My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 676

And staring at the more than two hundred monks and people from the Secret Service who stood at the door together and bowed their heads without saying a word.

Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu who were beside Gao Yang looked at Gao Yang in front of them and couldn't help showing envy in their eyes.

This is the deterrent force from the boss.

Even if they just stood here motionless, most people wouldn't dare to take half a step beyond the threshold, it was simply domineering. _

Chapter 511 This is the benefit of being strong

However, if Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu could see Gao Yang's slightly gloomy face at this moment, maybe they wouldn't think so.

Gao Yang sighed in his heart when he glanced at the monks and the people from the Secret Service who were standing still and staring at him carefully outside the door.

To tell the truth, Gao Yang felt a little secretly pleased that more than two hundred people could all stand still because they were afraid of him.

But the question is, if these people don't move, how can Gao Yang test it?

Therefore, after another minute, Gao Yang finally lost the idea of ​​continuing to play staring games with these people.

After sighing, Gao Yang pointed directly at a cultivator outside the door who had a Yang Commander in his body and said, "You, come here!"

Pointed at by Gao Yang, the cultivator trembled.

Then, facing the attention of other people around, the cultivator gave a dry laugh and said, "Well, I'm not in a hurry!"

However, just after the sound fell, a purple flash of light flashed in the air and disappeared, and when a big hole about half a meter in front of the monk was blown out, the monk's face was already 15 pale. stand up.

At the same time, Gao Yang also rang out with a bit of impatience, "Come here as soon as I tell you to come, what's the matter, hurry up!"

This is the benefit of being powerful.

Be self-willed, don't need excessive nonsense.

Forced by Gao Yang's powerless threat, the monk hesitated for a while and could only step over the gate and stand one meter away from Gao Yang as Gao Yang said, looking at Gao Yang nervously.

Seeing this, Gao Yang glanced at the monk who stepped through the door, then called a monk who didn't have a Yang Commander in his body.

However, what surprised Gao Yang was that this monk also passed through the gate safely.

Seeing this scene, Gao Yang couldn't help being puzzled.

Originally, Gao Yang thought that if he wanted to enter the mausoleum, only those who had the Yang Commander in their body would be right.

But now people who don't have the Yang Commander can pass.

In that case, what exactly is the energy at the gate of the mausoleum detecting?

However, just as Gao Yang was puzzled, the system's notification sound suddenly appeared in Gao Yang's mind.

"Ding, an evil spirit has been detected, target level evaluation: one-turn spirit blood corpse"

"Spiritual blood corpse, what, a new species?"

Sensing the system's notification tone, Gao Yang couldn't help muttering in his heart.

At the same time, in Gao Yang's consciousness, he also felt several figures approaching.

The other figures are as usual, and there is no problem with the fluctuation of spiritual power in the body of ordinary monks.

Only one of the female monks, who looked delicate, had hidden spiritual power in her body, and Gao Yang clearly felt the breath of corpse blood from this female monk.

Realizing this, Gao Yang couldn't help but let out a little surprise.

The ghosts or living people that Gao Yang met before were infested by corpse blood evil spirits, all of them contained strong corpse blood evil fluctuations.

That situation is as conspicuous as someone wearing a dark night suit in broad daylight.

But looking at which female cultivator at this moment, if it weren't for Gao Yang's powerful spiritual consciousness and systematic detection, she would really not be able to detect the fluctuations of corpse blood in her body.

At first glance, he looked like an ordinary monk.

At this time, I suddenly thought of what happened during the fifth blood moon.

Immediately, after narrowing his eyes slightly, Gao Yang had a faint guess in his heart.

And the moment these people arrived, Gao Yang pointed at the female monk over there and said, "You, come here!"

Originally, these people had just arrived here, and they didn't understand what it was like to be surrounded by so many people. Now that they heard what Gao Yang said, the monks around were all taken aback.

And a companion next to the female monk hesitated for a moment and asked, "What's the matter, senior?"

Obviously, this person also knew Gao Yang's identity, and his attitude was relatively relaxed when he spoke.

And the female monk lowered her head slightly, as if out of fear.

It's just that in Gao Yang's consciousness, he clearly saw the moment when the female monk lowered her head, and a bloody light flashed in her eyes.

Seeing this, Gao Yang didn't bother to talk nonsense.

The true essence rushed out of the body quickly, and then rushed towards the female monk, directly pulling the female monk towards him.

Gao Yang's action here was too sudden and too fast.

By the time the others reacted, the female cultivator had already been dragged to the gate of the Mausoleum under the control of Gao Yang's true energy.

However, just when this female monk was about to pass through the gate of the mausoleum.

In Gao Yang's line of sight, the plaque on the top of the gate and the couplets on both sides are full of blue light.

The next moment, in Gao Yang's perception, a blue mask suddenly appeared at the gate.

And the moment this female monk hit the gate, she was bounced back.

"I see."

Seeing this scene, Gao Yang suddenly realized what the energy contained in the gate was detecting.

It turned out to be guarding against corpse blood evil.

According to Gao Yang's understanding, the places of inheritance are almost all things that monks would do thousands of years ago.

And those who can create a land of inheritance can imagine the level of cultivation.

But such a person will be on guard against corpse blood evil.

The information revealed here is a bit worth thinking about.

"Boss, what's going on?"

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