My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 660

Not to mention Taoist Yuxu, even Fang Tiancheng was filled with a series of "Damn it!"

To be honest, Fang Tiancheng thought that he was a frequent dater.

But it was the first time Fang Tiancheng had met Gao Yang and this sixth-level female ghost talking about prices like this.

It's just a show!

When did these slang words come out in this industry?

at the same time.

After negotiating the price, this level 6 female ghost said with a smile all over her face: "Little brother talks about the price as soon as he comes up, and he understands the market so well, he's so scumbag, it's the first time I've seen it." !"

Hearing this, Gao Yang said with a smile: "Be polite, I just understand a little bit by ear. It's the first time I've seen someone like Miss who is so frank and honest."

There was a hint of sarcasm in the words, but this sixth-level female ghost didn't seem to hear it at all.

"Little brother, you are really humorous! I like it."

However, when the sixth-level female ghost uttered these words, although she was smiling, there was no warmth in her voice, and even her eyes were full of murderous intent.

Even with his fingers, he couldn't help but swing a few times, as if he wanted to directly tear Gao Yang in front of him.

However, just as the sharp nails on the originally hanging hand of the sixth-level female ghost slowly spread out, the surrounding street lights began to flicker frantically.

Immediately afterwards, the street lights on the street in the distance began to go out one by one.

Even the light in the distance quickly dimmed piece by piece.

But in Gao Yang's perception, there was a strong fluctuation of Yin Qi in the ground about a hundred meters away, rushing towards Gao Yang and the others.

It belonged to the sixth-level earth ghost that was lurking on the side before.

What made Gao Yang interesting was that facing the movement at this moment, the sixth-level female ghost in front of him actually showed a bit of astonishment on his face.

Obviously, there was no psychological preparation for this scene.

Originally, Gao Yang thought that the level 6 female ghost in front of him was the same as the level 6 earth ghost.

Now it seems that this sixth-level female ghost didn't even know the existence of that sixth-level earth ghost.

If other monks faced the current situation, they might feel a little panicked.

But Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu, who were behind Gao Yang, just glanced at the movement in the distance with a little surprise, and then calmly withdrew their gazes.

Anyway, with Gao Yang around, they don't need to worry about these things at all.

Up to now, both Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu have established a concept in their hearts.

As long as you follow Gao Yang, you don't need to run for small fights, because there is no need.

If you meet a powerful enemy, you don't need to run, because even Gao Yang can't deal with them, so naturally they can't run away either.

Anyway, just stay quietly and be a salted fish.

As the sixth-level earth ghost kept approaching and felt the fluctuations in the surrounding Yin Qi, this sixth-level female ghost obviously sensed that something was wrong.

"Damn it! You want to snatch my prey..."

After quickly cursing in a low voice, the yin energy in the body of this sixth-level female ghost has already surged violently.

Under the violent fluctuation of Yin Qi, the face of this sixth-level female ghost was no longer as flimsy as before.

On this pretty face, there are already bloody wounds, which look like they have been cut with a knife.

A trickle of blood not only overflowed from these wounds, but also covered the entire face.

However, just when this sixth-level female ghost was about to make a move, she suddenly noticed that Gao Yang in front of her glanced at her brows.

"call out"

Immediately afterwards, in the eyes of this sixth-level female ghost, Gao Yang raised his hand and snapped his fingers without turning his head.

Afterwards, a purple thunderbolt rushed out of Gao Yang's hand and quickly rushed to the ground on one side.

It was also at the moment when this color of thunder was exposed in the air, this level 6 female ghost seemed to be completely enveloped in fear.

At this moment, the Yin Qi all over his body poured into his body crazily.

Even with this level 6 female ghost, she dared not move at all.

A pair of hazy peach blossom eyes were completely filled with fear.


The next moment, a scream echoed quietly in this space.

It was also after this scream that the previously dimmed street light bulbs flickered a few times before regaining their brightness.

After dealing with the uninvited guest lightly, Gao Yang showed a gentle smile to the sixth-level female ghost in front of him.

At the same time, the tone is also gentle: "Okay, leave him alone, let's continue talking, young lady."

The gentle voice came to the ear, and then looking at Gao Yang's handsome face in front of him, this female ghost suddenly showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

Then, while his body was trembling, he said hesitantly, "Brother, brother, I was wrong."

When talking, this female ghost of level 6 is really about to be scared to cry (Zhao Nuo's).

Originally, when this female ghost of level six saw Gao Yang and the others, she thought she would be able to have a full meal.

But who would have thought that the little lamb she regarded as prey turned out to be a big bad wolf.

And she herself is a helpless and poor little lamb.

She almost didn't cry when she understood the truth!

Hearing this, Gao Yang focused his gaze on the sixth-level female ghost.

Glancing at the blood stains on the other party's face, Gao Yang frowned and said, "You talk to me like before, otherwise I'm afraid I can't help but want to kill you."

"Okay, I'll change now!"

The sixth-level female ghost nodded when she heard the words Xiaoji pecked at the rice.

After transforming back, the sixth-level female ghost said timidly, "Brother, do you think this is okay?"

Gao Yang glanced at the sixth-level female ghost and said casually, "Let's make a living!"

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