My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 695

After all, he is the leader of the Secret Service No. 7. Hearing Gao Yang's words, it is not clear that Gao Yang wants to trade with them with the inheritance crystal.

It's easy to talk to smart people.

Seeing that Jiang Yongning was bright at one point, Gao Yang smiled and said: "I am not too demanding. This inheritance crystal contains seventy-three exercises, and there are hundreds of techniques, each of which is suitable for the kind of dead body. The evil spirits or ghosts eroded by the blood demon have a certain degree of restraint.

Three thousand five-level ghost beads, two thousand six-level ghost beads, this inheritance crystal belongs to your Secret Service. "

A fifth-level ghost bead is equivalent to 20 system points, while a sixth-level ghost bead is equivalent to fifty system points.

Two thousand five-level ghost beads and one thousand six-level ghost beads are equivalent to 160,000 system points.

Add the remaining system points of Gao Yang and the 10,000 system points obtained from killing the blood-circulating corpse before.

Gao Yang needs one-third of the experience points needed to upgrade to the next level.

Hearing Gao Yang's quotation, Jiang Yongning smiled wryly and said: "Mr. Gao is willing to hand over the inheritance crystal to our Secret Service. Our Special Service is naturally happy, but the price Mr. Gao said, our Special Service really can't afford it." .”

Gao Yang said in astonishment: "Can't get it out? How could it be? My offer shouldn't be too difficult for your Secret Service."

You know, it's not half a year ago now.

With the current fifth blood moon, basically the number of ghosts at level 5 and level 6 has increased significantly.

Even in Jinhua City, there are probably about a thousand ghosts of level 5 and level 6 in total.

Not to mention the other places add up.

It stands to reason that during this period of time, the Secret Service should have harvested a large number of fifth-level or sixth-level ghost beads.

How could it be too big to take out?

And Gao Yang didn't think that Jiang Yongning would lie to himself about this matter.

After all, the meaning and importance of what is contained in this inheritance crystal to the Secret Service is absolutely huge.

As far as Gao Yang knows, although the people in the Secret Service now practice all the skills and techniques brought out by forces such as Longhushan and Tianshifu.

But as a practice (bfac) sect, how could it be possible to hand over the core skills and techniques to the official people?

Therefore, the skills and techniques mastered by those in the Secret Service are basically third-rate.

With the skills and spells in the inheritance crystal in Gao Yang's hands, it is absolutely possible to improve the strength of the Secret Service in a very short period of time.

So in comparison, a little ghost bead is not much less valuable than this inheritance crystal in Gao Yang's hand.

Later, in Jiang Yongning's explanation, Gao Yang knew exactly what was going on.

In this world, there has never been a quiet time.

Some are just other people carrying the weight for you.

So far, Huaxia has been able to maintain stability and prosperity, almost all relying on the official people, the secret operations of the Secret Service, and the sacrifices of a group of Secret Service personnel.

Therefore, the Secret Service also needs to continuously cultivate enough new people so that the current peace can be maintained in an orderly manner.

During this period of time, although the Secret Service took many actions, countless ghosts were wiped out every day.

But if you want the horse to run, you must let the horse eat grass.

In order to improve the strength of the staff of the secret service as soon as possible, the secret service originally took the route of supporting war with war.

The ghost beads harvested are basically used to cultivate elixir or cultivate new people.

Moreover, it is necessary to maintain the consumption of hundreds of thousands of people in each special service distribution.

The amount of ghost beads consumed every day is unimaginable for ordinary people.

Even if there are ghost beads, very few can survive.

After understanding this point, Gao Yang fell silent.

After a while, Gao Yang sighed and lifted the pitcher lightly, throwing the inheritance crystal taken out directly to Jiang Yongning.

After Jiang Yongning took it in a hurry, Gao Yang casually said in Jiang Yongning's and Yan Rou's bewilderment: "I've given it to you. If you want to give it to the ghost bead, please watch it!"

After speaking, Gao Yang waved his hand to greet Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu, and then left.

And looking at the inheritance crystal in his hand, and then at Gao Yang's back, Jiang Yongning also had a smile on his face.

Yan Rou glanced at the inheritance crystal in Jiang Yongning's hand, and said in a somewhat surprised tone, "Mr. Gao is so happy this time?"

Hearing this, Jiang Yongning said with a smile: "Some people already have a benchmark in their hearts, knowing when to do something.

So after knowing the situation of our Secret Service, from the overall situation, Mr. Gao will not be too persuasive, which is very different from those forces in the practice world. "

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yongning glanced at the inheritance crystal in his hand and sighed: "At first, I thought we could postpone it for a while until it was completely safe, but now it seems that we can only advance it."_

Chapter 529 You will break each neck

On the way down from Jiuyi Mountain slowly, Fang Tiancheng asked: "Big brother directly threw that inheritance crystal to the Secret Service. Those people in the cultivation world will probably have a lot of opinions if they know about it."

Hearing this, Gao Yang said calmly: "Things are mine, and I can give them to whoever I like, so what if they have opinions?"

Taoist Yuxu sighed and said, "Although that's the case, they naturally dare not offend the boss, but I'm afraid there will be some troubles on the side of the Secret Service!"

Gao Yang shrugged his shoulders and said, "Do you think Jiang Yongning and the others are stupid? Giving this thing to them doesn't mean that the Secret Service will monopolize this~thing."

As soon as these words came out, Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu instantly understood.

In the daze of the two, Gao Yang continued: "Once people from other cultivation worlds come, Jiang Yongning and the others can also share the exercises and spells in the inheritance crystal!"

The spells in the inheritance crystal all have a restraining effect on corpse blood evil.

To be honest, the more people who know these spells, the more benefits there will be when encountering ghosts or evil spirits corrupted by corpse blood.

Taoist Yuxu shook his head and said: "This kind of thing can only be done by big bosses. If it is the strength of the cultivation world, I am afraid that it will stick to these things and not spread it to the outside world."

Fang Tiancheng nodded and said: "That's right, after all, people in the cultivation world probably won't hand it over until the last moment, but handing it over at that time probably won't make much sense.

And compared to people in the practice world, the Secret Service is indeed more trustworthy. "

Hearing what Fang Tiancheng said, Gao Yang shook his head lightly.

It's not that Gao Yang doesn't believe in the Secret Service, but that although the Secret Service has made rapid progress, its foundation is too weak.

Gao Yang is also not sure if after the ninth blood moon, the Secret Service can grow into a towering tree to surround human beings.

Fang Tiancheng and Taoist Yuxu were very happy after getting new exercises and techniques.

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