My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 667

Even Gao Yang once thought that he could handle with ease in the hands of Nether-level ghosts.

But after Gao Yang broke through and entered the Human Dao Realm at this moment, Gao Yang discovered how powerful the Human Dao Realm is.

If Gao Yang in the past met an ordinary ghost of the Nether level, Gao Yang might be able to forcibly harden the steel by relying on various hole cards.

But if you meet a special ghost like Liu Zhaoyun or Zhao Wan'er who has reached the Nether level.

Gao Yang probably died very rhythmically.

To put it bluntly, although there is only one realm difference between the Human Dao Realm and the ninth-level Yang God Realm, the gap between them is a world of difference.

If it is said that the previous Heavenly Master Realm and even the ninth-level Yangshen Realm enabled monks to mobilize part of the power of heaven and earth to defend against enemies or defend themselves.

Then the human realm (bfcb), in addition to the improvement of various aspects such as physical attributes and true essence, the biggest change is to use one's own true essence and the power of heaven and earth to form a domain-like environment around oneself.

In this domain, Gao Yang could clearly feel the changes in his consciousness and body after all the true energy filled the room.

Compared with normal times, perception, speed, and even strength have been significantly improved by more than three times.

This kind of improvement is definitely not as simple as one plus one.

To put it bluntly, with the current Gao Yang, he can definitely beat himself at the ninth level of the Yang God Realm ten times.

It's no wonder that when Gao Yang got along with Liu Zhaoyun before, he could always feel that the fifty meters around Liu Zhaoyun was echoed by a kind of yin energy that seemed to exist and not exist.

However, Yang Qi has increased to 10 million, and his physique has skyrocketed now.

If Gao Yang could last for two or three hours at a time in the past, now, Gao Yang reckons he can last for four or five hours!

Thinking of it this way, Gao Yang felt a lot more confident.

Thinking of this, Gao Yang couldn't help snorting softly.

"Sooner or later, one day, I will marry all the girls at once! Let you know what cruelty and begging for mercy are."

However, just when this idea just appeared, Gao Yang pondered for a while.

You know, my daughter-in-law is not an ordinary person.

If it was an ordinary woman, don't talk about it for a few hours, you will have to cry for an hour.

Therefore, it seems that to Gao Yang, the length of time does not seem to be important to his several wives.

After all, the bodies of these women belong to spirit bodies.

Moreover, it seems that the longer the time, the more tired it should be me.

Unless all the girls have entered the level of the ghost king, then the spirit body will further materialize.

At that time, the feelings in all aspects will be more obvious.

Calculated in this way, if you really want to let the girls beg for mercy, you have to wait until you find a way to feed the girls to the realm of ghost kings?

After all the calculations, it seems that apart from perhaps being able to last longer in terms of physical strength, it is the women who have taken advantage of it, not myself.

At this thought, the corner of Gao Yang's mouth twitched violently.

Then he glanced at the system panel in his mind again.

Look at those boosted stats above.

I want, what is the use of this promotion?

Hi, so angry! But there is nothing I can do.

Obviously at this moment Gao Yang entered the Human Realm, he should have been extremely happy, but why Mao Gaoyang suddenly felt that he had entered the Human Realm but couldn't be happy at all?

It is said that women in the city are tigers who can eat people.

But there is a limit to the tiger's food intake.

But my own daughters-in-law, how can they be tigers.

They are obviously gluttons in good-looking skins.

The kind that can't get enough.

Skull hurts!

The practice time was over, and Gao Yang walked down the stairs slowly with a feeling of apprehension mixed with some anticipation.

Almost at the moment when Gao Yang just walked down the stairs, Liu Zhaoyun and the two little girls on the sofa turned their heads to look at Gao Yang.

The eyes of the two little lolitas were filled with anticipation.

And Liu Zhaoyun looked at Gao Yang with interest.

After Gao Yang sat beside her, Liu Zhaoyun sized up Gao Yang a little bit, feeling the faint power coming from Gao Yang, Liu Zhaoyun raised her eyebrows lightly.

Liu Zhaoyun couldn't be more clear about Gao Yang's strength.

In the past, even at the ninth level of the Yang God Realm, Liu Zhaoyun reckoned that she would have to do her best to take Gao Yang down.

But now, as Gao Yang's cultivation has entered the human realm, Liu Zhaoyun reckons that she is no longer Gao Yang's opponent.

Seeing Gao Yang, who was weak at the beginning, grow step by step to be stronger than herself, this also made Liu Zhaoyun feel a little nervous.

"It seems that I have to work hard recently!"

Thoughts fell in her heart, when she looked at Gao Yang, Liu Zhaoyun raised her hand gently to pick Gao Yang's chin and said, "Little man, it's getting late!"

After speaking, after signaling to the two little lolis on one side, the three girls got up slowly and went upstairs.

Gao Yang's face darkened when he saw the three girls looking back at him three times a step at a time.

I just went downstairs, don't you give me a chance to take a rest?

"Oh! Woman!"

After sighing in his heart, Gao Yang took out his mobile phone and sent Zhou Qi a message asking for leave for himself, then walked up the stairs step by step. _

Chapter Five Hundred and Four

Liu Zhaoyun thought she was a promise-worthy person, just like today, when she asked Gao Yang to ask for leave, she asked for leave.

And now that Gao Yang has entered the ninth floor of "Shen Xiang Prison Power", with the value of Yang Qi reaching 10 million, there is no need to worry about Yang Qi at all.

Basically, it only consumes a few hundred points and replenishes it in the next second.

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