My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 659

But both Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu knew that the cultivators stationed in the secret service were all like uncles.

Every time there is a task, it is asking for a lot of money.

Otherwise, it's nothing to worry about.

Typical eyes high and hands low.

Even Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu couldn't get used to a large part of them.

If those monks benefited, they would probably just go straight into their own sect and practice hard behind closed doors.

It's better to let the Secret Service get the benefits.

"What about us? Don't you want to participate?" Fang Tiancheng continued to ask.

Hearing this, Gao Yang glanced at Fang Tiancheng strangely and said, "We found out that those who have seen it have a share, why don't you participate?"

Just kidding, even Gao Yang has learned something about inheritance through the group in the past half a month.

I also know that although there are many dangers in the general inheritance land, there are also many good things.

Who knows if there will be Gao Yang who needs it? Why not?

Also during the chat, a system notification sound suddenly appeared in Gao Yang's mind.

"Ding, a ghost has been detected, target level evaluation: Level 6 ghost."

"Ding, a ghost has been detected, and the target's rating is: Level 6 Earth Demon."

It was also in the second after the sound of this reminder sounded that Gao Yang already felt two waves of Yin Qi fluctuations that were approaching rapidly in his consciousness.

Not long after, Gao Yang saw a woman standing under the street lamp, wearing that kind of red lace dress and carrying a handbag.

The woman looks fairly slender, and her face with heavy makeup is still delicate.

She can be regarded as a beauty in an ordinary place.

The most important thing is that this woman has a strong obsession.

And at night, with this woman's dress, the first impression she gave was that she was a lady who came out to do business.

At the same time, Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu beside Gao Yang also saw a woman under a street lamp in the distance.

The moment their eyes were on the woman, both of them stared.

It's just that in the next second, Fang Tiancheng came back to his senses.

The moment he came back to his senses, he glanced at the Taoist Yuxu who was still staring at him, and Fang Tiancheng used his spiritual power to pat the Taoist Yuxu.

Following this beat, after Fang Tiancheng's spiritual power rushed into Taoist Yuxu's body, Taoist Yuxu came back to his senses after his body trembled.

Taoist Yuxu, who reacted, immediately understood the problem, and then quickly withdrew his gaze, wrapped them up with spiritual power and lowered his voice, saying: "Good guy, the old Taoist was fascinated at the first glance, that evildoer, could it be A succubus?"

Gao Yang glanced in surprise at Taoist Yuxu who was listening behind him in the distance, obviously a little surprised that Taoist Yuxu knew the identity of the ghost immediately.

Fang Tiancheng responded: "It's very likely! Boss, what do you say?"

Gao Yang shrugged lightly and said, "What else can I say? They were delivered to my door on their own initiative. It's shameful to waste it!"

After speaking, Gao Yang raised his foot and continued to move forward.

Seeing Gao Yang's movements, Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu looked at each other and quickly followed.

She seemed to have noticed the approach of several people. The woman who was standing under the street lamp also turned her head slowly, glanced at the three of Gao Yang with interest, and then focused her gaze on the most handsome Gao Yang. .

The moment her gaze stayed on Gao Yang, this female ghost of level six was already slowly picking up her red lips under the light of the street lamp.

Soon, after more than ten seconds, people from Gao Yang's side walked up to this sixth-level female ghost.

After standing in front of this sixth-level female ghost, before the sixth-level female ghost approached, Gao Yang was the first to speak: "Thousands of rivers and mountains are always love, can five hundred and one nights work?"

As soon as these words came out, Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu who were following behind Gao Yang froze in place.

Also stunned was the sixth-level female ghost in front of her.

Obviously, this sixth-level female ghost never thought of 657 Gao Yang's quick talk, and came up to negotiate the price.

Then, the woman smiled lightly and said, "Thousands of mountains and rivers are always sentimental, can I give you an extra ten thousand?"

"Hey, the codes really match up! Those two scammers never lied to me before!"

Li Jie and Zhou Qi from Gaoyang Suseli used to like to find some girls outside and go to the hotel when they were lonely late at night.

Although Gao Yang didn't touch it, at least he knew a little bit after being influenced by his ears and eyes.

So I also know the secret code for dating girls online.

At that time, Gao Yang was still confused by these novel ways of playing and didn't recover for a long time.

Originally, Gao Yang just wanted to be skinny, but this female ghost turned out to be an expert.

Then, after pondering for a while, Gao Yang continued, "There is true love in the world, can you do it with a thousand dollars?"

Level 6 female ghost: "I bet my youth on tomorrow, less than 10,000 is considered strong (harmony)"

Gao Yang: "The green mountains are faintly covered with water, I book a room and you take medicine?"

As soon as this was said, the sixth-level female ghost smiled and said, "Deal!"

But Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu who were standing behind Gao Yang were stunned as they watched the two reciting a few poems with their own eyes.

At this moment, due to the limitation of cultural level, the faces of both of them were full of blankness. _

Chapter 497 Brother, do you think this is okay?

"Old Fang, do you know the meaning of the poems from the boss?" After a while, Taoist Yuxu asked.

After all, Taoist Yuxu is a member of the Tianji Sect. He used to stay in the Tianji Sect. He has never had much contact with women, let alone understand the conversation between Gao Yang and this sixth-level female ghost.

Taoist Yuxu's question also pulled Fang Tiancheng back.

Fang Tiancheng can be regarded as a master of young models in the past.

No matter how you know it, you know more than Taoist Yuxu!

Therefore, facing Taoist Yuxu's question, Fang Tiancheng quickly explained it.

After realizing that the content of the discussion between Gao Yang and this sixth-level female ghost turned out to be this aspect, the surprise in Taoist Yuxu's heart did not decrease but increased, and he was completely stupid.

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