazenly, this corpse boy still has lingering fears in his heart.

I couldn't help but clutch my chest, feeling a little dull pain.

Fortunately, all this is just a dream.

"But for no reason, how could I have such a weird dream?"

"Hey! It's interesting that you can still forcefully wake up."

However, just as the corpse boy was puzzled, a somewhat surprised voice suddenly sounded from one side.

Hearing the sound, the corpse boy turned his head quickly, only to find out why Gao Yang, who was supposed to be in the opposite classroom, appeared at his side at this moment.

But when he turned his head to look at Gao Yang, this corpse boy didn't dare to move at all.

the reason is simple.

When the corpse boy saw Gao Yang, he also (bfef) saw the muzzle of the gun aimed at him.

The moment his eyes focused on the muzzle of the gun, a strong sense of danger rose from the heart of this corpse boy.

"Big brother, I have something to say."

These words were full of social atmosphere, Gao Yang frowned upon feeling the words blurted out by this little guy.

"Yo huh? So old-fashioned?"

Under the system's detection, Gao Yang knew that this kid was a corpse boy of level eight.

But since he was in Fulin Kindergarten, it would only take a day or two for him to die.

Even if it is transformed by Corpse Blood Demon, it is impossible to make a few-year-old just talk like a social youth in just one or two days!

Therefore, out of curiosity, Gao Yang couldn't help asking, "Little ghost, why are you so mature in your speech, you have a story!"

Hearing Gao Yang's words, the embarrassment of an adult appeared on the face of this eighth-level corpse boy.

"Brother, actually, I've been dead for a long time."

After speaking, Gao Yang finally understood after a few minutes that what was in this little guy's body was another ghost.

It's not the child's own soul.

After pondering for a while, Gao Yang continued to ask: "Then why are you staying in this child's body when you're fine? Are you too comfortable to come out?"

This corpse boy said with a bitter face: "I want to too! But I can't get out of the problem now."

"Can't come out? What does this mean?" Gao Yang asked doubtfully.

Later, under the explanation of this corpse boy, Gao Yang knew that the ghost inside this corpse boy originally wanted to occupy the body of this corpse boy, and then devoured the soul of this corpse boy.

But who would have thought that just after swallowing the child's soul last night, a yin token with corpse blood suddenly drilled out of the ground and invaded the body of this ghost.

Although it is said that in just one day, this ghost has entered from level six to level eight.

But the soul of this ghost was fused with the body of this child because of the corpse blood.

After understanding all this, Gao Yang was stunned for a while.

"I said, why does this kid speak in such a strange tone? It turns out that the dove is occupying the magpie's nest!"

The corpse boy laughed dryly and said cautiously: "Brother, it's just for dinner. Look, I've told you all this honestly. Why don't we leave it like this? Let's pretend we haven't met each other before?"

Wen Yan smiled gently.

Seeing Gao Yang's smile, the corpse boy felt a little more relaxed.

However, before he could completely relax, Gao Yang in front of him had already pulled the trigger.

Gao Yang let out a soft snort when the muzzle of the gun went straight through the corpse boy and killed it.

"Let you go, you are probably dreaming!"_

Chapter 489 Heavenly Killing Order, Ten Thousand Swords Piercing the Heart

After dealing with the corpse boy, Gao Yang's attention was once again placed on the Yang Commander in his body.

During this period of time, Gao Yang was already certain that the more corpses and blood demons devoured by the Yang Commander in his body, the stronger this one's ability to manipulate dreams would be.

In the middle, Gao Yang also tried it with other ghosts.

The most intuitive change is that when Gao Yang is manipulating the dream, he consumes much less energy than at the beginning.

If it was according to the previous situation, even with Gao Yang's true essence, it would not be able to support the current situation where hundreds of ghosts and evil beings were pulled into the dream-land space at the same time.

In addition, the damage in the dream space can also affect the real world to be more obvious.

So Gao Yang was very curious.

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