My Female Ghost is Super Fierce

My Female Ghost Is Super Fierce Chapter 696

But now that they learned the reason for this great change in the world and the enemy they will face next, the two of them couldn't be happier.

And Gao Yang didn't stay with the two of them any longer.

After a gesture, he set off and went back home.

When he returned home and looked at Zhao Wan'er in the living room, Gao Yang asked in amazement: "Is the matter settled?"

Hearing Gao Yang's words, Zhao Wan'er shook her head and said, "The matter is more serious than I imagined."

As she spoke, Zhao Wan'er told the story again.

According to what Zhao Wan'er said, in the few days since returning to Yuyang City, Zhao Wan'er alone has found nearly a hundred ghosts that were infested by corpse blood.

And some of them, some other ordinary ghosts don't even notice it.

On the contrary, it was Zhao Wan'er who was aware of it because of the reminder of the black fire in her body.

Hearing this, Gao Yang said, "I already know the reason for the revival of ghost energy today."

Afterwards, Gao Yang told the girls in detail what happened in the Land of Inheritance today.

Unlike Jiang Yongning, Gao Yang even talked about Li Wanshan in detail when facing the girls.

After telling the whole story and the situation one by one, the expressions of the women also became serious.

After thinking for a while, Liu Zhaoyun said: "If it's according to what you said! Since the monks and ghosts on the earth joined together to wipe out the influence of the corpse blood last time, why seal the earth again? "

Seeing Liu Zhaoyun's immediate reaction, Gao Yang couldn't help but lament that she is indeed the maid of honor in his family, and she reacts really quickly when dealing with problems.

In fact, Gao Yang also thought about this problem when he came out of the inheritance land afterwards.

As Liu Zhaoyun asked, Li Wanshan's monks should have won that battle.

But why do you need to seal the whole earth afterwards? Cause the earth's aura to be exhausted and enter the Dharma-ending era?

This is obviously a bit superfluous.

It's a pity that Gao Yang suddenly thought of this question at this moment.

Now Li Wanshan's spiritual consciousness has completely dissipated, even if Gao Yang wants to know, he has no way of knowing.

Therefore, facing what Liu Zhaoyun said, Gao Yang said in a deep voice: "I have thought of this too, and there are only two possibilities for this situation to happen."

After saying that, after a pause, Gao Yang said slowly: "The first one is that Li Wanshan is lying.

The second type is that although Corpse Blood Fiend is just a nuisance, it is not what those monks and ghosts on earth feared the most. There are other things that really make those monks fear.

··· ···seeking flowers 0 ·······

It's just that Li Wanshan himself may not know it, so those monks will find a way to seal the earth. "

But the truth is which Gao Yang has no way of knowing now.

After a while, Zhao Wan'er looked at Gao Yang and asked, "What do you think about this matter?"

Hearing Zhao Wan'er's words, the other women turned their heads to look at Gao Yang.

Regarding this, after pondering for a while, Gao Yang shrugged and said: "What else can we do? Find a way to improve our strength! As long as our strength is strong enough, all problems will not be a problem."

Gao Yang never casually pinned his hopes on others.

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Instead of counting on those in the Secret Service or even in the practice world, Gao Yang might as well rely on himself and his family's wives.

As long as before the ninth blood moon, Gao Yang and the few daughter-in-laws in his family are strong enough to crush all existences.

Where will there be any problems at that time?

And it's different from last time.

According to Li Wanshan, the reason for such a major change last time was entirely because the time was too hasty.

It makes the practice world not have much preparation at all.

In addition, the erosion speed of those corpse blood demons is too fast, and the ghosts and evil spirits eroded by corpse blood demons are too weird.

All kinds of reasons are causing serious damage to the practice world.

But this time, Gao Yang already knew the information in advance.

And he already has a partial understanding of these blood corpses.

One year, although it may be said that for other monks, the progress may be limited.

But for Gao Yang, this time is not too short.

One must know that it has only been half a year since Gao Yang came into contact with cultivation.

Give Gao Yang another year, how far will Gao Yang grow?

With my own hard work, how high can my daughters-in-law grow to?

At that time, even if those corpses and bloody disasters appear in the world, the situation will be another matter.

You will break eight necks one by one. _

Chapter 530 No, these old women are uneasy and kind

After listening to what Gao Yang said, the girls felt that it was right.

No matter what the situation is, anyway, if you are strong, what is there to be afraid of?

No matter what changes in the world or conspiracies and tricks he has, they will all be wiped out if he is in a hurry.

Therefore, after listening to what Gao Yang said, the women also nodded.

After discussing the matter, Gao Yang also went back upstairs.

However, Gao Yang didn't notice that when he just went upstairs, the girls below suddenly gathered together.

In the past, Gao Yang was always curious about the reason for the revival of the ghost energy after the great change in the world, but now that he knows it, the natural pressure in Gao Yang's heart is naturally a little bit more.

And with the elixir obtained in the land of inheritance before, even with these strengthened elixir, Gao Yang's daily practice progress is absolutely considerable.

Ten minutes later, after Gao Yang completely digested the energy in a strengthened "Seven Seven Zero" Ten Thousand Years Elixir, a satisfied smile appeared on Gao Yang's face as he glanced at the 100,000 experience points added at this moment. emerge.

Although Gao Yang estimated before that these ten-thousand-year elixir, after being strengthened with system points, the effects brought about would be absolutely extraordinary.

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