My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 666

After a few seconds, an arc was raised from the corner of Liu Zhaoyun's mouth.

After all, Gao Yang is their man.

The stronger Gao Yang's strength and cultivation, the better for Liu Zhaoyun and the others.

After all, who would dislike the fact that their man is getting more and more awesome?

"However, I don't know what it's like to be a little man in our family after being promoted~?"

Immediately afterwards, for some unknown thought, the smile on Liu Zhaoyun's face became even more intense.

On the other side, in the gym, Gao Yang couldn't help muttering as he felt the constantly growing Jieyun in the sky.

"Will tribulation thunder appear when a monk breaks through the ninth-level Yang God Realm and enters the Human Dao Realm?"

But robbery is something that others are afraid of, but Gao Yang doesn't care at all.

After tilting his head, Gao Yang was ready to get up and go outside to survive the tribulation.

However, before Gao Yang could make a move, the purple moiré between Gao Yang's eyebrows lit up.

Also at the moment when this purple cloud pattern lit up, Jieyun, which was frantically absorbing the condensed Yin Qi around it, paused slightly.

Immediately afterwards, in Gao Yang's perception, the robbery cloud that had been hovering above the villa actually dissipated directly.

Sensing the scattered Jieyun in the midair in his consciousness, Gao Yang grinned.

At the same time as these magic runes imprinted into the phantoms of the gods, streams of energy had already rushed into Gao Yang's body from the phantoms of the gods.

Under these energies, I can clearly feel that my body is pierced by thousands of small needles.

And under these little pains, Gao Yang could clearly feel the changes in his body.

It's as if some of the original profit and loss places are gradually being filled up.

And as these energies continued to pour into his body, Gao Yang also suddenly had a strange feeling emerged in his body.

It's like there is more connection between myself and the world!

And in this kind of connection, Gao Yang suddenly found that he could feel some things between heaven and earth that he couldn't feel before.

Even in his consciousness, Gao Yang could still see some thread-like things wrapped around his body.

It's just that these lines all rise into the surrounding void, making it unclear where they are connected.

Gao Yang, who has studied the "Small Prophecy", naturally knows that the thread-like things around him are some causal threads on his body.

Any person will have a certain number of causal lines.

And these causal lines are the media that connects oneself and other people or other things.

The Buddha said that all things in the world cannot escape the cycle of cause and effect.

Once a new situation arises, a new line of cause and effect will appear in this person.

Through this causal line will produce a series of subsequent reactions.

Strictly speaking, Gao Yang's "Small Prophecy" is to move these causal lines, so that the target will take some actions next.

It's just that the previous Gao Yang could see very few causal lines.

There are only a few at most.

It's totally not like now, with dozens of causal threads winding around him.

Immediately afterwards, Gao Yang glanced at the black thunder (manohao) power around the phantom of the idol in his furnace, and Gao Yang narrowed his eyes slightly.

".〃With entering the ninth floor, have the power of these spells been further strengthened?"

After all the energy from the furnace was integrated into Gao Yang's body, and Gao Yang's body was tempered again, Gao Yang slowly stood up.

It was also in the process of standing up from the ground that Gao Yang's bones and even the meridians all made strange noises.

At the same time, an extraordinarily relaxed feeling appeared in Gao Yang's body along with the out-of-phase sounds of these bone sounds.

Out of curiosity, Gao Yang opened the system panel with a thought.

"Host: Gao Yang"

"Gongfa: God Elephant Suppressing Prison Strength (Ninth Floor)"

"Strength: 8510"

"Agility: 7600"

"Physique: 7785 farmers"

"Spiritual Power: 5213"

"Yang Qi: 10 million/10 million"

"System points: 54865"_

Chapter 503 It is said that women in the city are tigers who can eat people

It is said that when you get used to anything, you will get used to it.

It stands to reason that after half a year, seeing his strength and attribute panel improving step by step, Gao Yang should be calm.

But when looking at the various data on the attribute panel, Gao Yang couldn't help showing a satisfied smile on his face.

Then after a pause, Gao Yang thought.

When the true energy in the body was circulating, one after another true energy burst out from Gao Yang's body, and then filled the entire room in this spreading room.

As the whole room was filled with Gao Yang's true essence, after a slight pause, Gao Yang didn't make the slightest movement, and afterimages appeared one after another in the room.

But in just a few seconds, dozens of afterimages appeared in the room.

Glancing at the slowly dissipating afterimages around him, Gao Yang narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling somewhat surprised in his heart.

Although it was just a simple attempt, at this moment Gao Yang can clearly confirm that after entering the ninth floor of "Shen Xiang Prison Strength", his strength has definitely increased by more than ten times compared to before.

You must know that the 053 of Gao Yang's practice is "Shen Xiang Prison Strength", which is a hundred times more difficult than ordinary monks.

Therefore, every time he was promoted, the changes in Gao Yang's strength were definitely not comparable to ordinary monks and ghosts after they were promoted.

Not only can he be invincible in the same class, but even leapfrog battles are not a big problem.

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