My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 663

Ten minutes later, as Gao Yang slowly opened his eyes, a gleam of light disappeared in Gao Yang's eyes.

And the corner of Gao Yang's mouth couldn't help but twitched.

After Gao Yang digested all the contents of the "Small Prophecy" in his mind, Gao Yang also understood what the so-called "Small Prophecy" was.

This so-called "Small Prophecy" refers to mobilizing the world through spiritual power, and then within a certain range, combined with the gathering of factors such as cause and effect and the power of the world, to achieve the goal of injuring the enemy or controlling the target. Oh ditch.

If you want to say what kind of technique it belongs to, you can use the four words "Speak out the law with" to describe it.

As long as he is within a certain range around Gao Yang, through this "Small Prophecy", Gao Yang can instantly manipulate the target to act according to his wishes.

But Gao Yang didn't know what the specific effect would be.

Therefore, after calming down for a while, Gao Yang suddenly had a wicked smile on his face. _

Chapter 500 This is my duty as a wife

Then, driven by this thought, Gao Yang walked slowly into the living room.

Looking at Gao Yang who came down the stairs, the girls were a little surprised, even the latest Qin Yaqin was the same.

After all, after coming here for so many days, Qin Yaqin also knew that after Gao Yang came home every night, he would practice for two hours before going downstairs.

Today, however, Gao Yang came down without even arriving for an hour.

"Why are you so fast today?"

Looking at Gao Yang sitting next to her, Liu Zhaoyun was a little puzzled.

Hearing this, Gao Yang said softly: "It's nothing, I suddenly found something interesting, so I want to come down and try it."

"Interesting thing, what is it?"

The black-bellied little loli next to her suddenly became interested and walked up to Gao Yang and asked curiously.

Seeing the little Lolita like this, Gao "Ling Ba Zero" raised his mouth slightly and said, "Want to know?"

The black-bellied little loli chick nodded as if pecking at rice.

Children! Curiosity is born strong.

Seeing this, Gao Yang said slowly: "Since you said so, I will satisfy you."

After speaking, Gao Yang said slowly: "Come on, give me a fork."

Hearing Gao Yang's words, little loli immediately showed contempt and disdain on her small face.

At the same time, the voice said coldly: "I'll give you a fork, you're thinking of farting."

However, the moment the black-bellied little loli spoke, the true energy in Gao Yang's body suddenly circulated, and almost one-tenth of the true energy dissipated in his body out of thin air.

The next moment, there seemed to be inexplicable energy in the surrounding air pouring directly into the little Lolita's body.

Under this influence, as the last word fell from Little Lolita's mouth, although there was still a look of disdain on her face, Little Lolita's body froze for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, I saw little Lolita's body hit, and after pulling her legs apart, a fork came out on the spot.

Seeing her legs on the ground, as if shocked, the little loli stared!

Then he looked at Gao Yang in shock and asked, "How did you do it?"

Hearing Little Lolita's question, Gao Yang chuckled lightly and said, "It's interesting! The technique I just learned."

Liu Zhaoyun on the side raised her eyebrows as if she suddenly thought of something and said, "You can't say what you say?"

Gao Yang looked at Liu Zhaoyun a little surprised, as if he glanced at Liu Zhaoyun a little surprised, and then responded: "Not bad! I got it right away."

With Gao Yang's confirmation, the interest in Liu Zhaoyun's eyes became more intense.

"Interesting! Words follow the law, even I can't do it now! You can do it at the ninth level of the Yang God Realm. The magic technique you just learned is a bit interesting!"

Then, looking at Liu Zhaoyun in front of him, Gao Yang felt a sudden change in his heart.

An idea suddenly appeared in Gao Yang's mind.

Once this thought appeared, it was lingering and quickly occupied Gao Yang's thinking.

Before Gao Yang can continue to consider the stakes, Gao Yang's body has already taken the first step.

Then, amidst the surprise of others, Gao Yang looked at Liu Zhaoyun and said, "Call me Daddy gently!"

As the voice exited, nearly three-quarters of Gao Yang's true energy disappeared without a trace. Liu Zhaoyun, who was caught off guard, parted her lips lightly, exhaled like a blue, and said, "Father!"


As soon as this gentle and faintly charming voice came to Gao Yang's ears, all the pores on Gao Yang's body were opened, and he couldn't help but ruthlessly cheered up.

At this moment, Gao Yang finally understood why many people like to ask their girlfriends to call him father when they are together at night.

This kind of auditory and psychological impact is absolutely sensational.

Just like Gao Yang now, just hearing these two words makes Gao Yang a little excited.

Even at this moment, Gao Yang couldn't help imagining what it would be like for Zhao Wan'er to call himself that under his guidance.

There is a good saying! The higher the jump, the worse the fall.

After she came to her senses, Liu Zhaoyun slowly laughed when she recalled the time Dao just called Gao Yang "Dad".

And the smile is brighter than ever.

But for some reason, seeing Liu Zhaoyun's smile, Gao Yang's heart skipped a beat.

"To suffer!"

After such a long time, Gao Yang is very familiar with Liu Zhaoyun, both in character and body.

This was the first time Liu Zhaoyun showed such a gentle and cheerful smile to herself.

There is a saying that everything must be reversed when it is extreme.

For Liu Zhaoyun.

The happier the smile, the more trouble Gao Yang will encounter next.

Therefore, under Gao Yang's nervousness, Liu Zhaoyun said slowly: "So you like this tune!"

Gao Yang laughed dryly and said, "Eh! It's okay! I don't really like it either."

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