My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 664

Hearing this, the smile on Liu Zhaoyun's face remained undiminished and she said, "It's okay! As your wife, I know you like this tune, so I will definitely satisfy you tonight!"

Saying that, Liu Zhaoyun smiled and said to Gao Yang: "Remember to ask for leave tomorrow!"

Faced with Liu Zhaoyun's words, Gao Yang's body trembled first, then again and again.

This is clearly the rhythm that will continue until tomorrow!

Regarding this, Gao Yang couldn't help but dryly said: "No need! It's just a joke, daughter-in-law doesn't need to be so serious."

Liu Zhaoyun responded with a smile: "Whatever you want, this is my duty as a wife."

At the same time, the black-bellied little loli who was on the ground stood up at this moment, snorted lightly and said, "Big sister, bring me one tonight."

If it had changed in the past, Liu Zhaoyun might not want the little loli to disturb her and Gao Yang's two-person world.

But today he unexpectedly nodded and said, "Okay!"

With Liu Zhaoyun's consent, the little loli gave Gao Yang a "hehe" smile and said, "You like the splits, don't you? I'll give you a 0.1 performance tonight."

"Damn, this is miserable!"

Seeing that little Lolita was also participating tonight, the corners of Gao Yang's mouth twitched violently.

What is called bad oil, the behavior of little loli is typical now.

It's clear that it's a tendency to take advantage of your illness to kill you

Sure enough, there is no good thing if you are too proud.

This time it's off!

Then, with a wry smile, Gao Yang got up again and went back upstairs.

If you don't leave now, Gao Yang probably will join Mo Xiaomeng, Qin Yaqin and Mao Erniang in a while, besides Little Lolita.

At that time, Gao Yang will not be as simple as asking for a day off.

I'm afraid I have to ask for three days of vacation.

Even Gao Yang's now strong kidneys might not be able to handle it. _

Chapter 501 This shit is trying to challenge his limits!

After returning to the room, Gao Yang first thought about the situation of using "Small Prophecy" before.

When facing the little Lolita, Gao Yang only consumed one-tenth of the energy.

But when facing Liu Zhaoyun, Gao Yang spent seven or eight of Gao Yang's own real energy.

The difference in this comparison is not insignificant.

Moreover, you must know that Gao Yang's control over the two women through the "Small Prophecy Technique" was just an insignificant act.

The most powerful thing in "Small Prophecy" is to forcibly reverse the behavior of the target, and even control the enemy to attack himself.

If this is the case, the real yuan consumed will definitely be much stronger than before.

Even in the face of the little lolita, Gao Yang reckoned that he could only use the "Small Prophecy" once to consume all of his true energy.

Let alone Liu Zhaoyun.

And this also depends on the mental strength of the target.

If the mental power is strong, Gao Yang will spend more real energy if he wants to control it.

If someone's mental power exceeds Gao Yang's, the effect of this "Small Prophecy" will be very short-lived after being used.

But Gao Yang is confident, with his current mental strength, unless it is those monks who are slanting their swords or special ghosts.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to be stronger than himself in terms of mental strength.

In other words, this "Small Prophecy" should be able to be used casually by Gao Yang against enemies whose level is lower than Gao Yang's.

But when faced with targets of the same level as yourself or one level higher than yourself, you need to think carefully when using it.

But even so, after the experiment just now, the value of this "Small Prophecy" is self-evident.

Used well, it is even an existence that can turn the tables in adversity.

And as the spell rune of this "Little Prophecy" is imprinted in the furnace, and as the level of Gao Yang's "Idol Suppressing Prison Strength" continues to increase, in the future, it will even be possible to use this spell rune as a starting point to make "Little Prophecy" Prophecy" evolves into supernatural powers.

At that time, it is not impossible to really reach the point of "following the words".

However, Gao Yang grinned when he thought of the subsequent price.

Little Lolita and Liu Zhaoyun.

You know, with the separation of the two souls in the little lolita, the cute little lolita Mo Xiaomeng and the black-bellied little lolita Mo Xiaoyu are like real twins.

Not only the thoughts of both parties, but even the feelings can be figured out.

For example, when someone touches the head of a dark-bellied little loli, the cute little loli also feels the same way.

So during this period of time, as long as it was Mo Xiaomeng or Mo Xiaoyu's turn, the other would follow along.

So, tonight, Gao Yang faced more than two.

And he meows three.

Moreover, Liu Zhaoyun asked herself to ask for leave tomorrow in advance.

Obviously tossing time is not only tonight.

"Ask for leave tomorrow! This damn is going to challenge my limit!"

Speaking of this, Gao Yang seems to be curious about where his limit is.

After all, after such a long time, it was tiring, but Gao Yang felt that he could still bear it.

But after thinking about it, Gao Yang felt that it is better not to know this limit!

Especially the girls there.

Because Gao Yang can be sure that once the girls know where their limit is, Gao Yang will probably continue to wander on the edge of the limit in the future.

Then the degree of hard work is definitely much more than before.

"It doesn't matter, upgrade first, wait until you enter the Humane Realm, and depending on the situation at that time, maybe you can do it with ease."

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