My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 665

Thinking this way in his heart, after taking a light breath, Gao Yang has already put his attention into the system.

With the successive incidents that happened some time ago, Gao Yangcun's system points have reached 150,000.

Even if he piled up the remaining spells to perfection and then condensed spell runes and branded them in his furnace, Gao Yang still has about 100,000 system points left.

With Gao Yang's current experience, only tens of thousands of system points are needed.

Soon, as a large number of system points dropped sharply, Gao Yang's experience value on the eighth floor of "Shenxiang Suppressing Prison Strength" also skyrocketed.

In an instant, Gao Yang's true energy was running crazily at this moment.

The strengthened cells in the body also lit up one by one.

Under the golden light, Gao Yang's whole body looks golden at this moment.

Waves of fluctuations continuously rushed out of Gao Yang's body, causing the Yin Qi in the room to be directly expelled by the continuous fluctuations emitted by Gao Yang's body.

Just like Gao Yang's guess before.

With the continuous improvement of "Shen Xiang Prison Strength", more cells in Gao Yang's body will also be opened up.

Just like at this moment, under the blessing of the huge amount of energy in the body, more and more cells in Gao Yang's body were also opened up.

And each of these opened up cells contains a trace of the power of the gods.

You must know that the special cells in Gao Yang's body have changed from the original 9.99 billion to the current 99.9 billion.

Also at this moment, the energy in Gao Yang's body was exhausted.

Seeing this, Gao Yang quickly said in his heart: "System, strengthen the ninth layer of "Shen Xiang Prison Strength" for me."

"Ding, it takes 10,000 system points to strengthen the ninth layer of "Shen Xiang Prison Strength", do you choose to strengthen?"

Although he had expected it, Gao Yang paused when he saw the quotation from the system, and then gritted his teeth and said, "Strengthen"

The moment the voice fell, as Gao Yang's system points dropped by 10,000 again by 780 times, a burst of information flooded into Gao Yang's body.

And at the moment when these information appeared in Gao Yang's brain, the movement route of the exercises in Gao Yang's body changed again.

While the energy is constantly condensing and pulling, special veins are actually built by these energies.

Immediately afterwards, during the constant operation and changes of this exercise, energy and true essence began to frantically pour into the furnace of Gao Yang's body.

In the cauldron of Gao Yang's body, apart from the phantom of the original idol, there were also phantoms of eight other idols condensed.

Nine-headed idols are located in Gao Yang's body, standing in a special position.

And when the phantoms of the nine gods were completely condensed, the spell runes in the Gaoyang furnace also floated out of the furnace.

After these spell runes spun a few times in the air, they chose a phantom of an idol to melt into it.

And after these spell runes rushed into the body and then imprinted on the heads of these idol phantoms, a strong wave rushed out of Gao Yang's body.

Under these fluctuations, the yin energy in the room was actually pushed out of the room.

However, at this moment, Gao Yang, who had his eyes closed, suddenly frowned slightly. _

Chapter 502 Damn it! This bastard has advanced again!

At this moment, Gao Yang suddenly felt a strong coercion in his heart.

And the place where this coercion came from belongs to the sky where Gao Yang is.

Sensing this movement, Gao Yang raised his brows and spread his consciousness.

In an instant, Gao Yang had already noticed the dark cloud gathering over his villa at this moment.

In the cloud layer, streaks of purple zixiaolei continued to permeate.

At the same time, Liu Zhaoyun and the girls in the living room also felt the pressure permeating the room at the moment.

Feeling the familiar pressure, Liu Zhaoyun raised her brows lightly, and quickly glanced at the living room. After a few women with stable Yin Qi in their bodies, after confirming that it wasn't a thunderstorm caused by a few women's breakthrough, Liu Zhaoyun quickly turned her head to look Go upstairs to the room where Gao Yang is at the moment.

The other women also turned their heads to look upstairs one after another.

"Damn it! This bastard has advanced again! Why is he so fast?"

Even more angrily, little loli hit the tea table in front of her with her small fist, causing Gao Yang's talisman condensed on the tea table to spread out a golden ripple.

Not to mention the little loli, even Liu Zhaoyun on the side was a little scared at the moment.

Noticing the reactions of Liu Zhaoyun, Xiao Luoli and other girls, Qin Yaqin was a little puzzled and said, "Why do you all react so strongly when you see Gao Yang's promotion?"

Hearing Qin Yaqin's words, little loli snorted and said, "What do you know? According to what the eldest sister said, Gao Yang was an ordinary person who had never practiced half a year ago, and now he is about to break through to level nine."

As soon as these words came out, Qin Yaqin was startled.

Although Qin Yaqin is a ghost.

But after spending so long outside, he also has a certain understanding of the situation of monks.

Therefore, Qin Yaqin also knew how strong Gao Yang's strength and cultivation were.

Looking at the current practice world, I'm afraid there is no monk with stronger cultivation base and strength than Gao Yang.

But now, Qin Yaqin learned that it only took half a year for Gao Yang to reach his current height.

How could this not surprise Qin Yaqin?

Therefore, even if the fruit in his hand fell to the ground, Qin Yaqin didn't notice it at the moment.

If you want to say that the most surprised person in the room is definitely Liu Zhaoyun.

To put it bluntly, Gao Yang's growth was almost noticed by Liu Zhaoyun.

It was also like this, watching Gao Yang's progress, the fluctuations in Liu Zhaoyun's heart became more intense.

Originally, Liu Zhaoyun thought that in terms of cultivation, she always had to be one step ahead of Gao Yang, so that she could keep steady pressure on Gao Yang and get it all at once.

But how could Gao Yang's progress be so fast.

It stands to reason that when practicing, whether it is a ghost or a monk, it is more difficult as you go to the back.

But this seems to be completely inapplicable to Gao Yang.

Therefore, facing Gao Yang's cultivation progress like a rocket, at this moment Liu Zhaoyun felt somewhat frustrated for the first time.

It's just that this frustration lasted for a short time.

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