My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 662

These true essences flowed slowly like ink.

Streams of real energy like ink and ink flowed and intersected continuously. Under the reflection of the surrounding real energy, Gao Yang at this moment was like a person walking out of a painting, with a faint feeling of being out of the dust on his body.

Until the surroundings of Gao Yang's body were filled with 3,000 real qi, Gao Yang's whole body was covered by the criss-crossing zhen qi.

At the same time, a spell rune was also condensed in Gao Yang's body and rushed into Gao Yang's body.

Not long after, there was already an extra spell rune on the cauldron of Gao Yang's body.

Seeing this, after lightly smiling, Gao Yang continued to focus on the other two spells. _

Chapter 499: Techniques from the Yang Commander

Ten minutes later, as the "Jiuyou Xuanshui Jue" was piled up to the Dzogchen directly by Gao Yang, the sound of "哗哗哗" like the tide was constantly surging out of Gao Yang's body.

Also at the same time as this voice continued to emerge from Gao Yang's body, a jet-black rune condensed out of Gao Yang's body.

At the moment when it was condensed with a jet-black rune, the phantom image of the idol in Gaoyang's furnace let out a low growl.

In an instant, this jet-black rune was quickly pulled into the cauldron of Gao Yang's body~.

As the rune imprinted on the furnace, under Gao Yang's observation, there was already a drop of water-drops as black as ink appearing around the phantom of the idol in his furnace.

Even if it's just a drop.

But when Gao Yang's consciousness was placed on the drop of water in the cauldron, he could feel the enormous force attached to the drop of water.

After thinking for a while, Gao Yang raised his right hand lightly.

The next moment, a drop of water as black as ink appeared in the palm of Gao Yang's palm and suspended in the air.

It is the Nine Nether Profound Water condensed after the completion of the "Nine Nether Profound Water Jue".

Right after this drop of Nine Nether Profound Water appeared, under Gao Yang's observation, the surrounding Yin Qi paused slightly at this moment.

After that, the movement speed of Yin Qi in Gao Yang's room slowed down.

After thinking for a while, Gao Yang quickly condensed a talisman.

After the true essence talisman was condensed, Gao Yang controlled the talisman that was condensed when the drop of Nine Nether Profound Water approached him.

It was also at the moment when Gao Yang controlled the drop of Nine Nether Profound Water and touched the True Essence Talisman in the air, this drop of Nine Nether Profound Water directly wrapped the True Essence Talisman in the air.

Then, in Gao Yang's astonishment.

But in just three seconds, this drop of Nine Nether Profound Water directly melted his true essence talisman.

This time, Gao Yang was really surprised.

Even if Gao Yang's Zi Xiaolei wanted to break the Zhenyuan talisman just now, it would probably take about ten seconds.

But under the Nine Nether Profound Water, it was completely destroyed in just three seconds.

This power is not ordinary strong.

Soon, under Gao Yang's observation, after a few minutes, the drops of purple water had already converged into streams of water that were constantly staggering around the phantom of the idol and in the cauldron.

Immediately afterwards, to Gao Yang's surprise, following the appearance of these strips, the thunder force that was originally located around the phantom of the idol and even the black thunder force got into the water flow.

As the ribbon-like streams of water swam around the phantom of the idol, the power of thunder sometimes emerged from these streams.

"It actually merged?"

Seeing this scene, Gao Yang was also a little surprised.

Later, during Gao Yang's trial, when he used the Nine Nether Profound Water, the Nine Nether Profound Water would contain a certain amount of thunder power.

Of course, it is also possible to use Jiuyou Xuanshui or Leifa alone.

Gao Yang obviously didn't expect that the condensed Nine Nether Profound Water could be connected with the Thunder Law in his body.

But from the current point of view, this fusion seems to be doing well.

In the future attacks, the Nine Nether Profound Water contains Zixiao Lei, and the power and power contained in it are bound to be even greater.

After understanding the changes in his body at this moment, Gao Yang turned his attention away from his body and turned to look at the "Great Star Technique" placed in front of him.

Only the last spell rune was imprinted into his furnace, and Gao Yang was able to directly krypton gold to raise his level by another level.

Thinking of this, the anticipation in Gao Yang's heart also urged Gao Yang to quickly focus on the "Great Star Technique" in front of him.

However, just when Gao Yang was about to call out the system to strengthen it, the Yang Commander in Gao Yang's heart trembled violently.

In the next second, a new technique appeared in Gao Yang's mind.

It's just that this technique is obviously incomplete, and only a very small part of the information is contained in it.

If you want to talk about it, the information in Gao Yang's brain probably only contains the first two layers of this technique.

"Ding, it is detected that "Small Prophecy" (disabled) has been selected to strengthen and add points?"

"Small prophecy?"

Sensing the message in his mind, Gao Yang couldn't help but glance at the Yang Commander whose heart had returned to calm.

··· ···Ask for flowers········

It seems to be a little accidental that the Yang Commander card actually contains spells.

After hesitating for a while, Gao Yang still chose to "add points" to the "Small Prophecy".

Moreover, Gao Yang had enough pockets, and Gao Yang was not stingy, and directly piled up the "Small Prophecy" to Dzogchen at once.

Soon, a mysterious rune also quickly condensed in Gao Yang's body, and then appeared in the cauldron of Gao Yang's body.

As this new script of publishing the book was imprinted in Gao Yang's furnace, the entire furnace shook slightly.

In addition, the phantom image of the idol in the cauldron also let out a low cry.

.......... 0

Under such a change, the true essence in Gao Yang's body circulated quickly and rushed towards the cauldron in Gao Yang's body.

But at this moment, the original furnace cauldron seemed to be plated with a layer of gold.

At this moment, the Yin energy in the whole house frantically gathers towards Gao Yang's body.

It's just that for all of this, Gao Yang himself didn't realize that his mind had been focusing on the content of the spells in his mind just after the "Small Prophecy" was upgraded to perfection.

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