My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 677

Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu are not stupid, they know that Gao Yang will not waste time here for no reason.

So seeing that 387 couldn't pass through this door, both of them realized something was wrong.

Hearing this, Gao Yang said calmly: "This guy has been corroded by corpse blood! So the gate of the mausoleum reacted."

"Corpse Blood Demon?"

Both Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu were slightly startled.

And the expressions of many people in the Secret Service in the distance also changed.

Only those monks all looked blank.

At the same time, as the body bounced away from the blue barrier, the blood-colored spiritual power on the female cultivator just now burst out suddenly, and after a low growl, she turned around and turned into bloody light and fled towards the distance.

However, before the female monk ran away, there was a roar of thunder.

A ray of purple light had already broken through layers of space and landed directly on the body of this female cultivator, piercing her body directly.

"Liu Lin!"

Seeing that his companion was killed by Gao Yang in this way, a male monk who looked like he was in his thirties and had reached the sixth level of the little celestial master who was with this female monk had already exclaimed and hurriedly moved to this place. side of the nuns.

But at the moment when the male monk picked up the female monk, the female monk in his arms suddenly opened her eyes.

At the same time, a streak of blood spewed out from the female monk's mouth and rushed towards the male monk. _

Chapter 512 Empty the Mausoleum Palace



Just before the bloody light entered the male monk's nausea, a thunder force shot out from one side, directly wrapped up the bloody light and pulled it into Gao Yang's body.

On the other hand, the male monk, as the beam of blood was pulled away from him by Gao Yang, he seemed to have regained his ability to move.

While breathing a long sigh of relief, he was already slumped on the ground, and his entire back was instantly soaked in cold sweat.

After grabbing the "Corpse Blood Fiend" and throwing it to the Yang Commander in his body, Gao Yang glanced at the male monk sitting on the ground paralyzed over there, and Gao Yang asked Fang Tiancheng suspiciously.

"Didn't the Secret Service tell the people in the practice world about the bloody corpse?"

Fang Tiancheng shook his head and said, "Not yet, after all, the Special Service Department hasn't thoroughly researched this blood corpse."

Seeing this, Gao Yang shrugged his shoulders, then turned and walked towards the mausoleum.

Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu followed closely behind Gao Yang.

At the same time, the group of monks outside the door watched Gao Yang turn around and enter the mausoleum, and I don't know how many of them heaved a sigh of relief.

Then other people rushed into the mausoleum one by one, for fear of falling behind others.

He moved quickly in this mausoleum, but the longer he stayed in this mausoleum, the more doubts in Gao Yang's heart.

After a while, Gao Yang still couldn't hold back and asked: "Is it so calm in this inheritance place?"

You know, even if those high-ranking officials and nobles or the royal family were buried in ancient times, there would be a lot of organs in the cemetery.

So when he came here, Gao Yang thought that there would be quite a lot of traps in it.

But after several minutes, Gao Yang and the others didn't even encounter any obstacles.

Speaking of this, Fang Tiancheng was also a little puzzled, and said with a somewhat puzzled expression: "I'm also surprised by this, I heard that when those inheritances were opened, it can be said that they were close to death.

This time, it was a little too smooth! It's been so long, even the organs and traps are every ¨`. "

Taoist Yuxu on the side said humanely: "Actually, it's not surprising, after all, when we first entered this place of inheritance, those streamers brought us great benefits.

Even the seniors in the practice world, there are quite a few of them who are upright and have good intentions. Perhaps the original purpose of the seniors who built this place of inheritance is to take care of those who enter the place of inheritance later. "

Gao Yang thought about it, and felt that it was not impossible.

After all, not everyone is evil in their hearts, harming others and benefiting themselves.

This mausoleum extends in all directions, and there are many rooms contained in it.

Its scale is not inferior to those ancient palaces at all.

And on the maps contained in the streamers before, although the locations of the resources in each mausoleum are marked.

But it is not centralized storage.

Perhaps it was expected that there would be many people entering the mausoleum in the future, so many rooms were filled with items such as pills, elixir, and spirit treasures.

In Gao Yang's situation, relying on the system, there is no need to worry about things like skills and weapons.

So if he had to count, Gao Yang might be able to use such things as pills and elixir.

But Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu are different!

After all, the two are only at level six. Strictly speaking, resources in all aspects are scarce.

If they had followed Gao Yang, their gains would have been even worse.

Therefore, Gao Yang proposed to act separately,

Hearing what Gao Yang said, the two hesitated for a while and then nodded.

After all, both of them still have the talisman that Gao Yang gave when they were looking for the soul of the little loli before. As long as there is a problem, Gao Yang can feel it immediately through the talisman on the two of them.

Therefore, the following Gao Yang walked in the mausoleum leisurely like a visitor.

When he entered a room marked with elixir on a map, Gao Yang frowned slightly as he saw the dazzling array of elixir in the room.

I don't know how many years this place has existed, so Gao Yang was curious whether the medicinal properties of the elixir that existed here had been completely lost.

But now it seems that the medicinal properties in this elixir are all complete.

Moreover, the elixir in this stone room is almost all elixir of more than ten thousand years.

There are also many elixir that have been extinct.

Therefore, Gao Yang's eyes were shining when looking at these elixir.

It's just that Gao Yang looked disgusted when he looked at the panacea in the room.

The reason is very simple, the panaceas in this room are basically low-level panaceas.

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